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The 1st ANNUAL Swamp awards...


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Welcome friends young and younger to the first, and probably only, awards show for Yoda's Swamp. Here we will be awarding the following...





Best and worst avatar:

Best and worst names:

Best and worst titles:

Worst SPAMMER: Who Spams the most

The eldest member award: Who's been here the longest?

The next MOD award:

Admin and Mod list (thanks Matt-Windu)

Admin of the Year award:

Mod of the Year award:

Best Signature:

Most overused SMILEY:



Cast your votes. :D

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Originally posted by -=Chi3f=-

Welcome friends young and younger to the first, and probably only, awards show for Yoda's Swamp. Here we will be awarding the following...





Best and worst Avatar:

Best and worst names:

Best and worst titles:


The eldest member award:

The next MOD award:

Admin of the Year award:


Cast your votes. :D


Good idea! :)


Best avatar:Boba Rhett and the smoking Yoda

Worst avatar: Snailface. :) (no offense, snails freak me out)

Best name: "Who knows?"

worst name: Anything partaining to matt-windu. (other then matt-windu, of course)

Best spammer: Camus

Worst spammer: Tyrion

Eldest member award: Me ;)

Next MOD award: me again ;)

Admin of the year: Boba Rhett. :)

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Here are my votes


BEST Avatar: Power_ED

WORST Avatar: tusk_av1.gif


BEST Name: -=Chi3f=- :lol: ok ok.... I like #1 Flyin Fish

WORST Name: Darth_Fart_Sniffer


BEST Title: Nerf Herder

WORST Title: Manslave :rolleyes:


WORST Spammer: A guy named Tyrion... the original SPAM GOD (self appointed) Close second... Camus, the newly appointed Spamzilla


The eldest member award: Obi-wan13. 2nd place Redwing


The NEXT Mod award: Lexx :thumbsup: We like her the most, it's favoritism.


Mod of the Year award: matt-windu, for putting up with "Sneaky Bastard" wanna-bees



Most overused smiley: :D


EDIT: This post has been edited. :)

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Best and worst Avatar: Yom (best) cjais (worst)


Best and worst names: Reb Starblazer (best) DarkJediNut (worst)


Best and worst titles: Zindell's 'Insert Custom Title Here' (best) Gungan (worst)


Worst SPAMMER: Tyrion (sorry man:()


The eldest member award: Has to be Obi:D


The next MOD award: Sorry Obi, but you've had an award...Lexx is my choice!


Admin of the Year award: Boba Rhett...the only one I know...

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Best and worst Avatar: my delete *.* or mimas kitten(best) .... worst .... ne standard 1


Best and worst names: Darth Clems a cool name ...... worst .... Snailface (sorry man)


Best and worst titles: Lord of the pings (best) .... worst ..... Gungan


Worst SPAMMER: Tyrion

The eldest member award: Obi

The next MOD award: Me (yet again)

Admin of the Year award: Boba Rhett (even tho he didnt answer my pm!)

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Best avatar: My shaded shrooms :D


Worst Avatar: anything boring


Best name: Dissectional (cmon you know you like it :D)


Worst name: Jedi2k2 (boring :rolleyes: )


Best Title: mine when i reach 1000 posts, Cannabis Connoiseur


Worst title: Bantha Fodder


Worst spammer: ME! (jk i dont spam) prolly Tyrion


Eldest Member award: Redwing or obi


Next Mod: Lexx


Admin of the year award: Spy_jmr1 (i dunno, i just like him :D)

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Best Avatar: Don't have a choice....


Worst Avatar: cjais


Best name: Twins of Doom ( I don't why, it has a nice ring to it....)


Worst name: JEDI-OUTCAST (what? that is the single most stupid name. Were you drunk when registered? ;))


Worst SPAMMER: -=|Lyger|=- (What? I go on and I see 8+ threads by him on the screen, all about stupid and pointless things...


"ok, now kids. how do you put other sabers into the saber selection on jedimodplus?"

Hello, it's in the 2.2++ readme :rolleyes:


"Can i make my server better?"

Better connection

Beter Computer

'nuff said.


"Poll: NEW! what color lightsaber would you have??"

WTF? Aren't there alread two threads like this out?


"What clan do you hate? "

Are you trying to start a flame war?


I could go on, but then this post would last 10 pages.



The next MOD award: WE need a matrix loving mod!!! Lexx!


Admin of the Year award: Boba Rhett (the only one I ever see :))


Most overused SMILEY: :D

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Whohoo I got a Vote... Thanks Darklighter :thumbsup: (money's in the briefcase)


Too many people are voting for themselves it's kinda unfair.



Best and worst Avatar: Power_ed (best) whoever that pink one with writing belonged to.


Best and worst names: Kurgan only cuz i love highlander (best) Jedi2k2


Best and worst titles: Kal-El's Resident Jackass (best) The Spamian God of HELL!! (worst) sorry tyrion... promotes spam


Worst SPAMMER: Andrei555


The eldest member award: I don't know, this ones more fact than oppinion based.


The next MOD award: Obi-wan13 I hope.


Admin of the Year award: Seeing its limited to admins i'll say rhett


Most overused SMILEY: :D

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Originally posted by teutonicknight

Worst SPAMMER: -=|Lyger|=- (What? I go on and I see 8+ threads by him on the screen, all about stupid and pointless things...


YES i got voted FOR:) :D you made my day nick




Best Avatar: My Phantasy Star Online Avatar, that one guy with the Yoda Cola Avatar

Worst Avatar: ... i like everyones Avatar, but id have to go with that slug guy

Best Name: mine, come on kids its so unique i even got my own tag, my own little way of spelling Liger come on, or Tyrion, cause thats just plain ol bad ass OG style

Worst name: Mr.Blonde, come on we all know blondes are dumb right? well at least some of them.

Best Title: Jedi Master

Worst title: Tuskin Raider

Worst SPAMMER: -=Kal=El=- (or how ever you spell it)

The eldest member award: Redwing

The next MOD award: hmmm ???

Admin of the Year award: umm i dislike the admins

Most overused SMILEY: :D



Edit - i put someone other then me on the catagories i voted for my self.

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Hey Zindell, it is ok to vote for yourself if you seriously think you've earned it. Like i voted myself eldest member award for.........well........it's obvious. :)


So, if you think your title is the best or something, vote yourself. :)

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Powers !


No no no my nemisis !


The Best Title..............Dr. Evil


The Worst Title.........Austin Powers and anything to do with being Groovy, shagadelic or being a hipster...........



ugh I'm feeling quite sick......


You know Austin I have developed a new Mutated Sea Bass with a Light Saber Attached






*pinky to the lip* ;)

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best avatar: boba rhett's

worst: everyone's is pretty good i guess


best name: dont keep track of names

worst: see above


best title: i dunno

worst: im a cider drinker (sorry clem)


worst spammer: Camus


eldest member: obi-wan13


next mod: lexx


admin of the year: boba rhett


most ovely used smiley: :D by far

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Best Avatar: While I think Rhett's is great, that Yoda cola one is the best I've seen yet.


Worst Avatar: Sorry Snailface, but man, your Avatar just trips the frick right outta me


Best Name: "Who Knows?" is nice, and original


Worst Name: I have to agree with Teutonic Knight, "JEDI-OUTCAST" is the most unimaginiative name I've heard here.


Best Title: Kal-El's "Resident Jackass" was definetly the best(and most appropriate :D) title I've seen. I still think you're new one is really supposed to be "Trouble Maker"


Worst Title: Gungan? Seriously now, I make a couple hundred posts and get rewarded with becoming a Gungan? Oh happy day! ;) Don't even get me started on "Ewok"...


Worst Spammer: Actually, I think I'm going to have to say Camus on this one.


Eldest Member: Well, if we're talking about who's been here the longest, as opposed to who's actually the eldest,I guess it would be Obi-Wan13. As for the oldest member, I don't think anyone really knows.


The next mod award: I guess I'm going to have to say Obi-Wan13. I've thought that he should be the next mod long before I joined the Academy, just in case you're wondering.


Admin of the Year: Boba Rhett. He changed my alias for me:)


Most overused smilie: :guiness:


EDIT: Also, perhaps we should consider adding a "Best Signature Award"? And thanks for the nomination Darklighter, but I don't think my name is anything special :p




Mod of the year: Matt-Windu


Best Signature: I'll get back to this one

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Originally posted by Reb Starblazer

Best Title: Kal-El's "Resident Jackass" was definetly the best and most appropriate :D) title I've seen. I still think you're new one is really supposed to be "Trouble Maker"


Worst Spammer: Well the posts per day have it. Kal-El beats out Tyrion for worst spammer.


No, no Trouble Killer makes me sound like a good guy (which in fact I'm not :evil2::D)


and THANKS =)

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

Best spammer: Camus



Gee best spammer... What made you think of me???


Best Avatar: Boba Rhett

Worst avatar: snailface

best name: Everyones thats not insulting

worst name: Any name that is inuslting another fellow forum member...

Worst spammer: Me... :( around 280 posts in one day is not good... :(

The eldest member award: obi-wan13

The next MOD award: obi-wan13

Admin of the Year award: All the mods especially the onces that let my thread stay...

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Originally posted by =SSC=Kal-El

Thx Zindell =)


Thank you Lyger, and just to prove I'm worser than Tyrion =


Tyrion's estimate posts per day = 16.53


Mine = 21.46


Total Posts: 2009 (21.87 posts per day)


u calling me a spammer laddy boy!

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Originally posted by Exterminator234

best avatar: boba rhett's

worst: everyone's is pretty good i guess


best name: dont keep track of names

worst: see above


best title: i dunno

worst: im a cider drinker (sorry clem)


worst spammer: Camus


eldest member: obi-wan13


next mod: lexx


admin of the year: boba rhett


most ovely used smiley: :D by far


read it again .... been ages since i had cider drinker

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