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Sniping Strategy


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seeing doesnt show where you are, it shows where others are. and absorb only glows if someone does a force attack on you.

and yes kinnson you are right about the air thing, you can read what else the seeing doesnt protect in my first post.

and when you fully charge and snpie someone and they live, dont recharge allt he way again, a simple regular shot will be suffecient enough to kill them after that.

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Originally posted by Lightsaberboy

seeing doesnt show where you are, it shows where others are. and absorb only glows if someone does a force attack on you.

and yes kinnson you are right about the air thing, you can read what else the seeing doesnt protect in my first post.

and when you fully charge and snpie someone and they live, dont recharge allt he way again, a simple regular shot will be suffecient enough to kill them after that.


Absorb and Sight both do give positions away... it is called using your ears.

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Some basic rules (although they might vary a bit for some game types):

1.) You only get one shot, and almost never a second.

2.) Have full health and sheilds and maybe even super sheilds before you go sniping. Most people sniping make sure they are at 100/100 so that they can survive a fully charged hit.

3.) Don't snipe if you're ping's bad, it's useless to do so.

4.) Don't think too much about your shot. All that analyzing will make you miss. Just let it happen. (I think this can be the most important tip.)

5.) Don't zoom all the way so you can see the spinach still stuck to their teeth. It'll be hard to lead or follow the target if it starts to move and takes too much time.

6.) Since sniping is a one shot deal, try to always get off a fully charged shot if conditions allow it. The point of sniping is to frag them.

7.) Snipe while you are partially hidden such as behind a wall or the like, or in dark or hard to see areas. Not that it will "protect" you from being sniped yourself, but it'll help you from being spotted (unless they have force seeing of course), especially if you have to defend like in CTF games.

8.) Like mentioned earlier, snipe and move. Sniper's need the advantage of finding the target first before the target finds them.

9.) Sniping is part of a support defense or offense in team games, not the main part.

10.) Sniping isn't always the best option especially in team games. If you're playing CTF, the point is not to get the most frags, but to defend the flag or get the flag. (thanks to a friend for that one.)

11.) Force seeing is your ally and your enemy.

12.) Also your shot can kill more than one person, that is if another person was in the line of sight. So make sure you take out the enemy and not your teammate.

13.) Remember, everytime you let a shot go off you're alerting people around you to your location.

14.) Only use force seeing if it is reasonable to do so and if you hear force seeing, it's almost a red flag that there's a sniper.

15.) Try to get a good angle on people. It's easier to snipe people running away or toward you than those running across you view.

16.) People standing still probably won't stand still for long, so try to get a shorter zoom on them, but enough to aim okay, charge and fire.

17.) It's all about opportunity and chances. You only may have one so be ready and patient.

18.) Don't get tunnel vision with your scope, you have to occationally have to "unscope" and look at your surroundings.



You sniped the guy with a full blast, but the guy had full shields and health. (Try to get a fast primary off, that is switch out of the zoom and fire without moving your sight, or take another zoomed shot as they might be in a panic.)

It's CTF Warring Factions and you're coming to the enemy's flag area when you see a sniper on the top level and you quickly find cover behind a wall, you don't know if he saw you or not. (Most likely s/he probably saw you and is waiting to poke out your head. The best thing, if possible, is to back trek take an elevator up onto the upper level and try to snipe him from there as s/he is probably not expecting you, hopefully. Another thing is to try and get a quick rocket off at him, not a precision aimed one, but just something to get him worried about and make him move. Another is to switch to third person view, roll out and zoom in for mere milliseconds, aim well and fire.)

You spotted an enemy zooming left and right in your scope. (Okay mostly when people straf left and right they go a certain amount to the left and right, especially if they are in a corridor. So aim and fire when they are at the extremes of their strafing i.e. at one side of the wall.)

The guy's all jumpy. (Well if they are say using jump level 3 and jumping sky high, you've got an easy (well easier) shot then if they jump short distances up and down while going left and right. You can make a nice parabolic trajectory of the high jumps and snipe them as they reach the maximum or start to fall. If they are all over the place, best bet is to just get a Flechette gun out and pump out some mines =). If all you have is the sniper rifle though, try to zoom a little bit and shoot from there. By aiming somewhere in the center of his jumping around and releasing when he's about or at the center.)

The guy has Force Seeing on. (Well it's almost useless at times to try and snipe a guy with force seeing unless s/he does'nt see you. Then just wait for when the seeing turn's off.)

A guy with a rocket launcher is trying to home in on me. (Well most likely when they are trying to home they won't be moving too much, maybe just strafing to one side at the most. So zoom in and take them out. Make sure though that you're zoomed on him or her before you even try cause homing takes less time than charging a shot and after s/he's got you s/he'll be running off quickly after the rocket's fired. Unless you're some distance away and can get behind a corner or something to dodge it :)


Well hope most of that is accurate and helpful. Good sniping.

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Originally posted by thehomicidalegg

ok when you are in scope fully zoomed and charged up but your target just went behind cover, and you do not want to waste your ammo but dont want to stay vulnerable in scope, you can press the sabre button to get out of this and then switch back

you may not fire, but you lose that spent ammo charging up... it happens when you swtich to ANY weapons.. not jsut the saber

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i just created a "clan" about a week ago. it's not that big, it's more of an unofficial clan with just a bunch of people who like having fun sniping, and it's really cool. I even got 2 people to quit their clan and join mine. hehehe. So now i go by the screenname [uSA]3Headed_Monkey. the USA stands for United Snipers of America, and i think it's really cool.

and that snping guide is really useful.

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To be a good sniper, don't be seen. Pick a skin that will provide appropriate camouflage in the level you're in. Don't turn on your lightsaber. It has a bright glow, and attracts attention very easily. Hide behind things often. If you're in Mind Trick, don't do anything noisy that would provoke someone to check their Seeing. The most important Force powers for snipers are:




Mind Trick


Whatever else you put your points into is your preference, but an ubersniper would probably max out the 3 above mentioned powers.

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i recently had this happen to me... a sniper war. te thing was i would fire to miss and he would run.. thus enabling me to follw him and stick a homing rocket on his hiney.


It think with most people this never happens


Simple thing for me, is to un-scope and run i allways make sure to have 100 shields while sniping. they normally only take me down to 30 health or so. and then it is just a quick run with a saber that has defense 3, to the nearest health and shields. fortunalty most snipers cannot hit moving targets.


those that can hit moving targets, and jumpers are feared and will be hunted

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The point about putting . as your name shows up less on a screen. Lets say that you play on Yavin and someone is hidding in the bushes. From most points of view you cannot see them unless you have seeing. You can however highlight them (assuming they did not use mind trick and you do not have seeing on) and you can tell where they are. Their name appears on the screen and your target icon turns color. Now if I hide in that bush and am not using mind trick and someone accidently highlights me then BigTeddyPaul will appear on their screen and they will know where I am. However, if I changed my name to . their targeting icon would change color but they might not catch it since a name appeared. Sorry that was long but I tried to explain it.


As to a sniper who can shoot someone while they are moving or jumping I happen to be one of them. I am a natural sniper. I can shoot someone while they use speed and are bobbing every which way, or if someone is hiding behind stuff I can always find a way to shoot their blaster or something, and I have been know to shoot those who jump. This one time I was playing on a server and all I would use was the sniper and lightsaber because I had been neglecting my sniper abilities and we all need to keep up out practice on the saber. I remember it was the first team to 45 and I had a score of 33 that was all sniper shots except 9. On the last score one of the opponents got so mad because instead of just investing in some seeing he kept using speed or jump to get out of the way. He just happened to be my 33rd kill and I shot him while he was in the air. He proclaimed that I was cheating and told everyone to gang up on me which they all did since no one on the opposing team liked me. I hate it when skill is associated with cheating.


I sure am long winded today.



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hm....you seem really good.. WAnna join my snping clan? lol.. ah you dont have to...


ive shot moving and jumping targets to, sometimes my timing is right, other times i just shoot in a panic and it hits them. lol

whats the most number of people you'e killed with one snipe shot? my highest is 3..butthat was a long time ago..


and i think it's funny when you snipe someone, then they live, turn to you, hten turn off their saber basicaly sayin "Shoot me!" especting to dodge it, but then of course you aim for the leg and kill them ..lol...

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Thanks for the offer but I already belong to a clan. I normally do not charge up my shots when I try and shoot someone. The reason for that is that dor me it isn't too hard to shoot someone twice if I have already done it once. That way I conserve my ammo to shoot more often. Plus, if they do go hunt me I can defend my self resonably well unless they fire from across the screen and give me no warning.


The most amount of people that I have shot at one time was four but I only killed three of them. It was in CTF and one of them had the flag and the others would not get out of his way. I was in enemy territory, charged to maximum, then let it rip. Fun Fun Fun.


I haven't had anyone turn off the saber and offer for me to kill them yet. I haven't had anyone be that dumb yet.


Have fun!




I think that it is kind of funny that you are in a sniping clan and are named Lightsaberboy. Maybe I am hte only one though?

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well that's not my jk2 name, because for some reason i tried to register with it but they said that it was used already, so i used another name. My name is [uSA]3Headed_Monkey. The usa stands for United Snipers of America, although the server we usually went to just went 1.04 and i have no way of contacting some of my clannies, so i just hope we can fimnd each other. they prolly will, since there are less than 100 jk2 servers currently running, including empty ones.

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