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Wierd/Strange/Stupid American Laws

Guest King Andrei

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Guest King Andrei

Some American States have really WIERD laws. There was also an article about it in the Newspapers.


Alaska: It's illegal to push a moose/whatever-it-was (can't remember exactly) out of a moving plane.


These laws I saw on Discovery in that "You can be a criminal and not even know it" commercial:


Alaska: It's illegal for a moose to engage in sexual relashionships with another moose on the city sidewalk.

Another State:(can't remember which one) It's illegal for a man to wink ;) at a woman whom is not aqquainted to.


I wonder if they even have a law about illegal suicide: Yeah, I can imagine that::D


"Sir, you are under arrest for commiting suicide. You have the right to remain silent......":D

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Can't remember where, but i heard one law where "It is illegal to carry a concealed weapon over 6' long."


Good thing It's not considered a weapon, or I could be in big trouble! ;)


yeah...um...ahh....I think... I'll be going now...


*runs away and hides*




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Hehehehehehe, there are only 2 I can remember, but they stick out in my head very clearly.


1 - In Arkansas it is illegal to mispronounce Arkansas. (Guess there was statewide illiteracy on this at one point in time, go figure. :D)


2 - In Podunk, Iowa (OK so it's not Podunk but it might as well be called that because not that many people live there) if you are approaching the town in a car, before you enter town you must send someone running ahead warning all the people and horses that an automobile is coming through, and then you must sound a horn or yell as you are going through. (God I wish I could remember the name of that town)



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Only a $500 fine? That's pretty good. Do you have to pay for any collaterial damage or is that presumed to be covered in the $500? :)


Anyway, the law that's bugging me the most is the one that prevents people from owning ferrets in California. They need to hurry up and repeal that law so I can move back...



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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

Actually, in the state of Pennsylvania (Where I live) It's illegal to not milk your cows. :D


Technically...that's not too wierd or stupid, since Cows die if not milked periodically.


I wouldn't be surprised if more than just PA have that law.


Dang I've heard a ton of these, but can't remember them!

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