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Attack on Iraq- Debate

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I don't think there should be an attack on Iraq.


1) There is no evidence of Iraq developing superweapons or funding terrorist groups.

2) Most Middle-eastern contries are too dictatorships, yet they aren't attacked. Why? For some of those nations there is conclusive evidence of funding terrorists, etc.

3) The Iraqi government seems to have been getting rid of thier advanced weapons over the past few months.

4) The main thing that matters to the Iraqi government right now is staying in power after the war which has weakened their military enormously.

5) It will even more spoil already bad relations between the West and the Arab world.

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Reasons to attack Iraq:


1) They are our old enemies (from Bush, sr)

2) They are pansies

3) We'd wipe the floor with them easily........again

4) uh........Saddam needs to be taken down a notch or two! (for those of you who caught the Bowfinger refrence, without looking at this first, BRAVO!)

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Its always nice when America broadcasts all over world news and everywhere else we "might" go after Iraq. Secret Covert operations to kill Saddam. Somewhere he is hiding in his cave laughing at them.


I think there will be an opertunity to kill him, and I think they should do it quietly as possible. Its scarey when a man has so much power and waves it around like that. I don't trust him. But I think if we did something...they would do something and that could be the end of all of us :(

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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by Artoo

#1 reason to attack Iraq:


They have hundreds of thousands of chemical and biological weapons in the hands of a madman who's only goal in life is power.


Hmm thats a reason to attack USA too (lotsa mass detruction weapons in the hands of a madman)



There is NO evidence that Iraq have chemical weapons, both Bushes are idiots


Its scarey when a man has so much power and waves it around like that.


A little question: HOW DO U THINK BUSH SEEMS TO NON-AMERICANS? Hes a damn maco bully war loving really stupid drunk idiot. Hes more dangerous than Hussein and Bin Laden together.

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Qui Gon has said one of the wisest things in this whole thread!


*i knew you weren't dead ol; pal ;)*


You must look at America the way others do in order to see what their attitude towards us is and to understand their justification of what they are doing....


Their propoganda and things like that certainly make america look bad and you can't necessarily send people through sufferation because you think you are right.


more to be added soon...

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Originally posted by JM Qui-Gon Jinn


Hmm thats a reason to attack USA too (lotsa mass detruction weapons in the hands of a madman)


There is NO evidence that Iraq have chemical weapons, both Bushes are idiots



A little question: HOW DO U THINK BUSH SEEMS TO NON-AMERICANS? Hes a damn maco bully war loving really stupid drunk idiot. Hes more dangerous than Hussein and Bin Laden together.



Ah yes. Someone here is not a warmonger/:D

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First off, Bush is not a Madman with Total Power. Second, We DO NOT attack civilians, (Some do get killed, but we don't target them).


Reason to Attack Iraq.


1.Finish the Job we started.


2.He is power hungry, and has Chemical, and Biological Weapons. Saddam has no problem using them (he uses them on his on people).


3.Hes our Enemy.


4.He hates the US, and I can guarentee you he supports Bin Laden.


5.He kills his own people


6.He wants Qwaitae(no idea how to spell it) back.


7.He is Dangerous.


8.We are attacking him, and he is attacking us. It is not generally known, but we bomb his air defense almost everyday, and they shoot at our planes almost every day.


Does this mean I want to attack him this minute, no. Does this mean I feel we should attack him in the future yes. We can't let this madman go on.


Iraq is already getting scared over our threats, they now want to make deals ect. Which means soon we can have weapons inspectors back with out any conditions. Pressure must be mantianed. Bush probably scares Saddam, because it is not just talk with him.

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Originally posted by Admiral

First off, Bush is not a Madman with Total Power. Second, We DO NOT attack civilians, (Some do get killed, but we don't target them).


Reason to Attack Iraq.


1.Finish the Job we started.


2.He is power hungry, and has Chemical, and Biological Weapons. Saddam has no problem using them (he uses them on his on people).


3.Hes our Enemy.


4.He hates the US, and I can guarentee you he supports Bin Laden.


5.He kills his own people


6.He wants Qwaitae(no idea how to spell it) back.


7.He is Dangerous.


8.We are attacking him, and he is attacking us. It is not generally known, but we bomb his air defense almost everyday, and they shoot at our planes almost every day.


Does this mean I want to attack him this minute, no. Does this mean I feel we should attack him in the future yes. We can't let this madman go on.


Iraq is already getting scared over our threats, they now want to make deals ect. Which means soon we can have weapons inspectors back with out any conditions. Pressure must be mantianed. Bush probably scares Saddam, because it is not just talk with him.


1) Fair enough.

2) Evidence?

3) What's he ever done to provoke America?

4) Please be more specific, and point to an article on an independent site.

5) Can't think of a counter arguement.:D

6) ?

7) So is Bush. I beleave seriosly beleave WW3 can start.


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Originally posted by Admiral

First off, Bush is not a Madman with Total Power. Second, We DO NOT attack civilians, (Some do get killed, but we don't target them).


Reason to Attack Iraq.


1.Finish the Job we started.


2.He is power hungry, and has Chemical, and Biological Weapons. Saddam has no problem using them (he uses them on his on people).


3.Hes our Enemy.


4.He hates the US, and I can guarentee you he supports Bin Laden.


5.He kills his own people


6.He wants Qwaitae(no idea how to spell it) back.


7.He is Dangerous.


8.We are attacking him, and he is attacking us. It is not generally known, but we bomb his air defense almost everyday, and they shoot at our planes almost every day.


Does this mean I want to attack him this minute, no. Does this mean I feel we should attack him in the future yes. We can't let this madman go on.


Iraq is already getting scared over our threats, they now want to make deals ect. Which means soon we can have weapons inspectors back with out any conditions. Pressure must be mantianed. Bush probably scares Saddam, because it is not just talk with him.



Ok crazy_dog commented most of them but here are some others.



6. First, it is Kuwait it is spelled, do your geography homework, second, even if Hussein did "invade" it, USA had never anything there to do in the first place.


8. Err you attack with planes, he shoots back at planes, it does not sound as if both are attacking more like one who is attacking and one who is defending himself.



" We can't let this madman go on" well you did let the Bush family go on did you not?



Seriously, I do not think Bush scares Saddam, ok he is making deals but that is just strategic ones, to improve the relationships with the other countries, the deals have nothing to do with war

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Originally posted by Crazy_dog no.3


1) Fair enough.

2) Evidence?

3) What's he ever done to provoke America?

4) Please be more specific, and point to an article on an independent site.

5) Can't think of a counter arguement.:D

6) ?

7) So is Bush. I beleave seriosly beleave WW3 can start.




2)He used them in the Iran Iraq war, he refused to let inspectors into some sites. Now I can be wrong, but I won't believe he has no Chemical Weapons, or Biological, until inspectors are allowed unrestricted access to all sites. Saddam is not an honest person, and can't be trusted. The US has to assume he has them until there is utter undenieable proof he doesn't. Not to do so would be careless, and potentially devastating.


3)During Desert Shield he held american citizens as hostages, to this date he has attacked our aircraft patrolling no fly zones.


4)For reference I site the Fox News channel. Shortly after September 11th Saddam praised the Terrorist. Also with all his antiamerica crap, common sense would say he is Supporting them. As for a specific article, it was on TV, and a long time ago.


6)The Country Saddam Plundered in the Gulf War, Quwait. He still wants that.


7)Bush is dangerous but can be checked by Congress. Saddam cannot.


WWIII won't occur because of M.A.D. Mutually Assured Destruction. This kept a cold war from turning into a true war. Saddam doesn't want to die (or else he wouldn't surrond himself with women and children like a coward). Nor do other countries.


Please understand I don't want the US to go into Iraq gun blazing, but I support an attack, a properly planed, thought out attack. Saddam needs to be removed from power. I also feel we should do something about the Saudis and their baltant support of Terrorist.


Qui Gon: Our planes patrol no fly zones, the Iraquies turn on radar and shoot. The planes then destroy the site that is attacking. Iraq attacks our pilots defend themselves.


Why do believe a Iraq when they say they don't have chemical and biological weapons?

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Originally posted by Admiral



2)He used them in the Iran Iraq war, he refused to let inspectors into some sites. Now I can be wrong, but I won't believe he has no Chemical Weapons, or Biological, until inspectors are allowed unrestricted access to all sites. Saddam is not an honest person, and can't be trusted. The US has to assume he has them until there is utter undenieable proof he doesn't. Not to do so would be careless, and potentially devastating.


3)During Desert Shield he held american citizens as hostages, to this date he has attacked our aircraft patrolling no fly zones.


4)For reference I site the Fox News channel. Shortly after September 11th Saddam praised the Terrorist. Also with all his antiamerica crap, common sense would say he is Supporting them. As for a specific article, it was on TV, and a long time ago.


6)The Country Saddam Plundered in the Gulf War, Quwait. He still wants that.


7)Bush is dangerous but can be checked by Congress. Saddam cannot.


WWIII won't occur because of M.A.D. Mutually Assured Destruction. This kept a cold war from turning into a true war. Saddam doesn't want to die (or else he wouldn't surrond himself with women and children like a coward). Nor do other countries.


Please understand I don't want the US to go into Iraq gun blazing, but I support an attack, a properly planed, thought out attack. Saddam needs to be removed from power. I also feel we should do something about the Saudis and their baltant support of Terrorist.


Qui Gon: Our planes patrol no fly zones, the Iraquies turn on radar and shoot. The planes then destroy the site that is attacking. Iraq attacks our pilots defend themselves.


Why do believe a Iraq when they say they don't have chemical and biological weapons?


2. Hmm and I who thought you were innocent until your guilty was proved, not guilty until your innocence was proved.


3. I have never heard about that


4. As if you can trust Fox news and CNN


6. Of course he does, but many others also do


7. The problem is the congress is also dangerous


I say Saddam should be removed from his dictatorship, but what if Iraq turns into a demorcacy? And chooses Saddam as their leader?


Ok, Admiral but WTF were the planes doing over Iraq anyway??? If it's dangerous, then keep away from the place, is it so damn hard to understand? Sheesh...

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Originally posted by JM Qui-Gon Jinn


2. Hmm and I who thought you were innocent until your guilty was proved, not guilty until your innocence was proved.


3. I have never heard about that


4. As if you can trust Fox news and CNN


6. Of course he does, but many others also do


7. The problem is the congress is also dangerous


I say Saddam should be removed from his dictatorship, but what if Iraq turns into a demorcacy? And chooses Saddam as their leader?


Ok, Admiral but WTF were the planes doing over Iraq anyway??? If it's dangerous, then keep away from the place, is it so damn hard to understand? Sheesh...


2)He used them in the Iran Iraq war, then on his own people. We know that he had them. We have no evidence that he doesn't have them. So you must assume he still does.


3)It been on the history channel, and other shows many times. Watch Military Blunders, Saddam was televised sitting next to an American boy.


4)When they show him saying it.....


7)a matter of opinion, I view Congress as weak.


Finally the planes are patrolling No Fly zones. Those fly zones were placed there during the war, and I'm pretty sure they are remain there as part of the sanctions inposed by the UN. The Job is left to the US. (Not to mention if Saddam Gets anti Air, and we do attack more poeple will die)

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Originally posted by JM Qui-Gon Jinn

I forgot to mention this in my last post, but in your sig Admiral, how is it possible that Odin could have learned English?


And also it is called Håvamål, not Hovamal



Odin learned English from drinking form the well of Wisdom scarficing one of his eye to gain immense knowledge. He then hung upside down for nine days wounded by his own spear on the world tree to learn the nine powerful songs and 18 runes. He then raises the dead to question the wisest of them.


Finally Odin learned English from the English (remember the constant raids on england).


Or someone translated it.


I consantly do that with their words. For instance a commom mistake of mine is to spell Ragnarok as Ragnorak.

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4. They could have taken it from another occation, so exactly what did he say? I should mention that on 9/11 they showed dancing and celebrating Islam people, but those pictures was taken from a Islam celebration earlier on the year. So why should not the Saddam supporting Laden be a fake too?

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It very well could be a fake. He was praising the brave souls of the men who attacked america. He did say it was wrong to attack civilians. I remember this because it surprised me to see him say that.


I look at it this way, Saddam is an opportunist, the terrorist are attacking the US. Saddam may give them weapons, money discretly. Or he may not, but he won't condem them.


I also think he supports Islamic Jihad, and the other groups going against Israel. I believe there were a couple of statements saying that they were just in attacking them. Nothing like the Saudis....

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Saddam has used chemical weapons on his own citizens in the north and on Iran, thus the existance of the No-Fly Zone. The reason why weapons instectors are not enough is because a very small container could hold enough of certain biological weapons to kill half of New York City.


According to U.S. laws it is illegal for the government to assasinate anybody, unless war has been declared. Though if war is declared it would be one possibile outcome.


There was a meeting between an Iraqi diplomat and one of the hijackers in the Czech Republic.


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Oh my goodness Qui-Gon you have one of the leftest hippie slanted views I have ever seen, and I watch CNN.


Anyway I just have to counter all your pansy terrorist Bull****.


1) "I thought you were innocent until proven guilty, not guilty until proven innocent." - He's been proven guilty. I believe using weapons on his own people counts him guilty.


2) "As if you can trust Fox and CNN." - Then who can you trust?


3) "' We can't let this madman go on' well you did let the Bush family go on did you not?" - Why do you believe Bush is a madman anyway? We have evidence Saddam is but why Bush? Bush Sr. had one of the highest presidential approval ratings. Someone help me here I belive it was over 80% at one point though. If he is mad and over 80% of the country approved of it, does that make over 80% of the country mad?


I believe from all the evidence brought forth that it is you who is erring here.

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