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Mandalorian and Clonetrooper models: crooked saber fix?


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Am i the only one who cannot stand the crooked sabers these models have? well it bugs me to the point where i won't use them anymore, and thats a shame because aside from this glitch they look so great. I think by now its safe to say the authors do not intend to fix this themselves so maybe its time for someone else to step in and do it for them.


I assume the cause is the saber being attached to the wrong bone or something? i remember when the Vader model was first released it had this problem and was promptly fixed in an update so it can't be TOO difficult right? Most likely i lack the skills to fix it myself but if nobody with experience wants to then i will give it a shot anyways. (detailed instructions would be nice of course)


PS i know this would be screwing with someone elses model without permission, but perhaps the authors would be more inclined to update if a fixed version was placed in their laps. :)

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If you have a bad download, you can't open the .zip file let alone play the game :p



He's right - the Mandalorian and the Clonetrooper hold the saber all wrong, forward slashes look wierd and hard to aim with and the backstab is done in the wrong direction (As in "you got killed because someone bonked his elbow on your chest").


Thing is, I'm unable to do this, I don't have the patience to understand that bloody gmax :rolleyes:

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Ya definetly not a bad download lol, go to jk2files.com and look up the Mandalorian model and read the comments, everybody has this problem with it. I should also point out that there are 2 Clonetrooper models, one of them is fine but the 2nd one (the better looking one) is the one with the crooked saber bug.

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Originally posted by Deetox187

Ya definetly not a bad download lol, go to jk2files.com and look up the Mandalorian model and read the comments, everybody has this problem with it. I should also point out that there are 2 Clonetrooper models, one of them is fine but the 2nd one (the better looking one) is the one with the crooked saber bug.


Well when i play those clones doesn't use sabers

and when i play i don't play as clone when i use

saber and i don't even know what kind of bugs

it have with saber exept that when they are

holding saber (normally) it points to right...


Anyway i am not sure but it seems that when they

hold guns they doesn't hold them correctly either...

(they point them too much upwards...)




Mandalorian ? = Jango/Boba ?? (if yes i think they

hold sabers just fine... although i haven't played

them much...) but they have some other "problem"

which is that every time i spawn Jango or Boba bot

my game freezes for ~5 second and then...

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Wha? start jk2 over if i can't find it at jediknightii.net? sorry i don't understand, at any rate i did a file search on Absath and it only came up with a Ben Kenobi skin. :(


Edit: I see now that Absath is one of the 2 authors of the Mandalorian model, if he released a fixed version it isn't on any of the filesites.

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Originally posted by Deetox187

Well there is also another Boba Fett/Jango model that isn't screwed u....



Yes it is not that file in that link....


But at least in my opinion that in that link doesn't look

as good as that what i have soo if you have problem

with that may be you should change working one...?


I am using these :

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Originally posted by ALIEN_JL


Yes it is not that file in that link....


But at least in my opinion that in that link doesn't look

as good as that what i have soo if you have problem

with that may be you should change working one...?


I am using these :


Well unfortunetly you're wrong there, the Mandalorian model actually does look a fair bit better then those Fetts. And yes i have been using those ones as a replacement but i'd still like to get the Mandalorian fixed cause it definetly is nicer looking and has WAY more skins.


Anywho apparently the problem is fixed by weighting the bolt_r_hand to the rhand_tag, can anyone do that or explain how please?

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Originally posted by Deetox187

Well unfortunetly you're wrong there, the Mandalorian model actually does look a fair bit better then those Fetts.


How can he be wrong? It's his opinion, it is neither right nor wrong.

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  • 3 months later...

Bump and revive this thread as these two model packs (mandalorians and the good looking clones) are my favorites, and unfortunately cannot hold a saber worth ****.


Does anyone know anything much about the:


apparently the problem is fixed by weighting the bolt_r_hand to the rhand_tag, can anyone do that or explain how please?


that Deetox posted?

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Well, i just think of this as a chance for another modeler to give us a perfect model of both of those characters.


I prefer the "other" Mandalorian model over the non buggy one, because I like it's proportions better. The buggy one seems a bit cartoony to me.


And although the buggy clonetrooper model looks pretty good it can be a LOT better. It's nowhere near the quality of the Raven Stormtrooper model.

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Originally posted by WhiteShdw

I prefer the "other" Mandalorian model over the non buggy one, because I like it's proportions better. The buggy one seems a bit cartoony to me.

likewise... although corto maltes' model has a mediocre skin, the model is superior. :cool: i've even been working on tweaking the skin and shaders majorly.




gotta love that environment map kman used on dash. :D

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I prefer the mandalorians since there are some characters without jetcpacks/capes or only capes etc... I have to say the red manalorian Khyron Jinn is my fav model by far... however he is useless in saber fighting :(


inbredyokel, I know the clonetroopers you are talking about, they were the original ones that were fixed, however, the better-looking clonetroopers have not been fixed yet. And trust me, if you tried the unfixed ones you'd never go back to the other ones. ;)

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Originally posted by ksk h2o

inbredyokel, I know the clonetroopers you are talking about, they were the original ones that were fixed, however, the better-looking clonetroopers have not been fixed yet. And trust me, if you tried the unfixed ones you'd never go back to the other ones. ;)

actually, the ones by kapnkeg (the more accurate model, imo) were indeed updated... there just wasn't a big announcement.


and about the mandalorian and their surfaces... corto maltes' jango and boba models have surfaces, too. so you can pretty much recreate any mandalorian that was found in bloodriot's mandalorian.

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