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WIP: Kit Fisto


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Now that's a compliment I never thought I'd hear, thanks :D It's far from perfect though, hopefully it's good enough for you guys to work your magic :)


I'm having a blast skining him too, I only made one skin before this one (only partially) but I was never happy with it. Thank god for thoes exelent tutorials out there, it's really helping me out alot.




Powered by Sith :lightning

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Alright everyones skins look great. This is definately gonna be one hellofa download. Im the slowest of everyone here skinning! Unfortunately I wont have any updates till tomorrow. The head and tentacles are finished. Toonces how long do I have to finish this. Im off all day tomorrow and thursday so I think I'll probably be finished by then hopefully!;) Thanks again for that tutorial for the clothes thats the best one I've seen yet. The more I do the more Im learning and I'm likeing that alot.

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I already have the default skin, to be honest, unless somebody can come up with one that will blow me away, or if Arco wants to add thoes spots I'm not changing anything.


It may not be the most popular thing to do around here, but quite a few artist like to take some artistic liberties with their creations, I dont mean to sound negative, but I'm almost ready to move on to my next thing


Go for it though if you like, I have an open mind :)




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Howdy! Yo all these skins are nice and all but, Toonces, are u working on finishing this soon? I need to get my hands on him soon because i'm seriously about to get tired of this game. I don't wanna get tired of it but if i'm never gonna get the model for my name (AOJ_Kit_Fisto4) then it will start collecting dust with Jedi Knight. Everyone is doing a good job skinning but i think they could do just as good when it is actually released for playing. Lol sorry if i sound rude but i'm DYING HERE! rofl




PS: There is no PS.

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Let me clairify that a little bit, I'll include any skin that you guys make, but I already have two versions of Kit Fisto. Your really good Eets and I'll include whatever you make in the pk3, but Arco's skin will be the default Skin. I'll add another though


edit: Please do not ask me for a release date anymore


And yes, I'm in a foul mood today




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Originally posted by dAno

hey skinners good job so far, i like em all, peep this


i just foudn it on the starwars.com website, it shows some detail on kits head/tentacles, hope this helps out for the default skin!


Yeah this is a great detail. I had put these spots on my skinl, it should appear in the pack. I may tweek em a bit, this photo shows me more detail then I could find before. I happened to find a halloween mask that showed these spots, but I didnt know if it was lagit! This photo seems to indicate it is. Toonces has done a great job, and I can tell he is very sincere in making this a dam good model. See you guys on release date. Mars out!

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