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WIP: Kit Fisto


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Originally posted by PalnGipanji

I have a question for you, Toonces. Will the original, unedited uv maps be available for Kit upon release? I know we could just use the existing skins as a template for making newer ones, but I thought it might help to have the edge lines visible in some form. If not, that's cool... but I was intending to make a skin for Kit when it's released, so I thought I'd ask. Thanks again for all the great work!!


Hey, that's not a bad idea, Toonces... Maybe you could add a separate pk3 to the zip file that is named "KitFistoSDK".. that would make skinning a hella lot easier for other aspiring skinners. :D

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I've been playing with my Kit Fisto skin for sometime....it rox! Hahahaha none of you have it other than the ppl who skinned it and Toonces...and some other peeps.


K...I'm so mean:mad: .


Can't wait for the final version and see what ya did with the taunt!

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Have I told you guys that these skins look SO GOOD enough times yet... nah I didn't think so... that's why I'm saying it again!!

Beautiful job!!

I just got back from Skywalker Ranch and Ben Burtt gave me a bunch of sounds (this is sarcasm... not lies) and I fixed all my hardware problems (damn gremlins). I'm really sorry that everyone had to wait a little longer due to my problems.

Hopefully you'll like the sounds that George picked out for us.

If you don't, please call him up and leave a message on his machine using Jar Jar's voice.

If I wasn't SO busy, I'd probably redo all the sounds again. Heh, and probably again and again, until I was completely satisfied, but for now... we'll just have to be happy with what Mr. Burtt and George have given us. ;)


All complaints should be sent to the manager.


Toonces! Where are you? heh I'm guessing sleeping... heh





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Originally posted by Toonces

heh, stop ringing my doorbell!!! ;)


I'm up, gotta wait for my man nomad, as soon as I get the sounds from him, barring any problems, it'll be release time :)



i was bangin on the door with a fryin pan, i h8 doorbells. and nomad is w8ing for you. sounds are ready (at least tis what he said) or u mean for him to e-mail them to ya.

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