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You know what this forum needs?

The Adventurer

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if i could be arsed to wait for photoshop to load up i would probably bother to make some fanart, but then again i cant be arsed to do much now adays bit of a joker really, well... ill go back to vegging and waiting for my adsl modem (Parcelforce is dumb, VERY dumb, and slow, and unrealiable), well you have all been enlightned with my life, now go be unhappy and die a horrible extravant death.


YOU KNOW YOU CARE unless you are a minority which doesnt care qhich is represented by 99.9% of the forums population, the 0.01% are lying dormant in some far far forum which won't ever visit mojo because........ of the hidden mesage in this message. (Just to give you something to do while you waste away your lives)


You all knew there was going to be an alternate message in that, but YOU DONT CARE. First one who finds the message gets a mystery prize!


End of random comments and shouting

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