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Saving binds?


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put them into cfg files in your base.


create a autoexec.cfg file by create a file with notepad, save all the binds you wish to load every time you play jk2, click save as, select the files tab and save as autoexec.cfg


other binds can be saved into other configs like light.cfg, dark.cfg, merc.cfg, ctf.cfg etc. these configs can b executed by typing

exec XXXX.cfg in your consol in game or bind these cfgs 2 keys in your autoexec.cfg

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Originally posted by Altus_Thrawn

how do you bind things to keys?

Binding is quite simple. Bring down the console during the game, SHIFT + ~.


Then type you binds as follows:


bind [key] [action]


an example of this, is to bind the "taunt" command to a key:


bind x taunt


Then, back in the game, when you press x, the player taunts. This is done the same way for pretty much any command you want. I don't know but a few of them, and ones that I use commonly are:


taunt, name, say


But you can also bind movement and attack commands.

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How come my binds sometimes revert back to an "older date" suddenly?


When I'm joining a server, my name is suddenly changed to an old name, and my binds are changed back to some older binds as well.... It's really annoying.....


This obviously doesn't happen with every server, and there's no indication as to why it suddenly happens on a server.


Anyone else have this problem?

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my name is suddenly changed to an old name, and my binds are changed back to some older binds as well.... It's really annoying.....


LOL... I found this not too long ago, as well. I was VERY annoyed! I changed a lot of my binds a few weeks ago and put in some model changes, taunts, etc.


Last weekend I'm playing and want to change models, I press the key for that model and DIE! WTF?!:confused:


I start trying to use bacta.... force powers... then I realize that these are my old binds.


I got out of the game, renamed a bunch of cfg files that looked like they were created by mods.... everything back to normal. Wheew!


SKinWalker :cool:

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Originally posted by Rad Blackrose

It depends on if a server is running a mod, like JediMod or AdminMod. Each different mod creates a seperate .cfg file based on your jk2mpconfig.cfg file


***k! *r**!!!


Am I then supposed to delete those configs that are created automatically, or rename them to jk2mpconfig.cfg like skinwalker said?

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Am I then supposed to delete those configs that are created automatically, or rename them to jk2mpconfig.cfg like skinwalker said?


Whoa there! I didn't rename to jk2mpconfig.cfg.... what I did was change the extension from .cfg to .bak. I was going to delete them, but I thought I'd hang on to them in case it turned out they were vital or that I wanted to modify a script / command from them. There still there.. but not as .cfg files.


Hope that helped... I definately would *not* rename *any*thing to jk2mpconfig.cfg.... If I remember correctly, this file has a warning at the top of it agains modifying it at all.... though I have from time to time. I found that if I only changed values, no bad ju ju happened.... I wouldn't change the order of anything, though.



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dont rename the jk2mpconfig.cfg


if you look in the gamedata folder you will see that each mod has its own folder, + the base folder, in each of these folder there will be different jk2mpconfigs, thus the different binds. if you want to keep the same binds, i suggest you create another config and copy that into all your mods' folders and the base folder.

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