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Finally-Cantina Six Spinoff: Postlude to Holocaust


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Raschel: They went Imperial. Can you believe it? After all we worked for! They went to the Imperials and signed a treaty!


Misae: *shoves next to Orthos* What?! That can't be! The Jedi---


Raschel: Are dead. The Imperials say they can find the Aesir. The media has put on some Hutt-slime about an "Aesirian Alliance"; basically saying everyone in power who isn't popular is part of it. The public is just eating it up. There's massive lynch mobs around the Imperial palace and the Senate.


*speaking to Orthos* They announced on the news that you were to be arrested. I knew I had to find you first...and I did...barely...


Who are your friends?

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Heimdall: However the imperials were hit just as hard if not harder, then the Republic. Even if they could find the Aesir, how could anyone believe that it would be possible to attack them. This is what happens when you have wide spread fear, and anger. This is the perfect forumal for a takeover.


(Think of the book 1984)

The government will use the Aesir to keep control of the populace now. If you go against them you will be accused of being in legue with the Aesirian Alliance. Torture will probably make you confess, then you will summarily be executed. The public meanwhile will be happy thinking that something is being done agaisnt the Aesir. While the public will be happy they will also be in constant fear of being accused as an Aesirian sabator, or spy.



What she said about the Jedi is true, they no longer exist. Yavin was among the systems destroyed. That Hutt also accused the Jedi of being part of this alliance. I'm beating that sooner or later the government will hunt down any surviving jedi, if there are any.

(think of NJO books as far as this goes)

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"Well, I'm not really sure who anyone else here is..."


Josine glances around... this was quite the motley crew indeed.


"All I know is that my name is Josine, I just accidentally murdered my family... I'm lost and confused, and all of the sudden on a ship I had no idea even existed before a few moments ago. I don't know anything about Jedi or Imperials or any of that, I just want to find something remotley resembling family, or friends..."

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Girl: *she is one of the shorter in the group, and although apparently human there is an alien quality about her. Her skin, hair and eyes are all variations of chestnut brown* My name is Marin. *she doesn't offer a last name*


Boy: *he is a young black-haired gargoyle, winged, tailed and clawed; his skin is dark blue, and his eyes seem to crackle. Unlike, for example, Termand Rwos, his face is quite humanlike, except for his pointed ears and spiked brow* Mine is Aidan Saph'rai.


Misae: My name is Misae Arjas. I am a Jedi. My master is dead, because of the Aesir.


Raschel: My name is Raschel Sheire. And, *pauses, realizing she doesn't know Hemidall's name*

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[1984 was a great political book, and not a bad movie. Pretty depressing, though]



We must resist. We must be a brotherhood of resistance. Some in the crowd supported the idea, but they'll probably die. I only wish we had someone who could help us...





*A dark office. A man sits in front of a computer screen, staring at the statistics of the holocaust that has taken place. A door opens behind him, and an officer in a blue uniform enters*


Officer: M'Lord. THe man you asked to keep our eyes on has disappeared. Our agents fear him dead...


Lord: Damn...what of targets two and three.


Officer: Both alive. Two is currently safe after escaping the new Imperium...Three is probably leading it...


Lord: Interesting..."we" have finally taken control...prepare the gate


Officer: Are you sure, sir?


Lord: My time here is passed. I must return home...

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*Corzip dinn just woke up in his appartment on the other side of Coruscants goverment. He looks at the mirror and sees a 26 year old man with a beard. unbelievable that he was once a proud member of the Jedi order. Some years back on Naboo he had encounter with some pirats and they destroyed his fighter and captured him with ysalamiri. Corzip had been a prisoner of a this Dark Jedi Varan for a couple of years. he had givin up all hope of ever getting free. The Dark Jedi's hideout was on Bakura when the SSI-RUUK attacked again. they were able to kill the dark jedi and take Corzip back with them to LWEKK. they did all kinds of studies on him, but he was freed by this slave people who lived on LWHEKK. he escaped the defenses and fleed back to Coruscant. there he realized he lost all his possesions and his will to fight evil again.

he went to an area far away from everything and lived in a small appartment thiking of the glory days.

He had build himself a small speederbike from parts he found. the repulsor lifts were very powerfull. He got up and showered and dressed himself and got out. he pu on his comunit to recieve todays news.*


- ggggggsssstgsshubshhh in gagagga todays news: there was a riot in coruscants ally's. a croud anounced they had seen a Jedi and a person named Starkiller. Stormtroopers were send to keep the croud quiet but soon turned into an arrest of several people including the Starkiller person and the so called Jedi. the Stormtroopers were about to punsh the people for disturbing the peace when a large ship roared down into the croud. The suspects all got aboard the ship and has been spotted heading south.

In other news, the fight agai........-


*Corzip turned off the com unit. A Jedi? all jedi were killed right? at least that is what he read when he got back. he also read that he was missing and supposingly killed. He always thought he was the last Jedi alive.... He steered toward the last known location of the ship.*

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((OOS: Hey Wraithy :D glad you decided to join.


The Holocaust happened just a few days ago - so the Jedi haven't been gone all that long. The stars went nova after being hit by torpedoes in only days. It's been maybe a week.


Poor Corzip. lol


@Admiral: Never read/seen 1984, but that was the scenario I was shooting for :)))


Raschel: I have a few friends in an NRI center that the Imperials don't know about. Good thing we never told the politicians anything. We're going there.


Misae: I think you all need to know something. I-I...don't think it's coincidence that we're all here. *looks at the Marin and Aidan*

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*The streets of Coruscant. Giant screens broadcast propaganda of the Second Imperium, until they are suddenly cut. People turn to see a man, his face shrouded in darkness, but it is a voice that fills Orthos with a familiar fear*


Announcer: People of the galaxy, there is another way to recover. The servants of a corrupt empire feed on your hate to control your mind. I know, for I was once one of their Lords. I do this as redemption. I ask for your forgiveness, and your ears. The Second Imperium rules through fear and force. It is not freedom.

They will call me "Traitor" and "The Dread Knight"...but I have another name...

*Removes shroud. Orthos gasps*


I am...Comrade Syrnl Darkstar...and I have this to say:




[All Deac fans who did not see this coming are advised to go back to primary education]

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*Corzip saw the man on the boards.....That cant be.. isnt he dead?

As Corzip coniued to search for the ship with the fugitives on it.. he used the force for the first time in a long while. he sensed out for the othr Jedi mind between all these other vehicles. And there she was. He felt the strong force flow threw this woman aboard a ship 1 click west of him. he tryed to look into her mind.... but all of a sudden she felt him and as a shock repelled his probing. Corzip was knocked of his concentration for a moment and almost lost control of his speeder bike. he went straight to the force feeling woman.*

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((OOS: Deac, you forgot the Alternate Universe - Syrnl is in an alternate universe getting a 'second chance'.


We were going to have our group go to Syrnl's dimension, and erase the necessary parts of the twenty-year time gap by having them exit years into the future (when only days have gone by in that dimension)


That can still be worked with, either this Syrnl is a fraud, or he escaped that other dimension; in the second case, that would give us the idea of getting in; if we needed to fetch a relic or key or object from there perhaps?))




Raschel: The main NRI division doesn't even know about us. I can assure you, they are friends, or I wouldn't be going there.


Misae: Aaa--ah! *holding her head*


Raschel: *startled* What?


Misae: A Jedi! Or someone with the Force...I felt his mind!


*the viewscreen of the freighter shows a speeder coming up fast*



((edit: grammar))

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*Alys Shera took her small star fighter into the space lanes of Coruscant. it was small, and old design that had harkened back to the days of the great Clone War. it almost looked like an A-wing, however, it had an Astromech driod on the left side, near the ****pit. it held the logo of the now defunct Kuat Drive Yards. It was, in fact, an old Jedi Starfighter. how it got into her possesoin, it was unknown, but she could handle it better than anyone else, almost was well as a Jedi.


it was heavely modified, of course, for pirating and maurading purposes. the laser cannons were refitted to themore modern and more powerful versions, and additional missle racks were added into the hull for more firepower. The engines could now reach the speed necessary to make the jump to Hyperspace, and with it's small size, could match any ship in speed.


Alys herself was, by human standerds, beautiful. slim, evenly proportioned, soft dark hair, and piercing blue eyes. a tad short, but she could hold her own in a bar fight.


Suddenly, a frieghter was headed straight toward her. Veering suddenly, she narrowly dodged it, and almost hit the small passanger hover car below her. odd, she KNEW it was there even before her alarms went off. shemused on this fact for a second, but continued on her path.*

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*Raschel swerves the freighter to avoid the speeder. In doing so she almost runs into a small triangular-shaped starfighter that looked somehow familiar to her...


The freighter was going too high, into the lanes headed for space. Raschel pilots the vehicle lower, and heads to a large undeveloped section far below*


Misae: That was him! That speeder pilot!


*Raschel searches her sensors. But the speeder is gone*

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[The "Gate" Syrnl mentioned was another portal from that universe to ours. This is our old friend...and he can still help]



*Orthos gasps*


I thought he was dead...but...he is...the Syrnl I knew, clearly...he's got 23 years of fatherhood to make up on..

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*Corzip got into the stream of ships and speeders and he saw the freighter ahead of him. he let his sences flow.. and the force go out ahead of him. he tried to count the persons in the freighter... but he senced that they already knew he was coming.

he went over to the Jedi. he talked through the force towards the Jedi.*


I can sence you. you can sence me. you feel feared of me.why? i am a fellow Jedi just like me. i will do you no harm. Jedi's are protectors of the peace. i would never harm a living thing if i didnt have to. please.... i want to talk to you. ask you things... please

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Raschel: *looks up from piloting* How are you going to destroy it?


*to Orthos* Is that really Lord Syrnl...your father?


*Misae replies to Corzip through the Force* <Are you the one who told me to follow the girl and the alien this morning?>


*Marin and Aidan are sitting near the back of the room, examining the contents of a pack and talking in whispers*

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*Raschel looks resentful at being ignored and goes back to piloting. She picks up her comlink and enters a code, then communicates in hushed tones with someone for several minutes. The freighter dips low to the tops of the buildings making up Coruscant's upper layer. Traffic is thinning out - this is one of Coruscant's deserted sectors. Empty except for the infestions of undesirables...both sentient and animal. Without any other ships in sight, Raschel steers for a very large but obviously unfinished and deserted shell of building*



Raschel: This is only an outpost. If any of you betray us, we'll have you dead and be evacuated within minutes. (Not that I expect you to of course.) Once we're there, Heimdall, you can get as drunk as you like.


Misae: *appears to snap out of a trance* Why are you taking us here?


Raschel: For your protection...


Misae: I am a Jedi, not a refugee! I will not hide!


*a male voice comes from behind her* Why not? Isn't that what you've been doing?


*Misae whirls around. She sees only Aidan and Marin in the corner* You! Don't you dare say a thing about me! You don't know anything!


*the blue-skinned boy looks up at her, expression startled* I didn't see anything to you...


Marin: No, he didn't say a thing. *shakes head*



"Did you see the human girl and the gargoyle? Follow them. They have the first key."

What had that man meant?


The first key? A key to what?



*Misae speaks to the blue-skinned, winged alien Aidan again* Are you are a gargoyle?


Aidan: *clearly surprised* Yeah. Why? How did you know?

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Heimdall: Misea, your a jedi so think. If you rush out there they will hunt you down. Capture you then torture you untill you beg for death. After that, they will make you confess that you and the rest of the Jedi were allies. Finally you will have a public execution. Or you can remain with us for the time being and figure out our next move.

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*Captain Halren Flax sat in the ****pit of his X-Wing, arrayed around him were 100 odd ships, they were deep on the bowls of what appeared to be a Calamari Cruese Liner.*


*Halren shook his head, a month ago he's been the first Son of a great General, he's had his own Squadron, now most of them were dead, along with his kid brother Kale. His mother and sister had survived, but he was the only hier to a long line of Warriors. Hal squeezed the pendant around his neck, the jewel came from his Great Grand Father's Lightsaber.*


*Suddenly Hal sensed somthing down on the planet below, he hit a button welded into the main console*


*At the end of the hanger a door opens, Hal orientated the his ship towards it.*


Com: Sir, you can't go out there, that's Imperial Space now!


*Hal hit the red button.*

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