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I'm clueless re: MP


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I know newbie questions are sometimes annoying, but I need some general advice. I have played tons of single player games but never multiplayer. I have a high speed connection now and want to try out MP JKII. Should I just find a server, jump in, and expect to get creamed instantly or what? There are a lot of new force powers and moves I need to learn and I would like to be able to go somewhere that I can experiment a little without getting in people's way (or getting killed immediately).





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welcome to the forums :)


Okay, make your own local server. Here you can test all the forces and saber moves. You can add bots to practice on.


Start game in MP mode ->play ->create server ->set up server settings and have fun


Good luck :)

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Yes, welcome to the forums. And as they said above ^ create your own server and just play around with everything. Get to know all the saber styles. Work with each one. See what swing works well in each situation. Practice with all the guns and see what each reg fire and alt fire does. Practice with all the force powers.


Then, go into a MP server and just maybe observe as a spectator, follow someone around (find a good player who doesn't spam moves) and see what styles they use. Apply them to your gameplay.


It will take a little time, but you will get it.


Good luck!




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Yes, I spectate sometimes...interesting to watch others without them knowing it!


Welcome to the Forums txjeep! Prepare for insomnia...


One thing u should now, don't run in slashing away in blue stance, u will get called all the n00b names under the sun. Vary your stance when u play and look for the counter attack. Timing is everything in this game.


Good Luck :thumbsup:

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welcome to the forums tx jeep

and idd, prepare for insomnia!


dont just play in 1 stance, vary ur stances so it doesnt make u predictable. best thing is to look at what stance ur opponent is using and than using another so u can counter him.

spend a lot of time, cause u have a lot to learn

even fight ur own bots for practice


cya, and may the force be with u

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Thanks for all the tips and the welcome :D . I don't have infinite time to play (wife, kids, job, etc.), but I will learn/practice and see you guys/girls around the galaxy before long. BTW, do most of you use the same screen names when playing as you do here on JKII? Just wondering 'cause txjeep is my handle in the Jeeping community and really doesn't fit so well here. I need to come up with a better one.

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NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition! Our chief weapon is suprise...surprise and fear...fear and surprise.... Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency.... Our *three* weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency...and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope.... Our *four*...no... *Amongst* our weapons.... Amongst our weaponry...are such elements as fear, surprise.... I'll come in again.


lol living...that's hillarious! :lol:

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Try going into a "No Force - Saber Only" FFA server first. Duel will be fine, too, but in FFA you'll get the chance to play more (no waiting to duel).


This'll give you the chance to really feel out the saber moves without someone constantly using lighting/drain/push/pull/etc.


Then go to a server with limited force like one that is called JK2 - Jedi Adept (or something or other). Basically, everyone gets to focus on one force power heavily or a couple moderately. If you max out jump, you'll get some absorb but no saber throw, etc.


I'm usually on the Adept server, and the Jedi vs Sith vs Merc server. There's a couple others that I like as well, but mostly these two. Most of our Euro friends prefer Hermes place, but I'm never around (wife, kid, job, school) except 10:30 - 1:00 am CST... Hermes is long gone by then. I go by SkinWalker on the servers, though.




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