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Who I believe Sifo-Dyas is (and I don't believe anyone else has thought of this)

Admiral Vostok

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

You know, that thought never occured to me, but it IS possible that anakin deleted the kamino file.....hmm


I kind of like that theory.......hmmmmm


I think he would of tried to stop Obi-Wan from going there if he had

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Not only so that they can both have control of the armies, but pit the armies against one another, thereby instigating a war and giving Palpatine an escuse to declare martial law, which will grant him the power to become dictator and ultimately Emperor. When their government is under a perceived threat, people must rally behind who they think to be a strong and able leader, no matter his edicts--and if they don't, they can be tried as traitors, so they keep their mouth shut one way or the other. By the time people work up the courage to speak out, it will be too late; the Jedi will be gone, the Stormtroopers will be everywhere and Palpatine's rule will not only be unquestioned, but unquestionable.



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Only three people knew he was on Kamino. Yoda, Mace, and the Jedi bookeeper. Oh and the Bear clan to. But I do think it was Dooku. It would of been easy for him to do that. For all we know he might of been a Sith for a while when he was still with the Jedi before he left the Order. You know, wreak havoc from within.


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Oh and Anakin would of been with Obi-Wan most of the time so were would he get the time to do that, and why would he do it if he was still good at this point of the trilogy? He hasn't done anything that bad other than slaughter the Tuskin Raiders, but that was out of rage and anger from his Shmi's death.


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Originally posted by ET Warrior


Anakin had no idea that obiwan was on Kamino. He was busy protecting Amidala, and going to save his mum.


And Jedi Monk is quite right.


I forgot Obi-Wan went to see Dex after Anakin left.

But still I don't think Anakin knew about Kamino, because he would have known about Jango. Jango was trying to kill Padme.

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Thats a good point. If Anakin was knew about Kamino then he would know about Jango, so why would he tolerate a person like Jango if he knew that he was trying to assinate Padme. He loved Padme so there is no way he would of let Jango assisanate Padme or even try to.


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Originally posted by JM Qui-Gon Jinn




You assume too much!

Mr. George Lucas has said so:cool:


I suppose you think that clark kent and superman are different people. :rolleyes:


I mean they DO dress different. right? so that must mean they are different.

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I don't know why people keep thinking that Palpatine and Sidiouse are diffrent people. There is so much evidence telling us that he is. Like in THP at Qui-Gon's ceramony we see Mace and Yoda talking about the Sith and then we see the camera on Palpatine. I mean the face looks the same. It's not coincidence that GL did that. And why would Palpatine say we will watch youre career very closely young Anakin. He's a Sith for God sakes. Do you want george to put a carboard sign around his neck saying that he's Sidiouse? YOU HAVE TO READ IN BETWEEN THE LINES!!!!!!!!!!


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I'm going to just say that I think that Palpy and Sideous are the same person now, because I don't want to be rideculed..:)


J/k I do think they are the same....


Who Sypho-Dias is....I have no clue. Most likely Dooku, I hope there will be an explaination to all of this in Ep III.

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Yo Einstiens...try reading the script before the damn post production...


The name was Sido-Dyas, but they changed it to Sifa because they can screw with peoples heads like that, and make them write topics like this. Sido-Dyas=Sidious See the resemblance? If you don't the damn guy who was writing the script tells you so...

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Originally posted by SivyB


I forgot Obi-Wan went to see Dex after Anakin left.

But still I don't think Anakin knew about Kamino, because he would have known about Jango. Jango was trying to kill Padme.

Anakin knowing about Kamino doesn't mean he knows about Jango Fett.....That's like saying If the Jedi knew about Tattooine, they knew about Anakin and Shmi Skywalker before they ever went there. Just knowing about a place doesn't mean you have any idea who or what is there.

Possible conversation between Palpatine and anakin.


Palpatine: "I have ordered the construction of a clone army, to aid the Jedi in their struggle to maintain peace and order...however i dont want anyone else to accidently come across it, because it could be used for the wrong purpose, or it might convince the senate not to allow their usage."


Anakin: "Is there any way that i could help?"


Palpatine: "I know this is a lot to ask, and if you don't want to, you don't have to do it, because you could face serious punishment, but if you could erase the planet Kamino from the Jedi Archives, it would, in the long run, help the Jedi"


Anakin: "I think i can do that"


Probably didn't happen......but it COULD have.

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HHHmmmm.......very interesting. You know, you could almost see something like that happening. Anakin looked up to Palpy because he was never critical to Anakin like Obi-wan was and so he wanted to please Palpatine. (obviously there's more to it than that)


Anything can happen, that's why I'm not totally convinced that Dooku was Dias. It's too convenient, GL likes to mess with our heads a little.....

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I have a thought. I' pretty sure no one ever thought of this before.


I think that sifo dias (spelling?) was a real jedi. I think he had a jedi vision of the future. He saw what the trade federation was planning and he also realized that the jedi's ability to use the force was dissipating. He ordered the clone army because he knew that the jedi wouldn't be enough to defeat them. He didn't realize the sidious/palpatine was behind it due to the sith's ability to block the jedi's force capabilities.


just an idea. critique is welcome.

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It sounds good but what about Jango? Why would Dooku know about him? He worked for Dooku so that means that Dooku and Sidiouse were the ones that ordered the clones. I am still going to stick to the idea that Sifo Dyas was a Jedi that died around the time that the clones were ordered. That is why his name was used to confuse the Jedi when they found out about the clones. It was just an alias that was used by the Sith. That's what I believe because it is the most likely. But I do like all these ideas.


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