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Canada rules eh?!


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Well I haven't started a thread here in a looooong looooong time. So what have I been doing I'm sure you are all asking yourselves!!! Well I have spent a month in Canada (my first time out of Europe), specifically BC. Some people have an affinity with the sea, I have it with mountains. The Rockies are simply the best thing I have ever witnessed. Aside from sampling the local beer, I spent my time walking and mountain biking up and down mountains, canoeing on the rivers and lakes, and best of all trekked up the Athabasca glacier...it was simply stunning.


Now I'm back in the UK *sigh* but I'm already plotting my escape. I think a trip to the southern hemisphere is in order. Any recommendations welcome.

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Welcome back Duder! I too share your affinity for the Rockies. I have lived in Pennsylvania my entire life and have been told that the Appalachian Mountains are just that...mountains and teh only ones I ever knew until my Senior year in High School.


I was able to take a trip for a month to Wyoming/Montana to stay with my uncle. It was there I experienced the Rocky Mountains. My uncle is a professional landscape Photographer and he lives right at the northern entrance of Yellowstone park and the base of Iron Mountain of the Rockies. We hiked the mountains, White-water rafted the Yellowstone river, camped in Glacier park, climbed the Grand Teton mountains, hiked and camped through Yellowstone, Fly-fished etc... The beauty there is uncomparable to anything else. It was the feeling of truly being free and being able to experience Nature at it's finest.


As far as the southern Hemispere getaway, I can't help you out there. I've only been as far south as Cancun, Bahamas and Jamaica! ;)

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"It was the feeling of truly being free and being able to experience Nature at it's finest. "


Spot on. :)


I was watching 'Fellowship of the Ring' last night, I think New Zealand may be the way forward if I can afford it. I wouldn't be able to handle the heat of the Caribbean...I'm a fair skinned European. :(

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I've been to Canada once... It was a long time ago but I think it was a nice place.. I went to Toronto though, so from what I've heard it must NOT have been nice


I have been to the Rockies, in Colorado. All I can remembr "God dammit its cold!" :D

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I don't like long vacations on sightseeing tours and the like. Too far away from a computer. ;)


Anyways, nature sure is beautiful, but its also all around us. Well, for me it is. Why go to some foreign land or faraway place just to look at something. I've heard england is very beautiful, why not just enjoy nature in your own country, or your own area, or your oen city.


Oh well, just my little piece on sightseeing vacations. Don't really enjoy them too much. I don't see the fun in them, or the point.



Glad you had a good time though.

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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

Where in the UK do you reside, duder?


I reside in the sleepy, soft-bellied suburb of West Bridgford, Nottingham. Ever heard of Robin Hood? I can see Nottingham castle from my bedroom window. :cool:

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Nice. The area of England in which I live is called the 'Midlands'. Its a good day today. The sun is out and there is a gentle breeze. Luckily I work on the outskirts of the suburbs and the countryside in a 'a' listed building ( an old building which is protected by the local council). My office window overlooks the rolling greens, farms, and tree lined country lanes. It makes for a very nice escape from the computer screen to zone out and appreciate. :)

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what is london like? I've always wanted to visit there. Also, I just got back from a vaca spot called Dauphin Island. Don't go if you want entertainment. If you want to just relax and not do anything, then its a great place. Not many goodlooking ladies, though.

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London is great...but I can only cope with it for a few days. The streets are a nightmare to manouvere because of all the tourists wondering around admiring the sights. You seriously have to barge people out of the way to get anywhere in London. But I would recommend it. It has so much history and even if you aren't interested in that, there is so much entertainment around to cater for your needs.


Just make sure you have plenty of money because it is ludicrously expensive. ;)


In all honesty I would advise you to go to continental cities like Paris, Barcelona, or Rome. They are so much more attractive. Madrid is my favourite, the people there are fantastic.


Skip Germany though. :D

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