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Padme v2 model ready

Anavel Gato

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Does anybody want to test my new and improved Padme model for me?

I've tested it and couldn't find anybugs but before I send it off I'd like to know if other people don't get bugs either.

Send me an email if you want to test it and I'll send you a link to the file (or email you the 1.7mb PK3 file).

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Originally posted by blah2k

Any chance you can tweak the bot a.i. so it only uses guns? Having her run around with a light saber just doesn't look right.


How do I change that with Botmaker? Or Notepad :)


What differences are to be expected though?


- A unripped outfit with the cape.

- Improved geometry and new vertex weighting (no more left-hand-bug).

- New sounds/taunts.

- New icons.

- Better CFT skins


At the end of this week I will send it to JK2files.com and jediknightii.net and that file will also have the Naboo blaster that ALIEN_JL made! It will replace the Bryan pistol!!! :D

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Just copy and paste this into notepad and rename it to modelname.jkb (e.g. padme.jkb)


//Padme personality


//Do not let this file exceed 131072 bytes.


//Do not let any group exceed 8192 bytes.


//Do not let the chat section exceed 8192 bytes.


//Some values are base values and changed by the in-game skill. The formula for reflex and accuracy

//is basevalue/skill. So if you give a base reflex of 500ms, a nightmare bot will have a reaction time of

//100ms. Other values, like turnspeed_combat (higher == faster), are multiplied by the skill number.


//Note also that depending on if the bot and the enemy are moving at the same time, the degrees the bot

//aims off by can be greater than the maximum accuracy value. So if the bot and its enemy are both flying

//through the air and accuracy is at 20, the bot could easily aim off by 25 degrees instead. That is,

//unless perfectaim is 1. In this case the bot will aim perfectly at all times (as the name indicates).




reflex 500

//base reflex value, time in ms it takes the bot to react

accuracy 3

//base accuracy, number of degrees bot can aim off by. Lower value == better aim.

turnspeed 0.01

turnspeed_combat 0.05

maxturn 360

perfectaim 1

chatability 1

chatfrequency 3

hatelevel 5

camper 0

saberspecialist 1

//if 1, bot will not run just because it's forced to use a saber


//don't exceed 20 force points total

forceinfo 7-1-30133000022003111

// hlspptglrpattdssss

// eepuueriarbeereaaa

// aveslliggosaaaebbb

// l ehlephetommi eee

// d t erhfn rrr

// n cbeo adt

// i t ar teh

// n lc tfr

// g e aeo

// cnw

// kd


//1==light side 2==dark side



//Weapons with a weight of 0 will be used in special cases outside of combat



















// Padme has no emotional attachments.







//all groups below here will be read in as chat sections





I've been dying a little bit every day, since you came back into my life.





I will not condone a course of action that will lead our people to war.

Are you making fun of me?

I think Count Dooku is behind this.





For the Naboo!





%s, no!





For the Naboo!



















Of course!

I'll do my best.


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Originally posted by volrathxp

D.L. Padme should have emotional attachments to Anakin. I'm not sure if adding that in there will work or not, but I think she should have that.


I know. I considered that but there is no real universal Anakin model yet so it wouldn't work with all the Anakins. It's not that hard to add. Just add the following line between the {} brackets.


Anakin_Skywalker 2


Note that the model Anakin_Skywalker must have


Padme 2


in his .jkb file as well. Like I said, there is no universal Anakin model but it will be named Anakin_Skywalker in the .bot file if it does exist. You could try putting


Anakin 2


in there as well.

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Originally posted by t3rr0r

does that mean she gets separate eyes? :o


No that means that I remodelled her arms and partly her hands. I also tweaked her face a tiny bit.

Separate eyes? I assume you mean 3d eyes/sphere eyes? I think this is a waste for models that aren't used for cinematics. In-game models fly by and you won't be able to tell the difference betweeen eyes that are the skin and 3d eyes.

I also didn't weigh the bones in her face for the same reason.


Thanks for the bot file D.L.!!! :D

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im not completly sure wether that bot file will work


i think she might still use the lightsaber


to make sure change this line:


forceinfo 7-1-30133000022003111


to this


forceinfo 7-1-30133000022003000


this will make so she has no saber and cant use it even if she runs out of ammo. She will have a shoddy stun baton

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