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To all you admins out there...


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Tell me, would you ban a player for attacking someone with a sabre down when it isnt stated anywher ein the server?


I'll give you the scenario. I assumed an alias, and hopped into a clan-owned server. I noted that the server did not once say that sabre off=peace. I then found the nearest clan member with their sabre off, and DFAed him. About 30 seconds later, I was banned. No warning, nothing.


This doesnt really seem right to me. If you have a rule that you want followed, post that rule! Have it pop up when the server starts, or pop up every 5 minutes! Warn the offending player once or twice! Dont just ban him. For all you know, that player had no idea whatsoever about any sort of sabre-code. He could be totally new to the game. If it doesnt say "Sabreoff=peace" he's not gonna know, and he's gonna treat it like any other deathmatch game.


The clan was =NCX=.



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Is it just me or do tagged people often seem kinda lame? And if there are more than one of them, it gets *much* worse.



Whenever I kill someone with a tag >>> "damn n00b"


He kills me, I say: Gf! >>> " Mwahaha Owned Ur ass n00b U have no skills!"


I kill him again >>> "damn bug"


And again >>> "damn lag damn comp damn n00b spamming heavy (yes, this one is for you Kurgan :D ) and medium and blue and throw and kick and lunge and..."


Once more >>> "get some skillz faggot!"


I hack him down to near death-state >>> he uses the "kill-command" and commits suicide just before I have time to finish him off.


>>> starts a vote to kick me


>>> vote failed


>>> starts a vote to kick me


>>> vote failed


>>> tagged player leaves the server.


If this imaginary server would have been ran by the clan, I'd be kicked & banned of course.


It seems that killing someone with a tag is like spitting in their face while saying something bad about their mommy....that's how they react anyway.


(A lot of the coolest people online wear tags, though...so I'm not saying that they are *all* acting like this, but...)

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Originally posted by Luc Solar

Is it just me or do tagged people often seem kinda lame? And if there are more than one of them, it gets *much* worse.



Whenever I kill someone with a tag >>> "damn n00b"


He kills me, I say: Gf! >>> " Mwahaha Owned Ur ass n00b U have no skills!"


I kill him again >>> "damn bug"


And again >>> "damn lag damn comp damn n00b spamming heavy (yes, this one is for you Kurgan :D ) and medium and blue and throw and kick and lunge and..."


Once more >>> "get some skillz faggot!"


I hack him down to near death-state >>> he uses the "kill-command" and commits suicide just before I have time to finish him off.


>>> starts a vote to kick me


>>> vote failed


>>> starts a vote to kick me


>>> vote failed


>>> tagged player leaves the server.


If this imaginary server would have been ran by the clan, I'd be kicked & banned of course.


It seems that killing someone with a tag is like spitting in their face while saying something bad about their mommy....that's how they react anyway.


(A lot of the coolest people online wear tags, though...so I'm not saying that they are *all* acting like this, but...)




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may be something to do with the 'fact' that most tagged players are children. Just my thoughts... hehe but yeah i do notice the same thing.


The only reason we wear a tag on our server is not because we are a clan, we aren't. its just so you know who plays regularly there, and you know they wont cheap shot you.


Also the tag we have is H-P, so if anyone asks HP? during a duel I say Hermes Place which is the name of the server. end of the day its just a biot of fun for us.

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I run a small FFA server. FFA = free for all = shoot first and ask questions later.


If someone logs onto a FFA-guns server and wanders around with a saber down, I can't help but laugh if they whine about being killed. :)

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