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Bofh Is An Idiot


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There is a JediMod Official v1.3 up at jk2files.com, the only problem is I never made a JediMod v1.3... Judgeing by the features that were added and by some of the things that he has said in the past, I'm thinking maybe BOFH made it. He also added in a feature that kicks people and calls them an ass as soon as they join. Thats the lamest thing I've ever seen someone do.

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WTF is wrong with BOFH, Is he so jealous of your talent that he has to act like a F**ING 2 year and pull off the most childish and disrespectfull stunt possible. If anyone ever deserved to be banned from the Forums it's this A**HOLE!!!!!

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I'd rather not jump into quick conclusions. From what I saw, BOFH is busy coding for his mod....and he apologized in front of all of us for his earlier behaviour.


It may well be someone that tries to achieve the effect of "BOFH is a ***hole"


I'd say investigate it before jumping to quick conclusions

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I remember Remark 666 mentioning in these forums that Dest was no longer working on Jedimods. Dest pretty much confirmed that. The reason I mentioned Andy867 is because he seemed pretty sure about Jedimod 1.3 being released, when no information was unveiled to confirm that mod. Perhaps someone gave him misleading information, because for him to think it was official, I'm sure he must have thought Dest was involved. Or, maybe he just heard rumors of it.

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Sorry for the name calling, I'm just sick and tired of BOFH's multiple personalities or whatever is going on. Some examples:


Good BOFH:

"I'm renaming the mod to JediPlus"

"I found a bug and fixed it"

"I'm adding cool admin stuff"

"I gave more credit in the readme."

(other good coding related stuff)



(I'm talking in a chatroom about emotes and BOFH chimes in "how about you **** the emotes", except he didnt use stars)

(I say I'm going to add grappleing hook code to JediMod and BOFH tells me I am ****ing up the game)

"JediMod v1.2 sucks! Higher numbers mean better!"

(Naming the mod JediMod 2.0++, there was no reason to have the ++ after the 2.0 unless he was trying to confuse people)

(BOFH sends ask a pm with the title "Your ****ty grappleing code")

(BOFH somehow gets JediKnightii.net to release JediMod++ before they released JediMod)

"JediMod++ 3.0 will kill all other mods out there, even JediMod!"

"I just got kicked from a server! I'm going to hardcode a ban of all their IP's into the next version of JediMod++"


Good BOFH was an ok guy but I'm fed up with Bad BOFH so I'm calling BOFH an idiot, even if he didn't post that fake JediMod v1.3 I'm still pissed at him for all of the bad bofh stuff.

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Come on dude.. i was bein a prick back then... Now im doin a lot of work on the mod and releasing it sometime sept. 1st. Sorry bout all the trouble i created... (and the reason it got released before yours is because i had been talking to sithlord ii, and i told him that both mods will support yoda... (I also told him what i added).. He told the jk2files (or jediknightii) file admins that JediMOD++ was the only one that would support yoda.


And dude, i've seen what the grapple code can do... Its pissy when you're in a duel with someone and the opponent is losing... Then they grapple up and out of the duel.


2.0 and 2.1 were the betas.. They never got widely used, and were deleted less than a day after they came out...


2.2 had your permission to be called JediMOD++


3.0 I continued the name cause i was being an *******..


3.1 is now JediPLUS... works decently.. Now im working on enhancing what i've added, and adding a lot more (like if someone doesnt know how to bind a key to a command, you can do it for them (execclient), MOTD, a meditate emote (which disables your capability of attacking and everything and makes you regenerate force 4x as fast -- already in 3.0, but a lil too fast its too fast. -- basically same position as your sit command.. changed your sit command to a different sitting postition.)


A couple bugfixes to the admin commands (rename -- cant have spaces in the name), etc..



Originally posted by Dest

Sorry for the name calling, I'm just sick and tired of BOFH's multiple personalities or whatever is going on. Some examples:


Good BOFH:

"I'm renaming the mod to JediPlus"

"I found a bug and fixed it"

"I'm adding cool admin stuff"

"I gave more credit in the readme."

(other good coding related stuff)



(I'm talking in a chatroom about emotes and BOFH chimes in "how about you **** the emotes", except he didnt use stars)

(I say I'm going to add grappleing hook code to JediMod and BOFH tells me I am ****ing up the game)

"JediMod v1.2 sucks! Higher numbers mean better!"

(Naming the mod JediMod 2.0++, there was no reason to have the ++ after the 2.0 unless he was trying to confuse people)

(BOFH sends ask a pm with the title "Your ****ty grappleing code")

(BOFH somehow gets JediKnightii.net to release JediMod++ before they released JediMod)

"JediMod++ 3.0 will kill all other mods out there, even JediMod!"

"I just got kicked from a server! I'm going to hardcode a ban of all their IP's into the next version of JediMod++"


Good BOFH was an ok guy but I'm fed up with Bad BOFH so I'm calling BOFH an idiot, even if he didn't post that fake JediMod v1.3 I'm still pissed at him for all of the bad bofh stuff.

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I'll do it for JediPLUS 3.2 since thats going to end up coming out way before JediMOD 1.3 is ready... I'll mail the fix to dest tho so he doesnt have to do much of anything to put it in.


Originally posted by Deetox187

Well Dest if you do ever do decide to update again could you please look into fixing the model icon limit in the player select menu? it won't show more than 99 icons, thanx.

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well this meditation feature sounds like an idea i had some weeks ago. but i left it cuz it had no use for me. still a nice feature. combined with a very high forceregentime setting so the force regenerates very slow (e.g.2 minutes from empty to full) it could be the end of force based attack spaming or healing and whatever stuff comes. so one would have to fight with the saber. then i would even consider putting forces back on my server! the only problem is force jump. it gets nerfed beyond reason. mabe u could insert something like a stamina bar besides the force bar. if u dont we (me and my coder) will try it some time when we finish our other ideas. a stamina bar would change alot of things. imagine people not doing a yellow or red dfa 10 times during a duel because they are exhausted and vulnerable after performing those. and people not spaming around but rather make tactical attacks. and a sprint funktion to run faster but not using force. just like the run button but taking up stamina. that could be the end of people running away from duels. but im dreaming again. and the next release would rather have some more emotes and a double grapplehook (mabe a quadro bladed saber???) than some cool features.

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yeah i know. so if u make force regen time to high values, the player would be forced to meditate if he would want to regenerate faster, thus changing the gamplay from froce based attacks spaming to more tactical usement of the force. i am thinking of ways to bring back the force to our server without falling back to the old days. because its getting a little bit boring with saber only. after 3 month playing like that u get better and better and its not thrilling anymore...the game has to evolve on!

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I wouldn't have such a huge problem with non-saber battles if the people running non saber-only servers didn't put forceregentime to 400 or something. They do it on purpose. Run at you with a lightsaber, you start fighting, then after you've used up all your force they break out a rocket launcher. Stuff like that makes me sick.

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Actually it works like that


It just takes the speed (lets say its 400), and multiplys it by 4..


so in that case since 400 is slower than 200,


if g_forceregentime = 400


and you meditate

your current g_forceregentime = 100


making things faster.

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ya i know. i had such a feature in my mod too but never used it on the server. i made it so u could regenerate force with regentime 0 if the saber was holstered and otherwise with the actual forceregentime setting (2000 i think). but we just tested it quick and never used it cuz ffa duels still dont work, no discipline these days...

the meditation feature u got is actually the original idea but since the whole ffa duel thing needs some big changes i left it aside. if u release your code someday i will look into it and save my coder some time. it looks like we got another coder who mabe can help us including this "ignore" other players while dueling. that would make ffa duels possible without discipline. for that he has to find out how to make it so other players except your challanged oppontent are not shown and cannot intefere physicaly. the no damage from outsider feature is good but they stil can block u and stuff. very annoying. another issue would die too, ffa duels lower framerate due to the high number of players. if they would not be drawn at all...but for now we still have to play this tournament game type and wait and wait...

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