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The President Came To My Town Yesterday


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All you people, I had to put up with Cousin Willy for like 4 years serving as governer here. It sucked, he said he was going to lower taxes, and then he raised them and doubled alot of licensing fees. Two-timing weasel, I hate that man.

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heh, yes Artoo but think Ex Auntie Hillary (now distance cousin because she hates Arky) will take over the world soon and we'll all be enslaved into hard labor in the Middle East looking for the fountain of youth to keep Hilly alive for all eternity and forever afterwards she will...oh sorry...got sidetracked...


(BTW, my claim to fame? I stole the Pres's Parking spot one time at a restraunt...oh yeah...I'm mean:D [i knew it was his later when I realized those two guys standing in the space weren't there for nothing (which I found out when there was a news bulleton about him coming to LIttle Rock and it showed him walking into the restraunt:D )])

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