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Another fight thread

Darth Homer

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Ok, this one's simple...I was just playing with my Dooku saber (for those of you with sick minds, don't read into that) and got to thinking...Darth Maul was very acrobatic and all, but Dooku fought off 2 young jedis at the same time....that being said, who do YOU think would win in a duel:


Maul vs Dooku

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Dooku fought a knight (nobody called him "Master Obi wan" other than Anakin. All the council referred to him as Jedi Knight) and a padawan whereas Maul fought a master and a knight.


Maul killed one of them, Dooku didn't kill either, but could have if that midget :D didn't show up :D But he took on ALL 3 of them and still made it through alive.


If there was no force choking or lightning involved, i think Maul would win if it was only a pure lightsaber battle.


If everything's fair, Dooku wins.

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Originally posted by krkode

If everything's fair, Dooku wins.


If everything was fair Dooku'd be dead. If Obi-Wan and Anakin would have just made sure he didn't leave, and stay non-confrontational, Yoda woulda easily brought down Dooku, but NOOOOOOOOOOOO Obi-Wan and Anakin just HAD to take him on.

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I think that Dooku would win.


Dooku is alot faster with his saber than maul, who was actually pretty slow with his. Sure, he has the arobics but that doesn't matter. In a sword fight, the faster man wins, and Dooku is much faster, thats like his thing.


And remember, Dooku fouhgt anikan with two sabers and still easily defeated him. One great thing about the fight with Obi-Wan and Anikan was that you could tell that he was playing with them, that he could have just killed them right away but that that wouldn't have been any fun. Of course, then he almost pee'd his pants when yoda showed up, but that doesn't matter.


Dooku would kill Maul, literally.

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Originally posted by DashRendar


If everything was fair Dooku'd be dead. If Obi-Wan and Anakin would have just made sure he didn't leave, and stay non-confrontational, Yoda woulda easily brought down Dooku, but NOOOOOOOOOOOO Obi-Wan and Anakin just HAD to take him on.


Well, if you think of it that way, Dooku would still be doing a 3v1, whereas Maul got killed in a 2v1 despite fighting them separately for most of the time. whereas Dooku incapacitated both his opponents in a 2v1 where he was fighting both of them simultaneously, unlike Maul, who most of the time fought them one at a time.


And obi wan could defeat Maul, he could't defeat Dooku even with Anakin's help ;) Although that's not a valid argument because of relativity :D


And as tie guy said, you could easily tell that dooku was playing with them/


And then again, Dooku is a master with force lightning and all that nifty stuff whereas Maul is just a c ocky padawan who got beat by someone whom Dooku owned ;) (obi wan)


And also look at the way Dooku fought Yoda, i'm sure Yoda would have made childs play of Maul ;)

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Dooku is the fencer...he trained all his life with a certain anti-saber style of fighting. SO of course it might be a shoker for him to find Maul and his double bladed saber...but he wouldn't mind for long...Maul's weapon is bulky and obtrusive and can be hard to wield...Dooku has a fast style and a small weapon...Dooku also has a better mastery of the force...Think of it this way...Maul=Sith Knight (Maybe apprentace), Dooku=Sith Master (he has trained padawans before)


And the winner is...*drumroll* NIETHER! The kill each other when Maul gets his saber sliced through he accidentally takes Dooky's head off even though Dooky has cut maul in half again...this time vertically...

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I agree with everyone, Dooku would win. Maul is the obvious evil, he's a friggin' monster....got facial tatoos and all...Dooku is the true evil...looks like a good guy, acts like a good guy, has charm and intelligence....and will slice your arm off first chance he gets.


Dooku wins

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Well I think that the blademaster Grom Hellscream (WC3) would have owned them all with his almighty bladestorm, and critical strike, and windwalk, and mirror image. I've been playing too much WC3. :D


But I think Dooku would win against Maul and I ain't gonna state why cause everyone else before me has. :D

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Originally posted by STTCT

I think Qui-gon given the chance could have kicked dooku's @ss a helluva lot better than "ani" and "obi" did. :cool:


I don't know about that. Remember that Qui-Gon was Dooku's Apprentice, Qui-Gon would have gotten killed easily too.

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In my opinion, the only people who could defeat Dooku in a saber duel would be Yoda, a matured Anakin, and maybe Luke.


Yoda is a pretty obvious choice, since he dominated the fight in Episode 2. A matured Anakin because having the highest midichlorian count ever, that makes him the most powerful Jedi, IN THEORY (more on that later). A matured Anakin, like Vader, would be able to defeat Dooku simply because of his mastery of the Force. I also named Luke because he's Anakin's son, and the Son of Suns. I think George Lucas really wanted to show that Luke is the most powerful Jedi ever, succeeding in defeating the Dark Side where his father had failed.

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