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C&C Generals


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Originally posted by Imperial Sardaukar

It may look great, but I'll wait two to four months to see how support comes this time... If I see something I don't like, screw it! I refuse to buy a game that has little support these days. Look at RA2, that game became unbalanced as ****! *Sighs...*


What do you mean, unbalanced? Every side was equally good, if you knew how to use them, that is.

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Originally posted by NL_Ackbar

i think he means yuris revenge


treu that was a little unbalanced


I was talking about both of them. I actually thought Yuri was the weakest side against a player who knows how to use their units well, especially the allies.

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Originally posted by krkode

Been watching this game for a while already :)


This is THE NEXT game on my list :D


I can't wait :p


What? It doesn't come out till January.


Aren't you gonna get Bounty Hunter or the Clone Wars or anything. Kingdom Hearts is coming out too.


This is definately on my list, but i've got 3 or 4 games before it i think.

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not really


I've just been thinking about Age of Mythology or Battle Field 1942, but not sure about either one :D


Currently i have enough money for 1 game, and so i'm keeping it for Generals :D


maybe if i have more then, i'll buy some other game whos price must've gone down by then :D

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Originally posted by Imperial Sardaukar


Units such as the Demo truck were useless after a patch that downgraded it along with other things.....


Actually, i thought they needed to be. They were to powerfull. I had so much fun with those things, but they require precise timing to pull off, and you have to know how to do it. However, if you did know how then 4 demo trucks and a couple decoy units could practically end the game.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy


Actually, i thought they needed to be. They were to powerfull. I had so much fun with those things, but they require precise timing to pull off, and you have to know how to do it. However, if you did know how then 4 demo trucks and a couple decoy units could practically end the game.


I didn't think it needed to be fully downgraded at all! I think it could have gone away with power being downgraded abit, but abit more radiation time which is a good trade off. You shouldn't just downgrade something and do nothing! The unit should be given something so it's not useless at all! WW only downgrades so units become useless instead of downgraded an ability that is not countered easily and then giving them another aspect that will make it good still! It may be EAP now, but that means nothing to me anymore! If I must, I'll stop buying and go on to something else likme Ensemble Studios that knows how to balance!

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feh, I don't need another fuedal classic. Screw that. I want some modern action. (I really want a good WWII RTS, but oh well) I want tanks, infantry with guns, flamethrowers, and more. Plus I just read that they have a realistic money making ability. Now there is no ore and no harvesters to worry about. Now you have to worry about supply routes for your chinok helocopters or workers. Also the General part of the game is pretty cool.

You choose the general you want to command your forces. Each side has three generals to choose from, each with four special attributes that can be used in the game: a unique unit, two special abilities (sometimes weapons) and a veteran bonus (i.e. a tank general would have all his tanks start as veterans).

So cool. Too bad it doesn't throw a bit of RPG element in there so you can add abilities and bonuses to your generals so you can have specialists that can deal with certain sides well. (i.e.- Develop a good anti-Chinese general, etc) I can't wait for this game. And once again...screw AoM...I gots me WCIII and Sid Mier's Antietam for mainstay until C&C comes along...

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So cool. Too bad it doesn't throw a bit of RPG element in there so you can add abilities and bonuses to your generals so you can have specialists that can deal with certain sides well.


I read in the preview that they were thinking about that but thought it would be too cheezy and so they stripped the idea.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

krkode, fergie, both your prayers have been answered with one game:


Battlefield 1942.

Trust me.

Play it online and find out.


During my time as a medal of honor fan, (about 2-3 months ago) i was looking forward to that game every minute of my life, but then when the demo came out the news that they dont support TNT cards, i dismissed it for a while, atleast until i get my new computer (whenever that is).


But Generals still has the lead with me ;)

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