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Unban GEEZus!


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I dare not, 'cause apparently around here, unless you talk like a n00b, walk like a n00b, smell like a n00b, and kiss the admin/mod's butt 5 times on every thread, u gonna get banned.


Don't believe me? Read some of these threads.

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Ha! I don't kiss the admins butts every 5 seconds and I'm not banned!


*Looks around*


*Starts running away*



Anyway, I really can't see why he didn't get banned sooner. Running around, making up stories of cheats, then acussing everyone under the sun(Actually this is the internet, right? So...Everyone under the glow of a moniter?) doesn't exactly give you a long shelf life on these boards.


Abuse of Admin power?


Did you actually read anything he posted? He was nothing more then a troll.




Ah, oh well. He seemed to lighten up towards then end of his forum life, may he rest in peace.

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BooHoo Geezus is banned.


Now all I see is these silly claims that Freedom of speach is being taken away...OOOOHHHH NOOOOOOO!!


Whatever losers.


His name is insulting, 90% of all his posts were only meant to flame and annoy members of this forum. If you want to cry about how he is a poor misunderstood victim of the evil heartless admins be my guest.


Fact: Geezus was an ass. And besides I can always laugh at his posts on Jedibattlefield.com were the admins will not ban him.

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and now that is out of the way, because I do so happen to read you pompus @ss, I can continue with my fillabuster. As I was saying before so rudely interrupted( and I will clarify for the weak minded):


Not a story of cheats...there are some small hacks that do exist fo JK2.






for the weak minded: This was obviously a sarcastic retort to all of the /kill talk.


You people really need to learn to lighten up. If you are really that upset that someone makes a blanket statement about cheaters in the game and you take it personally you need to consider putting the messageboard down and slowly backing away. You cannot let your emotions be dictated by words on a web page.


Unfortunately, the whole concept of 'Freedom of speech' doesn't truely exist on the internet. The internet is not as liberal as some would like to think or like it to be. Hence we have admins that ban people because they 'pay for they messageboard ' so you must comply with their wishes or you will be banned. May I remind you, however, that people with much more money and power than these admins run newspapers and periodicals that do allow for this freedom. Granted they have editors, but is that not one of the duties of a messageboard admin? If they do, then are they not doing their job by not protecting the interests of the people who do complain about Geezus by not taking the time to EDIT his posts? Insted, they sweep him under the rug and pretend he does not exist.


I will probably get banned for being a rebel for my reply, but at the very least I hope that I have brought some potential things to light.

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Originally posted by FatalStrike

Now all I see is these silly claims that Freedom of speach is being taken away...OOOOHHHH NOOOOOOO!!


Its called making a point about how portions of the worlds media is run. If you do not subscribe to the same beliefs, then that is your perogative. Socialism is fun too, I guess...


Ultimately it is the admins job to do what they want, or not do what they want. But since this board does not ban by IP address, their problem still exists. GEEZus will be back, as will his friends, as will the flames.

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Ahh, yes..freedom of speech.


I might just pop on to some forum that truely upholds this noble idea.


Then I'll wake up every morning and post 50 new threads of "UR ALL N00BS!! STFU!!"


And another 50 copy-pasted "UR ALL N00BS!! STFU!!"-threads once I get home from work.


And another 50 copy-pasted "UR ALL N00BS!! STFU!!"-threads before I go to bed.



Then....if someone flames me or bans me, will you be there, TK-Hamburglar, crying about how yet another poor honest guy was silenced by mean kommunists-mods just because he voiced his opinions?



Geezus was nothing but a troll. He was warned, but didn't "get it". I will not miss him, and I doubt many others will either.

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Like I said in another thread-


You can leave,we aint holding you back here,infact we're pushing you out the door. We may be too"Sensitive" for you,so fine. We dont care.Find a forum that's good enough for you.In a matter of fact,since your in a clan,why dont you guys just make a clan forum where you can flame each other merrily each day?

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Originally posted by TK-Hamburglar


Its called making a point about how portions of the worlds media is run. If you do not subscribe to the same beliefs, then that is your perogative. Socialism is fun too, I guess...


Your point is misguided and your comparison is flawed.


While this message board allows you to freely post your ideas it must sweep away those that seek to disrupt the free flow of open communication. When someone dedicates themselves to flaming others, that person begins to disrupt the function that is at the core of this forums. He takes thread off subject, stops the more timid from posting, and ultimately makes the entire forum less useful. He is now in effect preventing this forum from reaching its fully intended use. Thus the job of the admins is to make sure the forum stays on track by eliminating annoying bumps in the road, like your clanmate Geezus.


Any freedom, even freedom of speech, has its limits. You are for example not legally allowed to walk down the street and insult everyone you want. Sure you may get away with it, but if a police officer is there you will be arrested for disturbing the peace. Why? Because your freedom of speech began to infringe on others rights to exist in a peaceful situation and not be verbally assaulted.


So if you wish to argue your point about freedom of speech you are more then free to do so. However please read more then just how this freedom is described and instead read on how this freedom is actually applied.



Originally posted by TK-Hamburglar

Ultimately it is the admins job to do what they want, or not do what they want. But since this board does not ban by IP address, their problem still exists. GEEZus will be back, as will his friends, as will the flames.


basically what you are saying is that your buddy is an ass and the only thing he wants to do is annoy everyone as much as possible. How nice.

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Originally posted by Tyrion

Like I said in another thread-


You can leave,we aint holding you back here,infact we're pushing you out the door. We may be too"Sensitive" for you,so fine. We dont care.Find a forum that's good enough for you.In a matter of fact,since your in a clan,why dont you guys just make a clan forum where you can flame each other merrily each day?


He's welcome to leave, we'll even have signs pointing to the door.

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Originally posted by TK-Hamburglar


But since this board does not ban by IP address, their problem still exists. GEEZus will be back, as will his friends, as will the flames.



really? wanna bet?


FYI you have not SEEN a admin yet, these are lowly MODERATORS you have been banging heads with...


keep it up, and you will get your ass handed to you...


please direct your limited attention spans over here: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=64362 and read them well... I really like no. 12 which I will repost here. "12. You may not re-register after receiving a ban." cool huh?



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