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WIP: Cloud Strife (FF VII)

Midgit Yoda

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yes, and it also messed up the glow with other lightsabers.



Anyway, the sword wasn't wrapped that much - like I said it was just a placeholder skin to see how the UV-Wrapping works on the model. Tonight I'm gonna load up ModView and start working on the real skin for it.

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from the looks of things, and remembering that midget has yet to actually finish a model; it looks like cloud will never see the light of day, this thread has been open for quite awhile now and still no ingame shots.


whats the prob man?


but it looks good midget, just hope you actually finish this one.

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Originally posted by Leonheart



from the looks of things, and remembering that midget has yet to actually finish a model; it looks like cloud will never see the light of day, this thread has been open for quite awhile now and still no ingame shots.


whats the prob man?


but it looks good midget, just hope you actually finish this one.

Quite apparently you haven't been paying much attention. I have finished two models. 1 of which was my first and I just made it to prove that I could. The second one hasn't been released yet. And Cloud will be finished really soon I suspect. Well at least my part. Need skinners. Once he's done being UVmapped I'll have him in game that day that I get him back. I was gonna let VHD UVMap him but he doesn't know how to Unwrap the models. I could do it but I hate UVmapping hehe. And frankly Musashi is better. So please don't diss my reputation when you don't know all the facts. U want some in game pics of models I've put in game. Well here is TOM SERVO that VHD made the mesh and KMan Skinned. I weighted it, weigted the caps, did tags, re-arranged some stuff heh, put it in game and made the bot files for it.

Gumby Unskinned, but in game

Tom Servo In Game

Ya know, It makes me soo angry for someone to be-little me. Especially someone too ignorant to check out all the facts before doing it. I appologize for saying such harsh things but as I stated before, it pisses me off for someone to be-little me.

Now then on to my next statement:

I am considering making a Seifer Model once Cloud is done. However, if Musashi is quitting his Sephiroth I may make him instead of Seifer. I don't think Musashi's given up yet though :) Hope not.

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Yup, that's the KH Buster Sword. I know full well what the Buster Sword from FF7 looks like, but it looks nowhere near as cool :)


Anyways, the skin on the sword is done, but I will not be releasing the model until Cloud himself is finished.


Also, since I have so much time until that date, I think I'll redo a little bit of the mesh on the sword. I might even send it to Musashi or iifuzz (two of my most trusted modelers ^_^) to see if they can better tweak it. I'm quite satisfied with the sword's skin myself though, as it's the most realistic one I have done ;)

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Originally posted by Sephiroth CR

I think making Cloud is a good idea, but could you make Sephiroth too? I would really appreciate it.


your such a poser :p


BTW: my avatar is better ^_^

i already came and gone from that one :D


also, them cloud models are looking good. that sucks that JKII doesnt support hait movement

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Midget, are you gonna skin it? casue I can post the uvw mapps as I make them so people can skin him. I now have the hips/torso/head done. However the shoulder thing gave me a bit of grief. I couldn't find the right postion for getting rid of a seam. Don't as long as you don't have two different colors running across the center...it should be fine :)

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Well man, I wouldn't call those completed works. Need skins they do, get to it :p


Heh, belittle your work? nah, was stating the truth man, tom servo is coming along but without a skin it is blah.


I've been checking out your stuff for awhile now, and you are improving, perhaps it is better that you give up on most of your models, better than releasing crap.


Cloud looks good, by far your best, don't rush it though just to prove me or anyone else wrong about you not getting models finished, because I for one am glad to see you work on it.


You gotta remember, I stuck up for you awhile back when you were all sad about your models or whatever rofl.

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Out of curosity......what gives you the authoirty to say what is and is not crap?


Yeah chrono, Um, the arms are still in a straight out postion. not sure if i should go ahead and mapp the hands and legs becasue of this.....well if midget allows it I will go ahead and re-attach everything and postion the arms correctly. and cap everything.

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Originally posted by Leonheart



Well man, I wouldn't call those completed works. Need skins they do, get to it :p


Heh, belittle your work? nah, was stating the truth man, tom servo is coming along but without a skin it is blah.


I've been checking out your stuff for awhile now, and you are improving, perhaps it is better that you give up on most of your models, better than releasing crap.


Cloud looks good, by far your best, don't rush it though just to prove me or anyone else wrong about you not getting models finished, because I for one am glad to see you work on it.


You gotta remember, I stuck up for you awhile back when you were all sad about your models or whatever rofl.

Alright Leonheart. you say what you want to say and believe what you want to believe but let me ask you a question. How many models have you pushed outta your box that some calla computer? And what right do you have to tell me that my work is crap? I dropped my other models mainly because 1. no one paid attention (dark Helmet) 2. They wouldn't fit the skeleton correctly (megatron and Fat Bastard) and 3. I was just practicing mainly (Gumby, and Nikto (my first model)). And obviously you need a lesson on comprehensive reading because tom servo DOES have all the skin files. I didn't make them because I am NOT a skinner, I am a modeler. I didn't make the mesh either but I did almost all of the work on it to make it work. And in case I'm deaf, dumb, blind, fat, stupid, ugly, retarted, and a mute, that's more than you've done. Just please shut your ass and don't post here again unless it pretains to cloud. I garuntee to you that unless a meteor or a comet hits my house and smokes my computer and kills me, Cloud will be released just to prove to your @ss that I can model and I can get a model in game and that I can do more than you can. Now I'm gonna just tell ya that and then if I hear from you again I am just going to ignore you. </words with leonheart>


Stuff is going great with cloud guys (sorry about my rage above, but I've had a rough and bad day and the last thing I wanted to read was a smart-ass poser telling me what I do right and wrong). All I'm waitin on is Musashi to UVMap. You have the good word to move the arms into position. Just kinda put em in place and I'll re-arrange them and those UVMs when u send it to me. I figured it'd be easier for you if I left em straight. Guess not. Anywho, for my next model I'm thinkin either Seifer or Spawn. I already have part of a Mesh I've been workin on for Spawn. I could probably pump that out purty fast. Then again if I gave it a new head and a trench coat it could pass as seifer. Help me out. Tell me what ya want. When I get cloud back, expect him to be in game and ready for skinning probably in the same day. The hard part is done. For a long time I considered the hard part puttin it in game but I have mastered that now. WHOA the light are flickering here (there's a storm) I'll be on tomorrow a lil'. Hopefully Musashi will send me Cloud bright and early.

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