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some thing funny in ROTJ

ET Warrior

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  • 5 weeks later...

Return of the Jedi had nothing remotely funny in it. Take a look at what happened:


1: The good guys won.

2: Emperor Palpatine died (only going on canon, not EU).

3: The Death Star Two was destroyed.

4: Darth Vader was defeated.

5: Anakin Skywalker returned.

6: The Executor was destoryed.

7: Boba Fett died (again, no EU).

8: Jabba the Hutt died.

9: The good guys won.


See? It's the saddest film in the whole Star Wars saga! I was in tears when it all ended... no more Empire! No more dark side! No more films (until 1999)!

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Well... I simply HATE THE GOOD GUYS!!!


All those peace-loving, justice-seeking, well-being, trustworthy, loving, caring, sharing, helping, do-gooders are puny, weak and pathetic... the Empire, dark side, Sith Lords and evil forces (like Trade Federation, Geonosians and Bounty Hunters) are the true rulers of the galaxy, and the Rebel Alliance/Jedi Knights/Republic are only useless forces of good that will ultimately fall, crumble and die because they are not willing to progress and conquer!


In this galaxy, you simply must be nasty to survive...

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Originally posted by Darth Vader 421

Well... I simply HATE THE GOOD GUYS!!!


All those peace-loving, justice-seeking, well-being, trustworthy, loving, caring, sharing, helping, do-gooders are puny, weak and pathetic... the Empire, dark side, Sith Lords and evil forces (like Trade Federation, Geonosians and Bounty Hunters) are the true rulers of the galaxy, and the Rebel Alliance/Jedi Knights/Republic are only useless forces of good that will ultimately fall, crumble and die because they are not willing to progress and conquer!


In this galaxy, you simply must be nasty to survive...



well said!!!

that is the most sense that i have heard all day!

they will always be more jedi's and stuff, but real evil people, you just dont get them!!

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Originally posted by Darth Vader 421

Well... I simply HATE THE GOOD GUYS!!!


All those peace-loving, justice-seeking, well-being, trustworthy, loving, caring, sharing, helping, do-gooders are puny, weak and pathetic... the Empire, dark side, Sith Lords and evil forces (like Trade Federation, Geonosians and Bounty Hunters) are the true rulers of the galaxy, and the Rebel Alliance/Jedi Knights/Republic are only useless forces of good that will ultimately fall, crumble and die because they are not willing to progress and conquer!


In this galaxy, you simply must be nasty to survive...


You ARE Holo-Sid!!!! I KNEW IT!!! And i'll bet that antiheroes account is another one you made just to support yourself in your evil ways...............:rolleyes:



And when did I become the starter of this thread? It was that one boba fett c3po character who started it initially......

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Originally posted by ET Warrior


You ARE Holo-Sid!!!! I KNEW IT!!! And i'll bet that antiheroes account is another one you made just to support yourself in your evil ways...............:rolleyes:


I wouldn't be a bit surprised myself.......


And when did I become the starter of this thread? It was that one boba fett c3po character who started it initially......



I was wondering the same thing when I first looked at it......hhmm, the dark side has grown stronger.........or something

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Two things:


1: "Antiheroes" is not mine, I have never heard the name before in my life. Great, though, because I live near Surrey, England. Where abouts are you, Antiheroes?


2: Fine, ET Warrior, I will let you have this one. It is Holo-Sidious behind the Darth Vader 421 messages, and also behind the Count Tyranus messages. I was using Commander Bond for a while, too, but after I realised Star Wars ruled over James Bond I stopped posting under that name. However: no-one has noticed up until now. It seems the dark side has clouded your judgement, my friends...


Deadly serious about Antiheroes, though: he (or she) is someone else. I have not made up any more names/identities since I revealed my plans.

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Proof, my friends.


1: I am not a girl.

2: I only ever use signatures from Star Wars films, plus that stuff about the sandman is rubbish.

3: I never use things like "lol" in my posts, and when I refer to myself I have the dignity to type "I" in capital, as it should be. I always use perfect grammar, spelling (hopefully) and punctuation.


OK, the Surrey, England part is a large co-incidence: I am from Surrey, England. Farnham, in fact, but I am not using Antiheroes as a name.



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