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The Plans of a New Website


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I got THIS idea from the "Admins,Plz Read" thread.


I'm currently building a site similar to JKII.net, and it will of course be hosted by it.


I want it to basically be an expansion to jkii, focusing on LucasArts.

For instance, you could go to one link that completely covers X-Wing Alliance or any other Star Wars Space Sim, or you could go to a link that is full of JKII stuff.


This battle station will be fully operational soon, but I'm gonna need some help....

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Uh... could any of you give me some ideas.... The logo is basically complete, and the name is decided, but a site with nothing but a homepage is boring.

There'll be a database section, a link to Lucasforums, hints and tips, new .GIF's, suggestion board, (Hey, that's like this thread!).


BTW, I'm going to need staff and admins.... or does jkii.net cover that, too? :D

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I want it to be more of a database than a news site. With little things off to the side like polls and announcements of new files.


I don't really expect to make a site as good as jkii by myself, though. I'm using something called Claris Home Page 2.0.

It's kind of old, but at least it works.

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Here's what I've done so far:

The name is Blue-blade, inspired by my own computer's case designs.

The logo, made with Web Painter 3.0 (old but completely efficient.)

of a blue explosion with BLUE-BLADE in red in middle of it all.

I thought that a little jingle of some sort would be interesting...... but "Because We Can" sounds like "Because I said so" and somebody probably already has that.

Two links so far, of Games Featured in the site, and a Basics page telling about the site's purpose and the rules, things to expect, etc.

Graphics include the logo, cool fiery blue lightsaber, and a red lightsaber. (For the two links)

I'm not even half-way finished.

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Update: Now I'm trying to change the background into several different colors instead of one. Would I have to make a custom background with shades of color where I want them???


Are there any admins out there who have a solution to my problems with making a site?


Edit: Or maybe tips on making one?

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ok, will do :D


do we need another jk2 website? i think its not necesary cause we got already a lot of sites with news, files,...

maybe if u make ur site unique there would be lots of ppl coming, otherwise i think it would die an easy death

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I think I'll make it a place where you can post all your funny Star Wars related .gif's, screenies, and avatars, plus, if I can get the script, a new place to talk on forums and maybe have polls along the way.

Short, simple, it'll do. Any more suggestions?

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