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WIP: Old Ben Kenobi


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I'm working on a model of Ben Kenobi from Episode 4. Here is a very early screenshot of his head. even though the head mesh isn't finished, I've already skinned the face. I tend to build my face mesh and skin at the same time so it comes out looking more like the person I'm trying to build. This is still in it's very early stages, I plan to make the beard and hair stick out a bit from the mesh, right now it just painted right on his face and head.



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OK.......interesting production pipeline you have there. I would consider that highly unproductive. It would seem to be more benifishal if you at least completed the facial mesh. Then applied you texture. If I were you, you might wanna consider a new pipline, you might be pleased..........Anyways. FIX the beard please..Make it more random, we are talking about an old man here, He needs a little bit of randominess in the beard, Its too neat and organized.


The actually skin tone is that of 20 year old. Rich and colorful...By the way, Take back your light source when rendering. Also to improve your mesh.......Take off any specualr highlights off the texture....if your using max there is a dial in the texture editor.


I like the eyes alot.....they appear to be the right size, However that beek of a nose is throwing everything off....Other than that......it appears you have the proper protions in the facial area _BESIDE the nose_


great work keep it up.

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Hey, best of luck, KevinCoyle!

Ep4 Obi-Wan is hands down my most desired character for this game and probably the most overlooked character in this community.

I shall keep my eye on your progress for sure.

It's an early start still, but you have captured his look slightly :)

His nose, no doubt looks a little too wide, but his eyes, nose and mouth seem to be lined up well, in relation to eachother.




May the force be with you

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OK.......interesting production pipeline you have there. I would consider that highly unproductive. It would seem to be more benifishal if you at least completed the facial mesh. Then applied you texture. If I were you, you might wanna consider a new pipline, you might be pleased..........Anyways. FIX the beard please..Make it more random, we are talking about an old man here, He needs a little bit of randominess in the beard, Its too neat and organized.


I guess I should have phrased that differently. I don't mean That I start making the skin when the head is still a box, I do make the mesh first but I don't wait until I think it's perfect before adding the face skin, once the mesh get's to a certain point, I do both together to really get it the way I want it. It doesn't take to much more time to select the face polygons and click the "apply texture" buttons.


Good idea about the beard, I'll work on that soon, and I do plan to fix the skin tone, like you said, it makes him look to young, plus it contrasts to much with his hair and beard. And I'll definatly fix the nose.

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Originally posted by nomad

Ep4 Obi-Wan is hands down my most desired character for this game and probably the most overlooked character in this community.


Well, I have 1 skin of him already out. There are probably more around, just have to look. :o


Good job so far, but anything I have to add it looks like you said you'll already fix. I'm looking forward to your next update! Nothing more fun than old guys running around with sabers. :D


Edit: Is he supposed to have a line running down the middle of his face like that?

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Well, I gave him real eyes instead of skinned ones. I think they need to be tweeked still, he seems to look less like ben then he did before, also the eyelids need work. I also worked on his nose a little more and made it a bit smaller, and pulled out his mustache and beard a little



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I must say Kevin, you have a fabilous resemblence thus far, what's the poly count on that head right now?


I'm starting to really understand why some modelers put a skin on their models very early into the game, it really helps with proportions. I'm going to begin to try and use this technique on my next model :)




Powered by Sith :lightning

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Here's another update. I fixed the eyelids and made several adjustments here and there trying to make it look as close to obi-wan as possible. There's two screenshots here. The first one is an update like all the others, the second one is a rendering from the front next to one of the pictures I'm using for reference.




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