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WIP: Old Ben Kenobi


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Originally posted by JEDI_Anakin_S

2) I think there is something missing in the face. When I see it, I just don't think, "Yep! That's Ben Kenobi." Maybe it's something in the eyes. It doesn't look quite right.



I couldn't disagree more.

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I have to admit that I've been hoping you would make a hood up and a hood down version. I hate "asking" for things from people that are already doing such a cool voluntary service, but since it's been brought up, I just figured I'd chime in with my greedy desire. :giggle1:


Hope you don't mind, you just seem to be doing such a bang up job on this model. I'd love to see you complete it with all those variants, so that this could be the "Be all end all" for Old Ben models (As far as I'm concerned)





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Ok, I've looked at many different reference pictures of ben and I've made some alterations to the face, I think it looks more like him now, but let me know what you all think. I've also added more wrinkles inner robe (haven't gotten to the brown one yet). Let me know what you think so far. I also pulled the drooping part of the sleeves back behind the arms, you can't see it in this render but they're there


BenBody 8


To Jedi_Anakin_S: I got a little ahead of myself when I posted that I was almost finished with the model. I think I was just eager to get it in the game, but I decided shortly after that post that I really wanted to make it good. I want this model to be accurate and I want it to be something everyone will enjoy playing JK2 with. That's why I created this thread, so you and everyone else here can help me make it into a model you all will like, not something you download simply because there aren't any alternatives. Just be patient with me and hopefully this model will turn out to be the "most accurate model of Ben Kenobi" your looking for.


Also I don't mind making a hooded version also, If that's what you guys would like, I'll add that later on down the road.

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Good job KevinCoyle, Glad to see your commited to making the best representation of Ben as possible. I was actually thinking of making this model as my next project, but you beat me to it. No big deal though, the game really needs a good Ben Kenobi model. Have you given any thoughts to alternative skins, such as a ghost obi-wan for instance?

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The reason why it may look like he has no neck is because 1, part of it is behind the beard, and 2, his shirt is sort of a turtle-neck, it may look to you that it goes right from chest to head. That may also be why you said he has no shoulders(?) though I didn't slope them a little because it was recommended I do so

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I still personally think his eyes are crossed, that's bone number one that I'm picking.

Bone number two is, his robe sleeves don't have that dangling feeling that a big robe should. It looks like they're tight on him making him have fat arms. Kinda loosen em up a bit. Keep in mind when a robe sleeve is coming off of your arm it doesn't put your arm in the middle of the robe sleeve, you're arm is at the top of the robe sleeve with the rest of it dangling down. Also it looks like the robe also is tight around the chest, add more depth to the actual mesh and make it dangle as well. My good friend taught me that :) hehe you know who you are. :)

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His eyes do look crossed. But besides that the face is very good.


his robe sleeves don't have that dangling feeling that a big robe should. It looks like they're tight on him making him have fat arms.

Perhaps because the sleeve is facing backwards. If you check the previous shots, they were facing downward.

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Kevin Coyle,


I'm glad you've decided to take your time and put out the best model you can - you won't regret it, I'm sure.


Now for the nitpicking. ;)


From what I can tell (without a closeup) the face/head looks better, but I submit his eyes ARE NOT crossed, just placed too close together. If possible, spread them apart just a little bit (not too much) and see how it looks.


I'm not sure if you've mentioned this, but that brown inner turtle neck thing looks a little too 3-D, and would never reflect light like that. Also (and I know this has been mentioned before, I'm just bringing it to your attention again) the inner robe, the one that goes to the floor, shouldn't be split like that ordinarily. It split in that one scene in the beginning of New Hope where they were watching the hologram of Leia. The rest of the movie, they hung together, side by side, so that it looked more like a long skirt. Perhaps make the split thinner so that the pieces are closer together.


As for the robe, it looks like he's wearing a ski parka underneath that robe because of how much his arms are puffed out. Even if it is tilted backwards as Keo suggests, it looks a little too puffy. The robe also should hang slightly away from the rest of his body, and maybe not go straight down (Jedi robes are full and flowing, and much bigger than the people who actually wear them). Right now he couldn't close that robe in the front of him due to how tight it's wrapped around him now. Oh and I think his turtle neck thing matched his robe color, but i'm not sure.

That's all for now, keep up the good work.



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First of all, I must say, WOW! DROOOOOL.


Now the constructive bit.


1. Though the face is a great likeness, he look very solemn and almost stern. I've allways felt that the best thing about him was that certain boyish twinkle mischief in his eyes. Especially when he says, "You must learn the ways of the force, if your to come with me to Alderan." However, when he actually fights he is all buisness, so having the stern look is probably more appropriate.


2. I know it been said, but, the inner robe would look more authentic if the split wasn't visible.


I have more points, but coincidently I've just been told that my sister and father are putting star wars ANH on, so I'm off to watch that.


Great work so far, keep it up.



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The head is a great likeness, I was going to do a Old Ben model but you beat me to it, and I'm glad, I couldnt have even gotten close :D


I actually think it's just the position of the pupils that is making him look crosseyes, perhaps just adjusting the skin would make it look better


On the inner tunic, I'm sure you havent finished shading the body yet so that part shred mentioned I bet your not finished with yet.


Great model :)

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Originally posted by bleek

I luv it! But is it just me or do the arms look a little bit too short. The elbows should meet the waste just about.




On a real life human being, the fingertips should fall about mid-thigh. If the elbows were at the waist, we'd all walk like gorillas. ;)



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Elbows fall about where your hips meet your mid-section. And yes fingertips fall at about the mid part of your hips. If you put his arms down...i dont see that happening unless it is just cuz he robes look long.


or now that i look at it....like the top part of the arm isnt in porportion with the length of the lower arm...i dunno just looks odd to me. Mabey the puffy sleaves in the middle seem to puff out in the middle then not be as ***** at the ends. Can you take a pic of another angle next time?


mmmkay it bleeped out the word p-uffy.

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Here is another update. I've added some wrinkles to the outer robe and adjusted it some to make it look looser. I also worked on the arms a little, tried to make them less puffy, let me know if it looks better the you. As far as the eyes go, I think it was just the position of the pupils like Toonces suggested, when I tried to move the eyes apart even the slightest bit, he really didn't look right anymore.


Update 9

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Real nice there....I have one or two constructive critisism for ya...


I really like it but i think that the arms should be able to drape off him instead of making his arms look massive...make th ends by the hands drop down low and the cloths lay on the shuolders.


The white part needs a little more ...how can i say it...more cloths feel to it more ripple in ..


looking great though

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It's looking better, Kevin. Can we get a close up shot of the face? While he no longer looks crosseyed, we haven't seen him close up for a while. As for the robe and the rest of the body, it looks better, but as Uber Sith was trying to say, I think the sleeves on the outer robe are more narrow at the shoulder, and get larger the closer you go to the wrist (rather than being one length the entire time). The outer robe still looks a little tight around his body as well. Also, try and work on getting more of a sense of depth on his white clothes... right now they all look like they're part of the same layer with his brown turtleneck.



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