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Horde Of Dead Animals Found In Ferndale


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check this out:


Ferndale, Arkansas, Sept. 6 - Investigators with the Humane Society of Pulaski County have found more than 30 dead animals at a home in Ferndale, off Kanis Road on Live Oaks Drive.




Investigators found piles of trash and feces several feet deep inside the home. Out back, they found 33 dead rabbits. Most were just piles of bones. In all, they found 37 carcasses on the property.


Kay Simpson Jordan of the Humane Society tells News 4 Arkansas, "It's one thing when an animal can get loose and find water, find food. But when they're trapped in an area where they can't fend for themselves at all, to me that's the worst form of cruelty."


Keith Nelson, who recently bought the property, says, "It's something out of a horror movie- the cobwebs, the stench, the dead animals. Hollywood couldn't do anything like that house had."


Nelson and his wife, Cathy, bought the home from the state, after it had been taken from the previous owner. They discovered the animals while cutting tall grass around the house.


They say friends and a church group have volunteered to help them clean it up- but they'll have to wear safety suits to do so.


pretty weird, huh?

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yes, Artoo, but have you seen an Armadillo?


Texas is rife with the little buggers...and they're dumb. What? Give an example, well, ok!


Compare and Contrast Squirrel behavior vs Armadillo behavior:


Squirrels will tense up and then dart verrry quickly when frightened (esp. for oncoming cars)


Armadillos jump straight up when frightened

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Originally posted by Artoo

That Ladies and Gentlmen is Arkansas. :D


I see a new batch of dead animals everyday on the way to school. Reminds me that I'm not in as big a city as alot of people, who never even see a coon or a possum in their lives.



I HAVE seen a coon...MAYBE a possum (most likely in a zoo though ;) ) and yet I've seen no 'batches of dead animals' on my trip to school...and trust me my trip to school is quite the round about way...we don't go through a single 'town' until you get to Dice if you can even call that a town (a church a demolition yard and a small developement of houses up the street a bit) then nothing til we get near school.

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