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Introducing the latest in speed competitions!

Sherack Nhar

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Wierd, you can't even see her hands moving. Its just a blur. but the rest of here isn't moving extra quickly.


I think she really did it though. Some people are just strange like that. They spend there whole lives working on something stupid like speedstacking. I mean, whats the point?

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Originally posted by Kylilin

People just have a need to race things, I guess its just in our nature. But if you think speedstacking is odd, check this out:


Cheese Racing!!!


ok....that makes it onto my list of All-Time Stupidest Things I've Ever Seen...joining the illustrious ranks of Self Mutilation (you know those people who put hooks in their bodies and then suspend themselves by 'em?), taking the first bungie jump, and Chase.

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