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WIP : Duel of the Fates MP, Version 2


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And yes, it is Tercero's model. His model is the reason I joined the forum,

I can relate. The Mace Windu model was the reason I joined the forums. Unfortunately, it is yet to be completed.


And thanks for the offer concerning the Avatars. I'll think something up.

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Hey, Anakin - If you like avatars so much, make me a good Darth Maul one? HE'S MY HERO! :D


Now, back to the REAL purpose of this thread... (hint hint!) :)


Contrary to my last post, I broke down and worked the map a little. I was a tad bit depressed when I saw the initial framerate when I added the beams, but, after some rework and a few diuscussions with Whiteshdw, we think we've got the problem licked. We wont know for certain until we have the new shader he's working on for the beams, ,but things are much more promising that they were. FPS on the most recent build was in the 50s to 60s, which seems to be the overall FPS for the map as well.


Not as high as I'd have hoped, but this map has some BIG spaces.


For those who asked, we have a trri count now from the SP side. Sadly, , there were places where it broke 20K, but we've identified those areas and are working to cuth that down significantly.


As I write this, Whiteshdw is tweaking the areas of the map that I've completed, as well as streamlining a few of the original textures to work better with the lighting. I hope to see some nice improvements just from that, but, we'll see. :)


Last, but not least, as soon as I get the whole works BACK from WHiteshdw, I'll be starting the final section of the map, the Pit Room. This one shouldn't take nearly as long as the reactor. There will be a few differances from the original, but these have been discussed with LDJ and met with his approval.


First, we're getting rid of those two side doors. Although there IS (according to our drawings) another room beyond that one, we never saw it in the movie, and it isn't really pertinent to the map itself. There WILL be textured doorways there, but the doors will NOT function.


Second, ,true to the drawings AND movie, although it's hard to tell in the flick, the sides are gonna be sloped. ALL the way around. It's gonna be tricky (Another bout with mesh patches... UGH!) but the effect will be MUCH nicer, we think. Emphasis on think.


Think that's it for my Weekday report.


Oh, Merritt... If you want me to send you a version of this map as SOON as it's ready for release so you can convert it over for your SP project, let me know - otherwise, I'll just assume you're going it on your own.


Oh, one more thing. SInce me and LDJ have mentioned those drawings so much, I'm putting them on my site. Check for them at http://www.geocities.com/shadriss/dotf.html


You'll see a link for them there soon.

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First, we're getting rid of those two side doors. Although there IS (according to our drawings) another room beyond that one, we never saw it in the movie, and it isn't really pertinent to the map itself. There WILL be textured doorways there, but the doors will NOT function.


What two side doors? It's coming along nicely by the way.

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What two side doors? It's coming along nicely by the way.


In the original map by LDJ, there were two doorways above the main floor of the pit room, which lead to a smallish room behind the pit room. I was never sure what it was supposed to be, but... It won't be there in this version.


And Anakin - How about an animated one of his "Grand Appearance" in (ironically enough) the Naboo Hanger? :) Seems oddly appropriate, somehow.


I'm in awe, the screenies on your site look fantastic I'm really currious how you are going to do the lighting at the door coming from outside


We're letting the skybox handle that lighting (Assuming you're talking about the big hanger door). As fow the complement, well, it's always nice to have fans and be appreciated.


I've posted on another thread to get some mechanics worked out for the forcefields in the corridor just short of the Pit room, and I think I've just about got it figured out. So, ,just as soon as I get the works back from Whiteshdw (who has done a LOT of work helping out - I'm considering putting him on the readme as co-mapper...) I'll be finishing up the Rector Room, which still has one or two problems, and then finishing off the mapping portion of the project by the end of next week, if all goes well.


That's where we stand on Saturday Morning - Keep in touch, guys. :)

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Originally posted by Shadriss

And Anakin - How about an animated one of his "Grand Appearance" in (ironically enough) the Naboo Hanger? :) Seems oddly appropriate, somehow.


Sure, I'll get to work on it. Do you want your name or anything else to appear in the avatar?



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WHen two lightsaberblades appear, who needs words, Anakin? :D


Still havent gooten the stuff back from Whiteshdw - supposed to get it today though...


ALso - I have a couple of my referance drawings that I've been talking about put up on my site now. http://www.geocities.com/shadriss/dotfref/index.html


As you can see (If you squint a little...) there is no way that a huge corridor spawns off of the second big door. That goes directly outside to the streets. What's more likely is that instead of AMidala and company going through that door, , she went through the second SMALL door, off to the left of where Maul appears, hence the line "We'll go around."


Also, though it's kinda hard to make out, I have a pic of the Reactor room, showing the layout and number of beams. I'm trtrying to match up with that, but it's kinda hairy. Dont expect a PERFECT match, but it's gonna be fairly close. :)

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I'm almost done with my adjustments. I'm just looking through everything and getting all the custom textures and shaders in one directory. The mostly means i have to texture the whole thing over, which is a lot of work. I'll be done by tomorrow and i'll get it back to Shadriss so he can continue working on the map itself.


I also have it running in SP. Not sure why i works now, but it should help with testing the performance of the map. It's still a bit heavy, but it should be an improvement over the original.

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Originally posted by Shadriss

WHen two lightsaberblades appear, who needs words, Anakin?



I couldn't agree more. Actions do speak louder than words. I'll try and get it to you soon.


Originally posted by keo718

Anakin: I still haven't thought of an avatar. Actually, I have no idea what I want as far as thats concerned. Have you done anymore that I could choose from?


I've done a few different ones, mostly involving Anakin (go figure, heh). If you're having trouble thinking of one, just tell me your favourite SW character, and i'll be creative.



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Originally posted by keo718

I think I would like an avatar of Mace Windu; perhaps in the act of beheading Jango Fett.


I'll see what I can do, Keo. The forum limits things like file size (max is 20kb, so it can't be too long) and only 70x70 pixels in size (so it can't be too big). I'll make a few different ones, and you can have your pick - hows that?


And Shadriss, i've got 2 different ones for you to pick from. PM me and let me know where to send them.



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Just send'em straight to my email, with iunstructions on how to use 'em... I'm a complete idiot where avatars are concerned.





Got the works back from Whiteshdw today. I've added on the beginnings of the corridor, but ran itno a problem with the forcefields again. I forgot that the MP side doesnt have a "trigger_once" which would have solved the problem. ARGH! So, once again, I'm trying to find a way to give a single initial trigger to the first door, or, alternately, a continuous timed "pulse" trigger, so to speak.


WhiteShdw has apparently REALLY taken to this map project, as he's essentially remaking ALL the textures in the map. He's take the brown brick seen in the screenshots and given them a red tinge, to start, and has several other textures and shaders coming. Including the Reacotr Beam shader, which he SAYS I'll have tommorrow.


That's it for now...

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I cannot believe how dumb I can be sometimes.


For those who havent been following my other thread, seeking solutions on the forcefield issue, I'll re-cap.


I FINALLY found out how to do it. Apparently, either nobdy knew about this, or it's so little used that no one thinks about it. There is another func_ type brush that does EXACTLY what we needed. It' called a Func_timer, and, after implementing and testing it this evening, I am ecstatic to report that it works BEAUTIFULLY. All I really need to do now is get the timing down.


Even better, and I want input on this one, is that the timer can be turned on and off. This means that, if we wanted to, we could set the forcefields to a constant "on" mode for uninterupted dueling in the pit room, and then the winner could turn them back on again. :D Cant set it to an constant "off" mode, but hey, it'd still be somewhat useful. :)


NOw that it's figured out, I'll set the beams to crush-kill as well, though as LDJ once pointed out, I dont think there's any way to have touching the forcefield kill or hurt you. *sigh* Ah well. I'll settle for this. :)


G'night people... more progress tommorrow. :)

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Even better, and I want input on this one, is that the timer can be turned on and off. This means that, if we wanted to, we could set the forcefields to a constant "on" mode for uninterupted dueling in the pit room, and then the winner could turn them back on again.


When you say a constant "on" mode do you mean that the forcefeilds remain down until turned off? Hmm, that would be nice. However, I can't help but think that some people on MP would overdo it.

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Other way around, Keo. They would be constantly "ON" until the cycle was restarted by turning the func_timer on. :) It would allow for an uninterupted duel in the pit room... dont have to worry about those pesky kill-thieves coming in at the last second and killing you both. :)

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SO be it then. That just cuts out about two whole miutes of work, ,so it makes no differancee to me. :)


WhiteShdw sent me the Reactor Beam shader and texture today. I put them in, and, to my astonishment, the FPS stayed fairly high for the room. I'm talking in the region of 45 - 70, depending on location and view angle. I have some screenshots, but they wont be up until later tonight. So watch for those.


Oh,,and Anakin - no recieved any mail from you. :(

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