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WIP : Duel of the Fates MP, Version 2


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Originally posted by Shadriss

Oh,,and Anakin - no recieved any mail from you. :(


My mail got returned. Apparently you've hit your limit for your hotmail inbox. Is there another email address I can send it to?


And Keo, check your PM list... your avatars are ready.



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Originally posted by keo718

Everything else looks good, but the reactor room does not in my opinion. It looks too small vertically. There should be at least one more level above and beneath.

maybe if shadriss makes both the ceiling and floor fade into blackness (think fog shader, only instead of white, black) it will give the illusion of height.

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maybe if shadriss makes both the ceiling and floor fade into blackness (think fog shader, only instead of white, black) it will give the illusion of height.


Maybe. However, do you not like the size of the original Duel of the Fates map reactor room? Perhaps for single player this arrangement is sufficient. But for multiplayer, it really cramps the reactor room. At least one more level above and beneath would be perfect.

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Anakin - You sent them on a bad day... Whiteshdw sent me a bunch of ref pics that day. :) Just resend them to the same address.


NOw, as to the reactor room size...


In actuallyit, it's somewhat smaller than LDJ's original, but it has more of the beams in them (all 12, in fact) so it LOOKS bigger. We're attempting to use a black fog acorss the bottom so I can cut some corners there, but after seeing it in-game, I think it may HAVE to be white fog... More on that as I get a better handle on it.


As for the platform levels, Keo... for the final time. THREE plat levels, one above, and two below the main catwalk. I'm NOT going to add more than were in the drawings and other referance material I've seen for the sake of playability. There is MORE than enough room for good fighting... another set of platforms is totally unneeded, and would actually decrease FPS at this point.


For those who havent checked, the screenshots of the beams and the beginnings of the forcefield corridor are up on my site. The lighting in the reactor room is done completely by the beams... I havent added a single light entity in there yet... so you can tell how bright they actually are. :)


Think that's all for now... TTFN, guys.

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as of now, the beams being so close together makes the reactor look somewhat clautrophobic. and the shield cooridor looks quite longer than in the movie. also the inner beams look a little too condensed... don't get me wrong, i like the progress of the map. :)

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You mean the reactorbeams? They are supposed to fade in and out a bit. Shadriss just took some screenies when they are at their brightest.:) I'll see if i can put some more detail in them, but i don't want to make them too complicated because of the FPS consideration.

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White, ,if those are supposed to fade in and out, ,then somethings wrong with the shader, cause mine didn't....


Now, on the spacing of the reactorbeams. I know they are a tad bit closer together than in the flick, and it looks claustro in the screenshots, but, trust me, ,they aren't so close as to be claustro when you're in game.


The corridor looks long, I grant you. But, were it any shorter, there wouldnt be any room at all between the forcefields. Now, WIDTH I can fix... but the length will essentially remain the same. :)

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Originally posted by Shadriss

White, ,if those are supposed to fade in and out, ,then somethings wrong with the shader, cause mine didn't....


Yeah, i noticed that. It's weird too, because in the testmap i sent you they did fade in and out. Maybe it's because there are too many visible. You should look into spreading the reactors out a bit. It should help framerate as well a bit because not as many beams will be onscreen at the same time.


I'll have another look at those beams:)

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One of the great things about the origional map is it's vast size. Very few user and Raven made maps (see Deathstar) Feel as large as they should be.


Yup. Thats what makes LDJ's maps great. Now if he could add a SAGA mode to some of his maps, it would be an epic event.

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Yeah, a good Saga map would be cool. I was addicted to that Return to Castle Wolfenstein beach map for a long time.


Maybe someone can make an Endor map and you should infiltrate the base and deactivate the forcefield of the Deathstar. That would make a cool objective based map.

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Maybe someone can make an Endor map and you should infiltrate the base and deactivate the forcefield of the Deathstar. That would make a cool objective based map.


Good idea. If I was a mapper I'd be on it right now(especially considering the new Hans Solo model about to be released).

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It's been a few days since my last update. I apologize for that - I have relatives in town right now, so I havent had much chance to do anything...


So, here's whats in the works right now...


A) Serious talk about remapping the reactor room. There's been enough comments about how claustrophobic the room seems that I have to give it some merit. I'm not sure how much bigger it'll get, but in combination with that, I think I'm going to reduce the diameter of the beams as well to assist in making it look bigger.


B) Whiteshdw is working on the corridor right now, using images from the movie to develop new textures for it. He's already sent me a few screenies on his work, and it's looking VERY good. I hope to be working on the pit room shortly, so we can tie everything together and get to the hard part - tweaking it all. We are keeping the forcefield shader that LDJ originally used (It's good, so why make a new one?)


C) We're also making the hallway wider, in responce to a comment earlier this week.


OK, so that's whats up. This map is drawing close to the BETA testing stage, so I'm thinking of getting a team of testers ready now. The list, as it stands right now, has about three or four names on it.


LivingDeadJedi (DUH!)


Wes Marrakesh (Name Edited to Fix Wes's Constant Whining! :) )



I'll take up to 4 more, and I'll accept them IN ORDER OF RECEPTION. Send the requests to my email (shadriss@hotmail.com) and I'll post the BETA tester's list in a few days. I wont respond to the email, so be sure to check back here. INCLUDE YOUR SCREEN NAME! We want to be sure we use the right names. :)


THats all for now, guys. Talk at you soon.

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A) Serious talk about remapping the reactor room. There's been enough comments about how claustrophobic the room seems that I have to give it some merit. I'm not sure how much bigger it'll get, but in combination with that, I think I'm going to reduce the diameter of the beams as well to assist in making it look bigger.


Maybe the ceiling should be higher? There's something about being able to see the ceiling that really detracts from the sense of scale. I know you plan on using a fog effect, but maybe adding a "skybox"(or whatever) of some sort to where it can give the illusion that the wall continues higher and higher would be effective.

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Originally posted by keo718

Maybe the ceiling should be higher? There's something about being able to see the ceiling that really detracts from the sense of scale. I know you plan on using a fog effect, but maybe adding a "skybox"(or whatever) of some sort to where it can give the illusion that the wall continues higher and higher would be effective.

actually, the cieling isn't supposed to be that high, but now the floor... that's something else.

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actually, the cieling isn't supposed to be that high, but now the floor... that's something else.


Maybe what I suggested can be done for the floor then. I guess at least the ceiling textures should be consistent with the rest of the room, or just be faded out in the fog as was the original intention.

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