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Wip: Gumby!

Midgit Yoda

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That's right ladies and gentlemen, Gumby is on da way and in da house lol. I'm currently at work on the mesh (all I have left are the hands and facial features (nose and eyebrows mainly)). I have 2 screens prepared for ya'll out there in computer land.



The funny thing is that all of that is only 184 polygons lol. I guess I'll slap this bad boy in Unreal Tournament as well.

I know a lot of you out there are thinkin, "man he has a LOT of projects going". Well actually I have this project going, Megatron for Unreal Tournament, and the NEW cloud (probably the KH version since I have had tons of requests). Once I finish this it's full throtle for cloud. I'll probably finish this and have it skinned tomorrow :).

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here's my problem. If I do one thing (like making a model) solid for a while, I get bored with it and drop it (fat Bastard). I really want to get my cloud model into JK2 but I'm gonna have to start over and It's gona take a while and i just wanna see whether or not I really can get a model in game and whether or not I can make it perform correctly. Once I have that, out pump the models. If I can get Gumby in game then Out will come Cloud, if not I won't waste any more of my time with Jedi Knight II because it's got one of the most stupid importers in like the history lol. If all goes well then Cloud will be in JK2, if I do finally get him in game then that will more than likely be my last JK2 model b/c by then UT2K3 will be out and we'll all just say, "screw JK2". Anyway that's just my philosophy heh. Either way, who wouldn't love to slice that green book world Gumby into about 5 pieces?

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Yeah i think once UT2K3 comes out the only people that will continue to make models for JK2 will be the hardcore StarWars nutbags. I just hope theres enough of them left cause IMO UT2K3 is just eye candy, it won't be half the game JK2 is fun wise.


but then again my opinion is biased since i am also one of the aformentioned StarWars nutbags. :cool:

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Originally posted by Midgit Yoda

here's my problem. If I do one thing (like making a model) solid for a while, I get bored with it and drop it (fat Bastard). I really want to get my cloud model into JK2 but I'm gonna have to start over and It's gona take a while and i just wanna see whether or not I really can get a model in game and whether or not I can make it perform correctly. Once I have that, out pump the models. If I can get Gumby in game then Out will come Cloud, if not I won't waste any more of my time with Jedi Knight II because it's got one of the most stupid importers in like the history lol. If all goes well then Cloud will be in JK2, if I do finally get him in game then that will more than likely be my last JK2 model b/c by then UT2K3 will be out and we'll all just say, "screw JK2". Anyway that's just my philosophy heh. Either way, who wouldn't love to slice that green book world Gumby into about 5 pieces?


I know a cool model you could make a stick figure that would be funny and you could test him with the porter thing








serious you should make that

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Well you have exceeded your netfirms bandwidth, so I can't see any pictures at the moment. :)


Out will come Cloud, if not I won't waste any more of my time with Jedi Knight II because it's got one of the most stupid importers in like the history lol. If all goes well then Cloud will be in JK2, if I do finally get him in game then that will more than likely be my last JK2 model b/c by then UT2K3 will be out and we'll all just say, "screw JK2".


I really don't see what is so bad about the JK2 importer, everyone seems to complain about it! :) Sure animations or using a different skeleton aren't exactly the easiest things to do, but I can understand why Raven does not support it. The lightsaber position during the swings is determined by the animations, so if someone was to release a model for online play with new animations, they could replace the standard swings with some crazy swing, giving certain player models a greater advantage over the standard ones. However, with games like UT2003, it does not matter what your player model looks like, it won't affect the weapons performance at all. Oh, don't expect UT2003 to be any easier than JK2 either. On top of doing basically everything that you need to do to get a JK2 model in game, you will also have to create a few hundred frames of animations to go with your new model, quite a time consuming task! Anyway, good luck with your projects!

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lol that's the first time a netfirms account of mine has exceeded it's bandwidth lol. I'll just get another lol. I need a few more :) My server that I pay for is being gay and even though I bought more bandwidth the stupid thing still says I'm out (it's a piece of $hit). Anyone knowing of a "reasonable" server that gives you good bandwidth and space plus a domain name let me know b/c I need a new GOOD server and domain. Anyway a decent free one is Netfirms, askkkkkkkk88. Also, I thought about the stick man thing too lol. Also about cloud, I'm not gonna go all out on the hair again this time. It was impossible to UVMap lol. I just could not get it to come out right, (then again I have learned a new UVMapping technique lately, it's called detach and rearange lol). Anyway Gumby should be in game by tonight if I work hard enough.

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Originally posted by Midgit Yoda

here's my problem. If I do one thing (like making a model) solid for a while, I get bored with it and drop it (fat Bastard). I really want to get my cloud model into JK2 but I'm gonna have to start over and It's gona take a while and i just wanna see whether or not I really can get a model in game and whether or not I can make it perform correctly. Once I have that, out pump the models. If I can get Gumby in game then Out will come Cloud, if not I won't waste any more of my time with Jedi Knight II because it's got one of the most stupid importers in like the history lol. If all goes well then Cloud will be in JK2, if I do finally get him in game then that will more than likely be my last JK2 model b/c by then UT2K3 will be out and we'll all just say, "screw JK2". Anyway that's just my philosophy heh. Either way, who wouldn't love to slice that green book world Gumby into about 5 pieces?


Do you have ADD or something? Take a pill, a deep breath, and focus. Spreading your energy out all over the place like you're doing your going to end up with 4 models of lesser quality than if you had just stuck with one and stayed with it, putting your energy into that. I'm sure it's tough and it can get boring, but if that's the case then don't post WIP until they're nearly done, because you've been picking up model projects and dropping them quickly - and you're just going to get people's hopes up that way.


Not trying to rip you (just trying to light a fire under your butt), but if you going to do something (and i'm going to blatently rip a line off of your namesake here), "Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try."



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Okay I think everyone is missing one VERY important point. I do modeling because I Like to do it, not because someone wants me to. I am modeling Gumby b/c one I think it would make a neat model and currently it is the only one I am actually putting any work on. Once he's finished I'll do Cloud then after cloud will be Megatron. The main reason I've been dropping models is because of the fact that a lot of the time they just don't work with JK2. Fat Bastard for example. I couldn't get his fat rolls to look right and deform right together. Therefore I dropped him (his arms got lost in fat lol). Then there's megatron, he looked gay with a small chest so I dropped him. And Dark helmet, well he just sucked and I couldn't get him to compile right (same problem Musashi's having with Sephiroth) so I dropped him. Anyway back to Gumby. I have nearly completed the base skin (other than shading and the legs). I'll add shading later. Here's a screen (sorry about the other down screens).




I think that's pretty dead on of gumby (still have to make the hands but they'll be easy)

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I have gotten Gumby finished and am trying to compile it now. At first I tired pushing it through and the compiler said, "rleg_eff not found spine_eff not found". So just to see what was up I unweighted those bones and tried compiling it again. Well this time it just lists all of the parts and I can't see what it says above them. Does anyone know how to fix this problem? Thanks (here's a pic of finished Gumby)

Gumby Finished

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Gumby is kewl in my opinion. Also, to me this is more than a Starwars game. It's a game that is one of the best FPS on the market (untill UT2K3 is released. OH THE DEMO IS OUT NOW HEHEHE!!!!!). Also Musashi re-heirarchied it. I however just redid the arms so I'm gonna have to redo them heh. Should be in game lata.

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