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Personal Awards!

Darth Homer

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Member who just wasted all his luck for the past 3 years on last Friday's football game


Yours truly. I don't feel like posting why, so maybe Jatt'll explain it, or maybe someone will guess it, anyway I've used up all of my posts of the week so seeya'll later. :)


Heehee, that car may suck but it's a blast to ride in. :D

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Member whos local College Football Team is 3-0 when he goes to their games


Thats right kiddies! The University of Arizona is 3-0 when I go to their games


1. 1998 Against Oregon

2. 2002 Against Northern Arizona

3. And recently against North Texas

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Originally posted by Clefo

Member whos local College Football Team is 3-0 when he goes to their games


Thats right kiddies! The University of Arizona is 3-0 when I go to their games


1. 1998 Against Oregon

2. 2002 Against Northern Arizona

3. And recently against North Texas


If you wanna keep up that record you better pick and choose which games you attend.;)

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well since artoo won't tell you i guess i have to.


[narrator voice] Artoo's is a sad, sad tale of loss and defeat. And this is how it goes:


I was able (through my many connections:rolleyes: ) to score us a hosting job at a local radio station. Me, Artoo, and 2 other members of the band went to the radio station last Thursday, in order to host a count down and trash-talk Palaski Academy, our local rivals, who we were playing the next day. Well, the DJ has to go and ask us for our score predictions. Bad move. Well, the first guy says some reasonable score I can't remember. I said 30-21. The next guy (the band's village idiot) has to say 100-0. Artoo was last and said, quote, "I think it will be a little closer. Say, 32-7." Well, the rest of the night was fun/a fiasco (no time to explain) and then the next day we were ready to go to the game.

We thought we'd have some fun, hopefully win, and it overall be a good game and a fun expeience. Wrong. Before the game even starts, it goes awry. The opposing band marches out to do a pre-game show dealie, which turns out to be them forming a big PA and playing their fight song. Big whoop. Well, the thing is, they stay on the field, even after they're done. So, everything is going pretty normal except for the band in the middle of the field, and everyone starts to line up so the football team can, well, run through the run-through. One thing: since this is our biggest rival we're talking about, there are a whole lot more people lined up than normal. So the end of the corridor of people is right next to PA's band. Now, me, Artoo, and everyone else were ready to see some splatered bandies scattered all over the football field, when wouldn't you know it our assistant principle (who's a great guy, don't get me wrong) goes out and stands at the end of the line. So when the team comes out, he directs them to the side. :( Dang it. So, no splattering. Anyway, as the game gets going, it seems that things are not looking good for us. We're not a bad team. We're 3-0, and every time the score has been lopsided, like 40-14, or something. PA scores a couple of times, and it looks like they bought the refs. Every time, and I do mean EVERY TIME we get we get ANY yardege (ege, age same difference), there's a flag. EVERY FRICKEN' TIME! It keeps up like this until halftime, and we do our little show thing. It goes OK, but not as good as possible. Yadda Yadda Yadda. So we finally score, and of course we make the field goal. Now, the weird part. *Drumroll*:rolleyes: The score is 32-7! Me, Artoo, and the other guys are on the edge of our seats, wondering f he was right. And so we held them to the end and the final score was 32-7. Now Artoo's not normally a lucky guy, even he admits it, but it came through on this one. Of course, it was bad luck, so you could still say he's not very lucky. So now he thinks he's used up all of his luck that he's missed for the past 3 years and all of it for the next 3. Oh well. [/narrator voice]


Well, that went sorta long.:D

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You forgot the part about our coaches breaking their headsets. :D


Anyway time for my own personal awards real quick.


Person most likely to use "O.o" while chatting - Eets


Person most likely to make me think I'm not a noob - Rhett


Person most likely to make me think I am a noob - Darthfergie


Person most likely to make me think I'm an oldbie - Krkode


Person most likely to make me think I'm not an oldbie - Havoc Stryphe


Biggest Futbol Nortamericano nut - Darthfergie


Biggest Futbol Nortamericano stat geek - Clefo


Worst thing I just saw on t.v. - The battery operated Bra


Who would win in a battle, Richard Simmons or Billy Mays?

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Uh, here are my Personal Awards *fumbles cue cards*


Best Admin: Chris3po!... back at the start, anyways


Most Admired Member: Kurgan


Most Insane Member: Wacky_Baccy or Rouge15


Most Determine Member: DMUK... doing all he can to keep the GB community alive


Most Missed Member: Awing Guy, oh boy, he was great. (actually, he was me :p)


Lamest Awards: ME!


Uh... Most Useless Smiley: :darth: What IS it, anyways?


Funniest Member: Clefo, or Wacky_Baccy... Kvan is sometimes kinda funny, too. OH YES, and Eets... :D


Most Stumped For Award Ideas: Darth_Rommel


Funniest Comic: POKEY THE PENGUIN!


Best Predictions: Artoo ;)


... and, uh.... I'm done.

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