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To Darth_Syrup(It is about ForceMod)


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Originally posted by razorace


They already do that!


Umm...I don't think so, not for multiplayer. It does happen, however, in single player.


But one thing you might be thinking of is when a custom made model is used as a bot in mp and has line of dialog set for it's pain sound (i.e. Darth Tyranus). The bot will say this dialog when injured and that could be misunderstood as a taunt.

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how about the grapple how is it modified?

you can bind it to any key, when fired it launches towards target without holding the button, and stays hooked until you press the button again.

And right now i'm working on getting it to stop reeling in mid-pull so you can swing on it.

It uses Tercero's grapple model, and hopefully will have a line drawn too :)

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Is there no way to get the grapple to hook an enemy and pull them down, maybe it can be used in combiination with force pull. A disguised force pull? Or maybe have a saw or something come out and fly towards enemy causing dismemberment sometimes. Thanks, looking foward to your new mod. Great work

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The hook i'm working on will start pulling you after it's anchored, just like before, but when you push the grapple button again, it stops pulling and the grapple remains at that length, allowing you to swing. You can then continue to retract it by pressing a separate button, or disengage it by pressing the grapple button a 3rd time.

If any of you have tried ChaosUT, it will hopefully be similar to theirs.

It's not quite there, the math is tricky :)

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Darth_Syrup, I'm sure you have probably already taken care of this, but I noticed there is an animation for the skeleton where Kyle is sliding in Yavin_Trial, it looks like it would be a pretty nice animation for when dragging players with the grapple hook.

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Ah, ok. I wasn't sure because I thought I saw a post in the coding forum where someone made it possible to drag players with a grapple hook, but I could be wrong. The features that you are including in the next version of the Forcemod sound amazing, I cannot wait to engage in some lan action with those dual pistols :) . Great work on the Forcemod 1.0, that and the Saberist mods are my personal favorites.

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Originally posted by Darth_Syrup

The hook i'm working on will start pulling you after it's anchored, just like before, but when you push the grapple button again, it stops pulling and the grapple remains at that length, allowing you to swing. You can then continue to retract it by pressing a separate button, or disengage it by pressing the grapple button a 3rd time.

If any of you have tried ChaosUT, it will hopefully be similar to theirs.

It's not quite there, the math is tricky :)


Won't that require a keybuffer? You could probably just make it so you can disengages the grapple if you press both buttons at once. :)

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But in that case, how do you pull the line in more if you let go of the pull/fire button once?

A different button, probably USE, since they shouldn't need it while hanging in the air.


How complicated are you going with the line physics? Straight line physics or bendable lines?

Just straight, nothing too tricky. :)

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hmmm i dont know if this would be possible but it would look awsome if the grapple went out not in a strait line but in a wavey line like ion the movies:)

i am pretty sure that isnt possible though,well unless you make animations for the line. hey darth_syrup are you ever going to release the source code to anything of that?

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I think if you should implement a grapple (in the future) that effects other players upon contact, the grapple should freeze the player in that spot (or cause the player to move very slowly) for a certain amount of time while preventing the player from switching weapons as if the player was tangled up. This method would be much more accurate to ROTJ.


And if you were to make a grapple like this, it would be nice to see the fett bots use it in the above manner. :D (Yes, I only have a 56K modem, which means I never get the chance to play against real players.) :(

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