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WIP - Mace Windu SP Level


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Originally posted by WhiteShdw


So your gonna use Sam Jackson as your voice actor? Sounds expensive ;)


Those screens look very promising. I'm really looking forward to this.


Samuel L Jackson is an actor who plays a role for intrigue, not money. Sometimes he likes a role so much, he'll produce the film he wants to star in. Plus, he's a huge fan of Star Wars, that's how he came to be in Episode 1.


So, I'd try to contact Samuel L Jackson to do the voice, to be honest. The worst that could happen is he'd say no, and you'd go back to your original idea of having a 'sound-alike' stand in for the man. It'd be awesome.

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Wudan - That has to be the best laugh I got all day. True, he's a big SW fan. True, that's how he got the role in EP1. But lets check into reality here - DO you honestly think he's gonna do a couple of cameo voiceovers for, at most, one or two levels of a MOD for a game that he may not even PLAY!?! FOR FREE!?!?!


I pause now for gales of laughter in your direction. :)


Then there comes the question of contacting him in the first place. Yup, there's his phone number, listed inthe yellow pages... Riiiiiiiiight. Everything he sees written is gonna be screened first anyway by someone else, and they'd file it in the circular file (trash can for you non-office types) and that would be that.


Now, I'm not saying that it wouldn't be the niftiest thing for the game to ever happen. I mean, think about the DRAW that kind of claim would give this map! (With special voice-over appearance by Sam L. Jackson!) If, somehow, someway, there was a chance of this happening, I'd say go for it.


But realistically... Let's just say the odds-makers in Vegas would make a BIG killing.

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Look at it this way, Mace Windu has appeared in a number of Star Wars games and Sam has never acted as him once.


I tell you something funny, we could've probably got Carrie Fisher as Leia on the SWTTC for MotS a few years back. Shame Earl forgot her e-mail address.


There's some newer shots on my Massassi EC page:




I'll be posting a new set of screenshots when Toonces' Mace model comes out. These ones will actually have in-game combat and cutscenes in them.


Originally posted by Kururin

Dont use Reborns or Stormtrooper. Mace Windu is dead while they're around.Use Battle driods, Trandoshan, Rodians, and Gran

and Weequay. For saber fights i really dont know what you should use.


I've actually had the privilage of seeing all the Star Wars films, so I was well aware of that. Basically, this level will feature all new characters, enemies, title screens, HUD textures and music, but I'm not changing any of the game mechanics, so that it is still familiar to JO players. That's the way I've always made levels. Take what LucasArts/Raven have made and create your own version of it.

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If your going to have saber fights- make it one big one. Yes in JK2 there was lots but mainly because it was cool and the plot demanded it. This is set around Ep1/Ep 2 I'm guessing. You could have 1 dark jedi I suppose, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE not hundreds. 1 end boss.

Oh and since the other inhabitants of malastare are dugs you may be interested in the sebulba model over in the modeling forums.

Looks awsome!

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I'm not sure you'd even want to call the enemy a "dark jedi" either. Just from a few things said during the second movie, I get the impression that those practically never happened to that point. Yes, we had the 23 who left the order (or whatever number it was) but, ,with the exception of Dooku (duh), the impression is simply that they left, not became dark. The Sith have a definitive number (both accounted for) and, to my knowledge, Palpatine hasn't started training his little forcec users yet... although that DOES give you an opening... the first Emporer's Hand, perhaps?

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actually, if it is set before ep1, you wouldn't have any saber fights at all - remember mace thought they are extinct... if it is set between ep 1 and 2, you wouldn't have any saber fights either, because at he start of ep 2 mace was defending dooku and didn't know about palpatine.


so in effect, he wouldn't fight and sith lords. maul was already dead or mace didn't know about him, and mace didn't know about dooku. unless it is set after ep 2...

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Originally posted by lonepadawan

So? Bounty Hunter have invented a dark jedi- So have lots of EU books in that period Xantos etc.


I think the EU, or Expanded Universe should be changed to the NGLU (Not George Lucas' Universe) - the only stuff I care about with Star Wars is the canon stuff. Everything else is someone else's imagination, and from what i've seen of it, many of the authors look like they've spent too much time watching daytime TV, as it's all so soap-opera like.

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Many people will disagree. The only way to completely avoid EU is to watch the films and nothing else- and a lot of EU has crept into the films too. All star wars games are mostly EU. JK2 especially. I have to say I don't like some of the EU authors ideas- (the fact that the galaxy is CONSTANTLY at conflict, or the fact they refuse to let some characters who died in the films- die) but I do really like some of their others. Anyway AKs level is his own creation so he can EASILY invent a bad guy.

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Essentially, you're correct. My point was that the force user enemies should not abound as they did in the base game. It wouldn't fit with the time period. Using one or two as major opponants (boss characters) would be good, ,but I think it best if we didn't actually see them until JUST before the battle itself - we'll discover they exist at the same time Windu does...

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I'm personally tired of games where you never fight and/or see the end boss until the end of the game... that's why I'm working on an SP level for JO. You'll actually meet, and fight, the end boss in the first level. However, he won't die until the end, because he wouldn't be an end boss, now would he?

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Originally posted by Emon

I'm personally tired of games where you never fight and/or see the end boss until the end of the game... that's why I'm working on an SP level for JO. You'll actually meet, and fight, the end boss in the first level. However, he won't die until the end, because he wouldn't be an end boss, now would he?


sounds good. That's how i would do it. But you can go even further. Why kill the enemy at the end? You can just stop his plan and let him escape, or emprison him. That way you can still use him in a sequel.


The best thing they did in X-men was not kill Magneto in the first movie. :)


And the Star Wars Trilogy wouldn't be very fun if Darth Vader was killed in the first movie.

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Originally posted by Shadriss

Essentially, you're correct. My point was that the force user enemies should not abound as they did in the base game. It wouldn't fit with the time period. Using one or two as major opponants (boss characters) would be good, ,but I think it best if we didn't actually see them until JUST before the battle itself - we'll discover they exist at the same time Windu does...


My point exactly. And Emon- that sounds great!

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