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Anyone? (alleged "hoax" AOTC mod picture)


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Originally posted by Tiduz

Anyone know where I can get the Episode 2 MOD? This one..




That's all the info I've got about it... Any links on where I can download this? The screenie looks awesome, I just don't know where I can D/L it...




That screenie looks sweek ... I wonder if it is from the AOTCTC mentioned here in the forums ... ?



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Welcome, Tiduz! I hope you enjoy your stay and please accept this complimentary Lucasforums welcome basket filled with numerous amounts of candy which you can snack on while browsing through our forums! :D :D :D


That picture looks certainly real enough, except for that little flare/glow exerting from the saber - the rest is perfectly normal, it doesn't take much to spawn numerous ammounts of bots :) I'm not sure as to how or where you can find the AotC team site but I'm positive that if you look around the General Editing forums you'll find what you need. (Click the general forums name to visit it)


Cheers ;)

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Alrighty... Thanks for the welcome and for the help. Just by the coment the submitter said, "A screenshot from 'an' Ep II Mod... just don't know which one ;)" seemed like it was out and that there were quiet a few out. Anyone know where I can get the map at least? I've got some really great ideas on working on a demo for it...

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You are all perfectly correct. That screenshot is not authentic, just some elaborate cutting and pasting. MeLoN's Reek (skin by Destructive), located in the lower lefthand corner of the picture, actually derived from this shot:




Then again, I don't see what's wrong with the concept itself; there's nothing wrong with a little creativity, but please don't assume that it's our Conversion in the making. We've come pretty far, but not to the extent of animating the Reek...yet. :D



Quotation: Unofficial Mapper for AOTC:TC


Oh, for those of you that don't already know, AOTC:TC is now located at http://www.aotctc.com [/url]

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