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Star Wars- PANTS STYLE!!!!!!


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"I have felt a great disturbance in the pudding....as if a million voice cried out in terror and then were suddenly silenced"


"Use the pudding, Luke!"


"Do not be so proud of this technological terror, you've constructed...it is insignificant next to the power of the PUDDING!"





p.s. if you don't like the word I've chosen, well, pick your own!

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My personal favorite is using "spam", but just for something new:



Do not be so proud of the technological terror you've created, the ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the cheese.


Bounty Hunters! We don't need their cheese!


Do, or do not, there is no cheese.


Do not...underestimate...the power...of the cheese.


Cut the cheese, red 2!


Astroids do not concern me, captain, i want that cheese!

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Originally posted by STTCT

hahahahaha...seriously groovy you do post way to many of those "this thread sucks" everywhere.....


You really think so? I'll have to come up with something else then. The stupid threads will never go away. In all seriouseness though, the pants thing has been gummed to death and then some.


Edit- Eets, I never saw that one, but I will use this one instead:


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I say we use the word, "Gravy" now. :D




I find your lack of gravy disturbing.


Use the gravy!


May the gravy be with you, always.


You want this don't you? I can feel your gravy.








AHAHAHAHA... ahahahaha... ahahaha......




These seemed a lot funnier last night at four. Odd.... :D

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