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Happy Birthday Dagobahn Eagle!

Havoc Stryphe

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Dood! Happy Birthday Dagobahn Eagle! I have some things for you!


*hands Dagobahn Eagle a birthday basket and a basket making elf*



The elf's name is Floompy and he scared of spoons. You'll have to feed him every other week. :rhett:



And now for some cake!




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Thanks, y'all (althoug, Clefo, I've came to believe communism might not be such a good idea after all :) I'll stick with the less extreme welfare counry solution). I like left-wing states (like the EU), but I don't dislike the right-wing states (like USA).


I wish i was 17, then at least i could drive after 9:00.


I won't drive until I'm 18. I know I have the right to drive, but I'm one of those "just that you can does not have to mean you should"-people.


But let's not start a debate here :D (if you want debates on that, we've already got threads for that :)).

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Hey, i know what you mean, Eagle...I'm 22 (legal drinking age in US is 21) and I don't really drink...it's not that I can't it's just that I choose not to... I don't understand the facination with drinking until you [puke] anyway..


I guess if you've tried it, you do it, and when you haven't tried it, you can brag about how your karma is clean :D.


Never smoked, drinked, or done drugs, and I never will. Can't understand how the govt. can't just sack all the lawyers and close down the industry (maybe one thing the left-wing thing is good for?)

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Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

Can't understand how the govt. can't just sack all the lawyers and close down the industry (maybe one thing the left-wing thing is good for?)


Nah, they're not good for anything. ;) There all about individual rights and such so that kind of thing would be impossible for them to do. If anyone could its the right.

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Am I your favorite Mr. Artoo *Gives Artoo 20 bucks*


(althoug, Clefo, I've came to believe communism might not be such a good idea after all I'll stick with the less extreme welfare counry solution). I like left-wing states (like the EU), but I don't dislike the right-wing states (like USA).


Tch, fine be that way. I still think its a cool card..

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