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Rollercoaster Tycoon 2


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Originally posted by DashRendar

Two: RCT2, if I'm not mistaken, costs probably just as much as RCT1 and sinse it DOES add more stuff, that's a good deal.


you finaly got it


if you have rtc 1 you don't buy rtc 2 sice it does add only some stuff


if you don't have rtc 1 then you can buy rtc 2




case closed then


SO SHUT UP:axe1:





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Ackbar I have 2 things to say:


1. Duh. I knew it was a joke, I read the entire thread. I was saying as I was reading your post, I was about ready to take someone's head off. Then I read down, and found out it was a joke. When you don't give links or say anything but what you put up, then it's little hard to come to any other conclusion than the one that you wrote that yourself.


2. Some of us want to pay the money for all the new stuff, like those expansion packs for the Sims, except this is cheap. Much lower price than would be for a full game, in fact it is expansion pack priced. It's a sequel with the price and quality of a good expansion. So in conclusion...


Shut up

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Originally posted by Artoo

2. Some of us want to pay the money for all the new stuff, like those expansion packs for the Sims, except this is cheap. Much lower price than would be for a full game, in fact it is expansion pack priced. It's a sequel with the price and quality of a good expansion. So in conclusion...


Shut up


Ackbar doesn't get that Artoo...we've said it over 10 times now...

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Originally posted by TheMadDoofer

Since you're new, I'll cut you some slack, but don't double-post just to edit something you said in the last post. Click on the "edit" button to fix it.


Welcome baskets shall arrive shortly.


Thanks? Sorry, man, but I know how to use the forum. I'm not really new to this. Just waiting for someone to try and be the "oldbie hero".

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Ackbar, it's better than RCT1, it's cheaper than RCT1, so why NOT get it...your economical sense is shot, dude...


O and Nameless...you obviously must be new to this if you don't know how to use the edit button:-p...j/k...well sinse Rhett doesn't seem to be on the ball here I guess I'll just give you one of my old Giftbaskets...


*Hands NamelessSith a dusty, dilapidated old basket with a bunch of moldy Outrider Chews, a Cracked model of the ourider, and a chewed up Dash Rendar Plushie...suddenly the basket falls apart and everthing desinigrates after hitting the floor*


Oops...guess I better get my elf to make a new one *kicks sleeping elf in the rear and tells him to make a new basket. 5 minutes later a shiny new basket comes out with a bag of freshly made Outrider chews, A Shiny New Outrider Model, and 2 New Velvet Dash Rendar Plushies* Stupid Elf! There's only 'sposed to be ONE Plushie *takes extra Plushie and hands the rest ro NamelessSith*

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Originally posted by DashRendar

Ackbar, it's better than RCT1, it's cheaper than RCT1, so why NOT get it...your economical sense is shot, dude...


O and Nameless...you obviously must be new to this if you don't know how to use the edit button:-p...j/k...well sinse Rhett doesn't seem to be on the ball here I guess I'll just give you one of my old Giftbaskets...


*Hands NamelessSith a dusty, dilapidated old basket with a bunch of moldy Outrider Chews, a Cracked model of the ourider, and a chewed up Dash Rendar Plushie...suddenly the basket falls apart and everthing desinigrates after hitting the floor*


Oops...guess I better get my elf to make a new one *kicks sleeping elf in the rear and tells him to make a new basket. 5 minutes later a shiny new basket comes out with a bag of freshly made Outrider chews, A Shiny New Outrider Model, and 2 New Velvet Dash Rendar Plushies* Stupid Elf! There's only 'sposed to be ONE Plushie *takes extra Plushie and hands the rest ro NamelessSith*


Come on Ackbar, get with the program!


*Takes the basket* Woohoo! *Starts munching on outrider chews* :D

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Arrrgh, he most likely won't check this thread, but that won't keep us from subtly hinting to him that he is here.




I don't think he saw it, any way of making it bigger. Oh well, anyway...


*hands nameless sith the 5-track 6 CD set of GeeBee forums greatest moments, w/ bonus lightsaber pen that I stole out of the cinnamon toast crunch box*


*whel i hope thay do understand the word shut up now *


Cause you obviously don't. oooooooooooooooooooooooo

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sometimes bigger DOES equal better...:-D


Oh and welcome to the GB boards, nameless. we're pretty laxed around here and some think we're going dead...although then again, some also think that Socks were invented by an Elf...but that's another story...I personally don't think we're going DEAD just sorta settling in, you might say, oh well. We need some more reliable and good posters and hopefully you'll fill one of those Positions.


May the force be with you...

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Originally posted by DashRendar



sometimes bigger DOES equal better...:-D


Oh and welcome to the GB boards, nameless. we're pretty laxed around here and some think we're going dead...although then again, some also think that Socks were invented by an Elf...but that's another story...I personally don't think we're going DEAD just sorta settling in, you might say, oh well. We need some more reliable and good posters and hopefully you'll fill one of those Positions.


May the force be with you...


Yeah, I'm only new to Lucas Forums. I used to do swirve forums a lot (Was asked to be a mod there, but turned it down because of RL time issues), did some gameforce forums, where I learned the edit feature (Let's hear a hallelujah for that!). Anyway, if anyone needs the assistance of the ham ham fleet, drop me a PM. I'll have a few sunflower seed class cruisers headed your way. ;)

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Originally posted by DashRendar

Ackbar, it's better than RCT1, it's cheaper than RCT1, so why NOT get it...your economical sense is shot, dude...


like i siad then times


if you have rtc 1 you don't bye RTC 2


if you don't have rtc 1 you can bye RTC 2


But Probebly you are DEAF!

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Originally posted by NL_Ackbar


like i siad then times


if you have rtc 1 you don't bye RTC 2


if you don't have rtc 1 you can bye RTC 2


But Probebly you are DEAF!


*Shakes head vigorously* Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?





RCT1 is NOT as good as RCT2...I WANT RCT2...RCT2 is BETTER than RCT1...RCT2 is CHEAPER than RCT1...Therefore it is a good deal!...you have no REASONS behind your reasonings.

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Originally posted by NamelessSith


Yeah, I'm only new to Lucas Forums. I used to do swirve forums a lot (Was asked to be a mod there, but turned it down because of RL time issues), did some gameforce forums, where I learned the edit feature (Let's hear a hallelujah for that!). Anyway, if anyone needs the assistance of the ham ham fleet, drop me a PM. I'll have a few sunflower seed class cruisers headed your way. ;)


Sorry 'bout the double post but they're two posts on different subjects so I supose that this is 'Legitimate'.


I'm gonna start a welcome thread for you nameless...oh and did I happen to see your name on Massassi.net somewhere?...

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Sorry, Ackbar, but you're not making any sense to me. Alright, DashRendar just said you should buy it ANYWAY, whether you have the 1st or not, because it has more stuff and because it is cheap. How does it not make sense to buy this newer version? Just discard the old! I thought that was what our generation is all about, dude!


Now we all can afford to go buy this game, and if it's better than the first, buy it. It may not be a complete 2.0, despite the title, but it's a good deal. I say it's an opportunity worth chasing. You can differ in your opinion, and I respect that, but it should be worth it. I do suggest that next time you flame a game, you show that game's pics, though. :)


Now... this argument's going nowhere, so let's go on to more friendly convo, alright? I'd hate to send the 101st Ham Ham Mobile Suit Brigade to this thread. There wouldn't be much left of it... ;)

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Originally posted by DashRendar


Sorry 'bout the double post but they're two posts on different subjects so I supose that this is 'Legitimate'.


I'm gonna start a welcome thread for you nameless...oh and did I happen to see your name on Massassi.net somewhere?...


Oh, I better apologize for double-posting, too. Anyway, this is ALSO another topic, so:


Guess a welcoming party could work out... And, no, I'm not on Massassi.net. Must be another NamelessSith out there... But I'm the only one with the hamster fleet! :p

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oh my god. I go away for a weekend and my thread is TRASHED.







Do you have RCT2 NL AKBAR?


I dont' have it yet so I can't judge it. I agree with you that it is a lot more like an expansion off the original than a new game....BUT!!BUT BUT. Over here in the states it is sooo cheap like 20 something bucks. I AM SO GRATEFUL to the game people that they did not put a $50 dollar price tag on something that is worth more like $20 bucks! It isn't all that much different from the original. I chose to buy a different game than it...but hopefully when I'm looking for a new game to play I can turn around and buy it or ask for it as a christmas gift. RCT 1 is a lot of fun to play and I'm sure RCT 2 is fun to. These days people are way too critical over games. I know it has to do with paying like $50 bucks on a game that didn't give you HALF The excitement or HALF as much action as some that we have bought for CHEAPER. But I guess that's what marketing does. It hypes us up for dissapointment. I'm sorry you are dissapointed in the game. BUT at least the game makes didn't try and screw us on the price. I would definately not buy it for over 30 bucks...maybe not even over 25. But for 20 heck that is lunch money. It aint nothing. I'm sure I'd get my moneys worth. :o)

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Originally posted by STTCT

oh my god. I go away for a weekend and my thread is TRASHED.




All eyes turn to Ackbar.


And all pointer fingers.


And all laser beams coming from both of them...wait no nevermind.


Well anyway our economics professor here seems to think RCT2 is not worth it...although he only has about 1/10 of a fact to back his Theory up...that may work for dinosaurs, but not Economics...sorry ackbar.

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