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Don't Download Jediplus!!!


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I couldn't believe this myself, but I bet NONE of you knew that JediPLUS gives BOFH secret access to your server through some code he placed in there. So effectively, he can control your server if he joined it! I saw this in action tonight on a server I was playing on. Apparently this sliver of code gives him free will to screw around with anyone's server! He even threatened to bring down my friend's (TMBJ) server if it was running JediPLUS.


Not only is this unethical, it is highly illegal and DEFINITELY against any moral laws that exist today. I suggest someone decompile his mod (if possible) and check his source code.


Once again, this is NOT a lie, a hoax, or a joke. This is 100% serious. BOYCOTT this mod, and DO NOT download it or put it on your server!

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Originally posted by -Chrono_MOT-

I suggest someone decompile his mod (if possible) and check his source code.


not really possible , the only thing we can do is decompile it and have the ASM code, which is not really easy to read :)


but a piece of code that gives you control of the server is possible and evben easy to write.

You can even program a kind of troyan to control the client and screw his PC.

i hope he didn't do that......

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Originally posted by -Chrono_MOT-

Not only is this unethical, it is highly illegal and DEFINITELY against any moral laws that exist today. I suggest someone decompile his mod (if possible) and check his source code.


Not to mention very disturbing...


Which version, 4.0? I don't play it (promod all the way) but my brother does

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Originally posted by Kyle098

all he prabably did was put as one of the admin passwords aone that noone knows and he uses that so its just like as if he was one of the admins.


well he can do that but he could also do something more stealthy like crete a clientside console command that'll send info to the server without the use of the cvar....


but the result is the same : a big security hole.....

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Well if one of you guys can decompile it and see if there is a code in there, cause right now im not going to upload any of the jediplus mods to the site until


A) I hear from BOFH or the team making Jediplus

B) A coder that decompiles the mod and shows the proof, then I will give that information to ZeroXcape, Aris or one of them, and also give information over to FBI or whomever for Criminal charges and also give the information to Lucasarts.


This is just my morals I don't judge but I will listen to all parties and Chronos if you like you may email me at invader@darklordsofsith.com but I ask for proof not just leads. If you have logs stating BOFH said that please forward them to me.






Dark Lord of Sith


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Originally posted by dlosnet

Well if one of you guys can decompile it and see if there is a code in there, cause right now im not going to upload any of the jediplus mods to the site until


A) I hear from BOFH or the team making Jediplus

B) A coder that decompiles the mod and shows the proof, then I will give that information to ZeroXcape, Aris or one of them, and also give information over to FBI or whomever for Criminal charges and also give the information to Lucasarts.


This is just my morals I don't judge but I will listen to all parties and Chronos if you like you may email me at invader@darklordsofsith.com but I ask for proof not just leads. If you have logs stating BOFH said that please forward them to me.






Dark Lord of Sith





The county Shierif would handle it if BOFH is in the USA.

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This sounds, smells, and tastes bunk.


He *threatened* to take your *friend's* server down?


I'm afraid not - this is not illegal to join a server, say you are BOFH, and *threaten* - ...


This just sounds *bunk* to me. I wish someone would post some *proof* before *jumping* to *conclusions*


Enough *'s for you?


Good, I've had my fill.

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You know, I've started to find it interesting that the only people defending BOFH with such tasteless defense have less than 10 posts...


It probably wouldn't have anything to with recent turns of events would it?





Nah....of course not! Why would someone come in and start defending BOFH all of a sudden, and with such a poor defense?


Sorry, this ain't bunk my friend. This is based off of what he himself said. I have nothing personal against BOFH other than the fact that he uses this mod for personal gain.

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I fail to see how asking for proof is an insane request.


If 'he himself' said it- I'd like to see some proof that he said it, is all.


As for my post count, just because someone doesn't post inane comments about EVERYTHING, doesn't render my commentary inneffective - sometimes people who say little - like Sherlock Holmes, for instance - are the people who understand the situation best.


I'm not Sherlock Holmes, and I don't know a thing about the situation, but, if it were me, and I was being falsely accused, I would hope someone would ask for proof.


If he is not falsely accused, it's simply a matter of providing proof that he has done something wrong - has he taken anyone's server down yet?


Even if he had included code that enabled him to have admin access to a server running JO, it would only be a crime if he had accessed this feature.


Simply walking up to the liquor store with the intent to rob it, does not mean you have robbed it.


If he has 'in fact' robbed the proverbial liquor store, then prooooove it.


I don't want to hear 'my friend was threatened by someone claiming to have programmed the mod he was running on his server.'


Granted, it is scary enough not to download JediPlus, but, until proven true, it is *not* true.

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i don't say that often but LOL

he won't get any trouble for shutting down one or two servers. but if he has the power and the will to do so with every server jedmod is installed on, then he gets busted. game servers are nothing less important just because games are running on them. and messing up servers is a crime.

but no one would be that stupid after this which hunt here where every finger is pointed on him already.

boy this is so funny. i'm laughing my ass off here.

lets enjoy this thread before it gets closed too! (i realy feel sory for the moderator here, hehe)

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heh. This thread was posted on all three boards at the same time. The thread on the general editing forum being locked had nothing to do with this one being posted here.


Matter of fact, the thread on the general editing forum was locked because a few people started taking shots at BOFH totally unrelated to the fight I'm trying to keep going.

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yeah it's like watching tv and then there is a scandal because some totaly unimportant person did something totaly unimportant but the hosts are going nutts over it and you sit and think by yourself: why? why does that happen? its so trivial and stupid!

but the sad thing is that jediplus is running on many servers thus giving the probably evil author great power.

crono motte just wanted to make people dump this mod. which cant be bad. tho i would have much more reasons to do so than just the backdoor...

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