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System Requirments for SWG


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yea lol, that sounds like an amazing computer... obviously its gonna be good enough. I mean you have a top of the line computer... do you know how many potential costomers they would be loosing if they made the min. reqs. that high. Well athlon 1700 XP isn't top of the line but its still pretty damn good.


Lol the thing that makes me thing hes bragging is the

I have a Daytona GeForce 4 128 MB DDR ram, a Athlon XP 1700+ CPU and 704 mb SD ram!!
exclamation marks on the end :p


I'm just playin witchu, but still it will be good enough... at E3 like 2 years ago they showed it on probably a 1.0 with a geforce 3.

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Originally posted by TyRaNis

Not after what i have heard!! Even 56k players would be able to play the game without to much lag!!!

He is right.... 56K's will be able to play it.


and Tyranis..... when the devs were playing their cute game.. they were playing with Geforce 3.. and they said afterworth that they would aim for a Geforce 2 aswell.. so.. i think it will work out :D

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