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Pull+Kick script. Myth or true?


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Originally posted by JEDI_Anakin_S

Just turn on absorb and watch their newbie offensive say bye


For a pull throw that will get you killed faster, you "slide" a little when pulled and at times it actually can cause the saber to miss if you come in from the side.


Absorb keeps you from sliding, yet it does not cause the "block animation" to go away and basically makes you a perfect pull throw target.


And as an added bonus, there is not chance of you sliding into your opponent and causing damage from a saber hitting them.



The perfect defense for pull throws if you are light is protect.


Don't leave it on; just tap it before the saber connects. A normal 30 damage shot now does 6.



As for a pull kick, Absorb *helps, but not much unless you are fighting a newbie.

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