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avatar requests ONLY !!!UPDATED!!! 11/06/2002


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Hey there, i´m new arround here.


I wanna tell you, nice avs you have there...i like the animated ones most of all.


I can do really nice avs but mostly in 2D what do u think about mine?:D


If ayone can give me some avi - avatar type of luke with the ROTJ saber i will be really pleased, and then i will make some modifications wich will turn the green blade into red.


Well that`s all, i hope u can help me out.



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Originally posted by MasterKoon237

my request is (i think)a little simpler than most...maybe it will get done sooner? Anyway, could someone resize this: luke8.gif to 70x70 pixels, and put MaterKoon237 in solid blue-glowing letters...O.k. mabye it's isn't so simple. But at least you don't have to look for the pic! Thx!


Look, it is simple, but no with that pic, is too small.


I resized it but i have to add that black trims becouse if i reize it to 70x70 the pic look awful(all streched..). I hope you like it as it is:)

If you want, you could tell me if there´s anything i can change to make it look better.





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Originally posted by MasterKoon237

I think i'll just pick another av, but thx anyway! I wonder if you might help me again: Do you know of any good av's with Plo(prefferably saber ignited)?


That`s ok, fell free to ask me, but u have to help me: what`s "plo"? "ignited"? (i`m sory, i´m not form america, so, u`ll hace to explain me some words:( )



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"Plo" means Plo Koon, A jedi in star wars.



"Ignited" means that his lightsaber is turned on. ;)


By the way,


¡bienvenida a LucasForums! ¡Espero que usted goce permanece!


Please forgive me for errors, my spanish is a bit rusty, and I never was good at it in the first place. ;)

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Originally posted by MasterKoon237

I think i'll just pick another av, but thx anyway! I wonder if you might help me again: Do you know of any good av's with Plo(prefferably saber ignited)?



Episode I Plo with yellow saber (EU) or the AotC Plo with blue saber?


Just clarifying for the maker of it....

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

"Plo" means Plo Koon, A jedi in star wars.



"Ignited" means that his lightsaber is turned on. ;)


By the way,


¡bienvenida a LucasForums! ¡Espero que usted goce permanece!


Please forgive me for errors, my spanish is a bit rusty, and I never was good at it in the first place. ;)


Oh....what a worm welcome...snif..:D:p


Your spanish is as rusty as my english:D, but very good:)


Ok, i will try to make some avatar of it, give me 12 hs.:D



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Originally posted by MasterKoon237

Katarn07, any episode is fine, Thx. And sorry Dark Luke, your English seemed fine before!


I am not making it... I can't.


I was just wondering. An AotC one would be easier. He actually has his saber in the battle. In TPM, he doesn't have it; but in a video game as well as a bunch of comics, it is yellow.

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Originally posted by MasterKoon237

i already have an old av with that on it. But it's ok(Plo is a hard jedi to find stuff of), do you know of any cool Darth Maul av's?


I´m sory, the av i made has that image katarn shows, do u like that or i forget about it?


I can make the blade shows another color if you want...



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