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University of Arizona shootings


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Now, I know you're thinking this is another news thread, but myself living, gee I don't know, TEN MINUTES from the sight of those shootings and my school being two, perhaps I could provide some insight


(Article Here)


Well you see.. During the day there were a lot of Helicoptors flying above. A person who rides my bus, apparently, knows one of the victims, lots of police cars driving down our way. What makes things a little bit iffy is that the Democratic candidate for govenor is visiting my school tommarow, that'll probably be talked about a lot

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Originally posted by Jatt13

i hadn't heard about that. what's with these people? why would they do something like that? it really makes you think. :(


apparently the shooter was a gulf war veteran and had just or almost was failing his nurse class....


I feel sorry for the victims and the ones close to them...what an unnecessary waste of life, just because of one persons raving...

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i have a little sympathy for the shooter...think about it.


You've joined the military so that you can go to college to get a career, you get out of military, and you end up failing.


i'd probably think about doing the stuff he did, but i wouldn't go through with it!!!

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I heard about this earlier in the day........something about two professors getting shot/killed as well. Is that right?


Also, did the shooter kill himself/herself??



Another sad day in an American learning institution.........:(

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ya - its on the cnn.com website. Apparently he killed 3 professors and then shot himself. Students said there were like 15 gunshots heard. They said in the article that they were not sure if the guy was actually a student at the university but there was talk that he was and was upset about something to do with midterms. He was 41 years old.

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