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---the totaL N00B--- (me!)


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Hello! I am new to this community, and I would like to learn how to map. The jediknightii dot net site has been helpful to me, but I am wondering if their are any mapping programs, like the rs editor for you rogue spear players. Jedi knight is an awesome game, thanks Lucasarts!


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The program works better, in all, because there are updates to it, more features in it, and it is pretty darn 1337.


There's a manual for it, and it can make more eye-candy than you can wiggle a stick at.


It's just everybody uses SOF2MAP, which is basically a very old version of Q3Map by id that does too many unnecessary passes during the VIS stage, and lighting has it's own problems to deal with.


Once you switch, you'll never go back, unless you're sick.

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For Mapping, use either JK2Radient (why I use...) or the most recent version of GTK (which I'm thinking about switching to.)


For compiling, Q3Map2. I dont have it yet, but give me a week.


And Darklord - why would I block your email address? Only downside to answering your questions direct is that it isn't posted for all the other newbies. :)

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Why do I still find some great mappers using JK2Radiant and SOF2Map?


I guess if I can make a map that showcases the better features of GTK and Q3Map2, people might want to use them, but I'm busy coding some cool shiz right now, so I map rather infrequently :(


Please, use GTK and Q3map2, your JK2 will thank you ;)

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