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Well, if I was given a choice between having an expansion pack, and having another full game, I would vote for the latter.


I can see there may be problems when considering an expansion pack...for example...what do you put in it? Do you try and make an expansion along the same lines as MotS...which gave you lots of new levels, and a different story, and different features? Or do you go for something more simplistic, like some extra MP levels, skins, and a few more options (like the UT bonus packs, effectively)?


A lot of people (including me) would want to see something as expansive as MotS...others would be satisfied with some tweaks and additions to MP.


Timescale is also important...my own view is that they shouldn't leave it too long to start working on an expansion, if they are considering making a JK3. But as I say, they may just forego an expansion to concentrate on a full-blown sequel.


Of course, to do neither would be a big mistake, in my view. :)

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Timescales isn't really an issue. All games nowdays, it seems as soon as they've been completed people want more. Back in the good old days, people were satisfied with what they got. In the prime of Jedi Knight, no one even thought about a sequel. Then 4 years later JKII is mentioned. People who missed out originally but heard the game was good got excited, old masters of the game reaslised how brilliant this would be, and they got excited. Mots wasn't out till quite a while after and a new game enitrely wasn't out till years after. Don't expect JK3 (if theres gonna be one) for at least 2 years, AT LEAST.

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Actually Kainite mots cameout 3 months after jk. It ranks as one of the fastest out expansions. Jk came out in november and then mots hit in february. Believe it or not I still play them and addon levels too. I am hoping for an expansion to outcast myself.



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I seem to remember that when MOTS first came out, it was riddled with bugs. For example if you went into the options menu whilst in the game, you couldn't go back to the game without it crashing. Thats why it never came out in the UK till about a year or 2 later. It was in a combined box with JK.

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I didnt know about the uk situation. That is bad. I do know that when it came out here it had like 1 or 2 bugs, but nothing like you described. I remember one was near the Jedi holocron in the lair of the guy who stole it. It was something about a trigger not always working when you jumped up to and got the holocron, so you couldnt get back out. Fortunately I never had any problems. I did see that there was a patch but my friends and I never needed it. That was terrible to make you all wait so long for it in the uk. Still you have to admit it was a great game. Also interesting to note is that when the boxed set came out here, they had fixed it so you couldnt run the addon levels. I had worn my original cds out so I got the set and found this out. I had to install with the original cds and run the game with the new ones to play the addon levels.



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My assumption - and hope, frankly - is that any JKIII would be based on new technology, like the Quake4 or DOOMIII stuff.


(As an aside, has anyone seen shots from the DOOMIII Alpha build that was leaked? Stuff on shelf that moves, boxes that you kick, floor covers leaning that will fall down if you bump them, nice)


An expansion pack, by it's definition should expand on the original game in a direct way. To me that is very much like MotS (or MoHAA: Spearhead) in that it should have the same engine, same basic character types/sets, and same *basic* control sets. From there, they'd add new missions/levels and so on. I think that is reasonable to expect one.



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Originally posted by Kainite

Thats why it never came out in the UK till about a year or 2 later. It was in a combined box with JK.


Not when I bought it, it wasn't. :)


I bought MotS separately from JK, and I'm pretty sure it was under a year. I know it wasn't just a few months later...but it was definitely shorter than a year (hence my response in the other thread). Also...I've never experienced any real bugs in either JK or MotS. I've never even bothered to install the patch that came out for JK.


I just wish games of today were as stable and bug-free. :)

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Originally posted by StormHammer


Not when I bought it, it wasn't. :)


I bought MotS separately from JK, and I'm pretty sure it was under a year. I know it wasn't just a few months later...but it was definitely shorter than a year (hence my response in the other thread). Also...I've never experienced any real bugs in either JK or MotS. I've never even bothered to install the patch that came out for JK.


I just wish games of today were as stable and bug-free. :)


I missed out on the initial JK release ... I was busy having babies and not sleping ... ;)


When I got them they were in a package, but it was clearly a re-release. I still like them quite a bit - but JKII has spoiled the saber system for me.


I have found JKII to be every bit as stable and trouble-free as JK. SoFII has been a bit of a pain, and I have to 'shake' the AI in RtCW too often, but JK seems pretty good to me.


I heard a rumor some time ago that we'd be hearing something on the Exp in November ...

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Just some thoughts after seeing that Doom III 'alpha leak' in action ...


*THAT* is why I think JKIII should not be out for a couple / few years. The soldier dud who comes down the elevator - picture him as Kyle (or whomever is in JKIII), very, very realistic. It is possible to imagine very cinematic Star Wars action in just a couple of years.


Maybe that makes me old, but I can wait ...



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If MoTS was such a big hit, why are more people playing Jedi Knight instead? I'm just going by the Zone standards (well, it's where I started MP gaming, don't throw nothin at me), but there are usually around 130 - 200 (350 on a good day) people in Nar Shadaa and 2 - 8 (14 on a good day) people in the MoTS rooms. I've played MoTS, it didn't seem that much of a leap from JK. I'd much prefer an entirely new game, but not made by Raven and not using an engine from another game. There was way too much difference between JK and JO, which was one of it's faults with many many sub-faults

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bah to jk3, if you dont agree with this i dont blame you but look what they did with half life the first 1 wasnt good then some modder came along and made counter strike, (a very good mod which later came a part of the hl seris) and tfc on cs and then neotfc on tfc. These mods turned half life into a completely new game for free! But for this to happen to jk2 is impossilbe right now cos raven havnt realised some coding!:rolleyes: silly raven!:p

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Originally Posted by James Brphy


But for this to happen to jk2 is impossilbe right now cos raven havnt realised some coding! silly raven!


It isn't up to Raven to release the coding for the game. They are simply the median to make it. Its the Superiors alias LucasArts that decides if and when the source code will be released. So don't blame Raven for being smart and saving their necks. Raven has already gone out of their way to help out many Modders and even the Attack of the Clones: TC and the Wired Lamp Studios Team.

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