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WIP: Tercero-Anakin Model


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I agree with everyone, that one on the right would look more natural, although with Star Wars, they make anything with anything happen, Like Princess Leia's hair to stay in those buns..LOL


anyway, here ya go... (its a hobby)



**EDIT** I adjusted my pic so tha that the left side would mirror the right/smoother side, just so people will have an idea of how you, -Tercero-, might have the pic look. Plus its less work to re-skin it:P

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Probably not for some time, at least a month. I hardly have time to work on it, which is why the updates are so small... I am trying to get it released as soon as possible, but I don't want to comprimise quality for speed. Believe me though, I'm more anxious to see this in game than anyone, so I don't plan to waste time on it. You'll get it as soon as it's ready.

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WOW I havent been on since the release of yoda (graphics card went) but i see some fantastic models being made and almost complete!!


This IS anakin skywalker on a pc!! :D great job look forward to the release, and woundering if u got any others in the pipeline or thoughts





EDIT: oh and sorry 4 going off subject a bit there

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If Tercero didn't care about those small, itsy-bitsy details he would be done by now. But that's the reason that he's still working on it. To find those small, barely noticeable details because, you see, Tercero is what people would call a perfectionist.

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Tercero and I suffer from the same affliction :) I admire what he's trying to do, make the perfect model/skin :D


Did you get that glm to finally load Terc? If you didnt let me know, just make sure you extract the _humanoid.gla file from the assets0.pk3 in your /base/ directory. Just pop the .gla and the model.glm into the same directory and it should load right up




Powered by Sith :lightning

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Tercy, that model's lookin great. I'm being stupid prolly, but is the hair going to look like it did in the earlier pics or is it gonna have the afro look like in the last pic? ::really stupid::


btw...nice icon. Cute girl..good looking model and girl...what a skilled man, you are...:eek:

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