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WIP: Tercero-Anakin Model


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tercero, when you're done with the anakin model are you doing obi, qui-gon, mace. basically you are just going to skin them from the anakin model right. i think it would be really smart if you do that rather than starting over with the leia model. and i have one question when you do the obi skin are doing episode 1 or 2 or maybe even both. i think it would be great if you do both.

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Well LBuRNa, a few of us atempted to sway him over to some new Jedi models but it seems his intrest has gone to Leia. And I think that's great. We need some new female models. And a helpful comment. Models are the structure in which the skins are placed on. The skins are a type of painting you might say, that wraps around. Anyway, hope that helps. And welcome to the forums. :)

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I still plan to do some other jedi, but right now, Leia is going to take priority because of her inclusion in Team Assault. I'm also doing some models for b3rdwin, the author of the saberist mod (of which there is a new version just out). I'm gonna keep that one under wraps - he can let it out of the bag if he wants, but I want to leave that one up to him.


As far as Anakin goes, work is progressing on the new mesh - the clothing is looking a hundred times better and it isn't even skinned yet. I'll try and have shots for you soon once he looks a tad more complete.


Thanks for bearing with me - it should be well worth the wait!


Oh, Toonces - I had a question for you. Did any UV's export when I sent you the model? Slayer and I were trying to get my grappling hook in-game, but he couldn't get the UV's to come up on the mesh I sent him. I found a workaround, but I was wondering if you had the same problem. He should've had UV's on his face at the very least...


Jessman-<JOTD>JediHunter - nice avatar.

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Atsuri - I'm going to include 3 or 4 hilts with Anakin - his standard saber, the two he uses to fight Dooku, and possibly the one that Obi-Wan gives to Luke in ANH (since it is known to have been Anakin's saber at one point). I am also including a modification to the saber blades - a new revamp of my mod compatible Tercero-Sabers designed to look more like those seen in Episode 2. These files will all be included in the .zip, but will be seperate from the base .pk3 file for the model, that way they aren't mandatory modifications to use the model. The new version of my Tercero-Sabers can also be found in Blackwolf (bw3rdln)'s latest version of his fantastic Saberist mod. Make sure to read the manual if you get it - it's more than worth the time.


morphius_doh, Bultar Swan is actually in my long term plan. Right now I'm trying to just concentrate on the model at hand - but I'm still kinda playing with ideas for later. Leia will come next as a project for TA, but I might also make a few other Jedi on the side as well. If I do, most of the named Jedi in the movies are under consideration, and Bultar Swan is fairly high on that list.


Toonces - I have a workaround for the UV's, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem - it's just kind of a pain. The I'm trying to figure out a faster and better way to do it, so I'll keep you posted on what I find out.

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Honestly, I think that the current title is MORE THAN enough for people to know it hasn't been released. WIP: Tercero-Anakin Model does its justice just fine. And I dont see why it should have to be changed to anything else. When it is released, Tercero can make a thread called Tercero-Anakin Released! So, until such time, the current title for this thread will do.

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Sure, Eets Saber was released. The problem with the posting of files is that my primary computer is how shall we say.. Incomplete. I was expecting my motherboard over a week ago,and I just learned that it was shipped TODAY. So When I get it, and am able to get my pc rebuilt with my new Atlas XP PC CASE, I will be all set to resume work as a File/News Master for JKII.Net... But until such time, I am merely acting as a LucasForums Moderator.


Also, there has been a few new files released as of today, like V2 of Moria II: Dwarrowdelf, KaminoX, Bushido, and others.

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And It will stay at the top of the Popular Files for a while, like yoda did. and once I finish the *cough cough*beta testing*cough cough* of my own, I will also host the link on the site, but not like officially to where it would be posted on the files section. the Posting would in fact be right here, in the Forums.


But keep up the good work Tercero, can't wait to see Anakin in action!

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Well, yes AND no. Tercero, Toonces and myself have played the model, but it was merely a silhouette, which showed how the model would deform in-game. but as far as I know, there hasn't been any word of the model being in-game with textures and all that. But I could be wrong.


Keep up the good work, -Tercero- and Toonces. Can't wait to Beta test:D

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