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Hey Mikey!


Welcome to lucasforums!


For everyone who does know him (just about all of you) he is an ex-Arky, ex-Michiganner, Japanese person. (in other words I know him from Arkansas, but he moved to Michigan then to Japan)


Rhett should be around sometime to give you his welcome basket:D


But in the mean time enjoy some of Darthfergie's Jawa Gummies:)

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Hey mswanmmiv! Welcome to the forums!



*hands mswanmmiv an official LucasForums welcome basket*


It was made by my basket making elves. Which you can see here. They made it especially for you. Don't freak out if you find a finger or two in the fresh baked muffins. Heh.. those cute lil' guys have accidents with those machines all the time.


Now pull up a chair, or take a seat on one of the many recliners, order yourself some Jawa juice and feel free to join in on any of the conversations we have going. We're all friendly! :rhett:

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or else you may end up like krkode!


watch it... ;)


there are 43,970 members on these boards, and 43,969 of them as we speak hate the fact that they can't be like me.....



woooweee, it's good to be me...and i'm glad it's me that's me...


Woowee, it's good to be me- by krkode


woooweee, it's good to be me,

not you or he, and i'm glad it's me,

not them or she, i'm still me,

not him or her, it's still me,

woooweee, it's good to be me!


Now don't you wish you could be like me,

well, i think not, cuz i am me!

and as long as i am me,

you can't be me,

so wooooweee, you can't be like me...


woooweee, i'm still me...

woooweee, i'm glad i'm me! :D




talk about on the spot classically good song writing! woowee ;):laughing:

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Originally posted by darthfergie



I hadn't seen that pic of your elves before:D


Jeez man, you gotta get out more ;)


Welcome to the forums Mikey! We'll be sure to fill your life with pain and miser.. um, uh.. joy and happiness! :D

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