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Hey Keyan; Good to see you again. Yeah, I registered 54 kids on the first day at my first school. Today I had 62!!! I had to hire an assistant:) I really enjoy it there. The school guidance counsellor came up to me at the end of the class and told me she thought it was a fantastic program. She wanted to know if she could keep referring kids or if it was big enough. I told her to keep 'em coming. I'd hire more assitants if necessary. It's great!


Taarkin; My oldest is 10 1/2 going on 16 and my youngest is 9. Gotta catch 'em early. I don't really think I'll need a shotgun though. Caitlyn is a Blue belt in Karate and Jiu-Jitsu and Erica is testing for her green belt next week. Maybe I'd better protect the BOYS;)

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Originally posted by Flying Beastie



He's an Ottawa U student. He doesn't have any valuables.




So true...

All I have are my guitars: :urpdude:

But so true...


And even if I had valuables I wouldn't have any room for them in this stupid residence room with no friggin room at all. Makes you wonder why they actually call a room a room when it has no room at all, it's like a roomless room. The only good thing about my room is that it's high enough so I can commit suicide by jumping out the window. ;)

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Originally posted by Nitro


Originally posted by Rogue Nine

That may not be such a bad idea... :p

I agree! Let's put it into effect immediately!

Excellent! And now would be a perfect time to release that book on lock-picking I've been working on!


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