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1 thing that DEFINETELY needs to be in Jedi Knight 3


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I've been watching the Star Wars movies, and you'll obviously notice that powerful Jedi use their powers to quickly pick up objects (non human including) and throw them at people.


This should cause a certain amount of damage. So maps need to be built with random objects for players to throw around.

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First thing,I don't think that could do lots of damage.Well,not even enough to kill someone who has (only) 100/0...


Second thing,the chances to make JK3 would be slim indeed because there wouldn't be anymore storyline,in other words,practically you can't expect to pull the same story twice and get away with it.The game can't sell.


Would you stand to see 3 dark jedi come out,split by different eras,to challenge (old) Katarn?I don't think so.


Besides,Katarn is getting old.See the grey hair on him?


Finally,I don't think that imperial scum would want to challenge a Jedi Master.


No offense,please,just my 2 cents worth.

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Originally posted by TheMadDoofer


Yeah, there was a dark side power called "Force Throw," but it didn't do very much damage so it was not widely used.

wtf are you talking about if you got a light side user to chase you into the crashed ship and had full force you could **** him up bad. Plus if you hit the person with one piece of debris you would just need to hit them once with secondary fire to get a kill.

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even obi wan for xbox had throw, with rag doll physics it was fun and looked good. I think it was left out of jo because they knew it would look lame with the physics they have in the game and they didn't want to spend the time and money adding in some sort of dynamic ragdoll physic

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The reason it was on obi wan is because its a single player game. Its much easier to code for single player because you don't have to take into account that the npc's might want to do something else :) I always wondered why there are no force manipulated objects in multi (i.e. push rocks and walls down, throw switches) whilst there are in single player. The reason is that the game has to try and do what everyone wants and it would be very difficult to have force effect stuff whilst people were trying to effect other stuff. Thats what I THINK anyway.

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I think it was more a money/time constraint. At least new games like bf1942/ut2k3/halo xbox and pc. I don't think it would be that big of an issue for mp, worked fine in jk1....I guess its all in how much of it is server side and how much of it is client side.


On a side note, are physics hard coded into the engine for JO?

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If you're a member of the jedi academy hosted here at the wonderful JKII.net (master of brown nose:D) and you've played on their servers, they've got a wicked mod enabled on that server. You can pull items and dropped weapons. You can't pull stuff in a glowing field (i.e. spawned weapons, force powerups) this is an element which I felt was missing from the original multiplay, as it was a key element in JK1 and just seems right.

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i dunno how you call this success. The game is dieing, games such as q3 and BF1942 have MASSIVE ammounts of players. JK2 is relivantly small, and dieing.

I love this game and dont plan on quitting any time soon. But when SWG comes out........... jk2 is officially dead.

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Originally posted by ass_clench

when SWG comes out........... jk2 is officially dead.


I don't think that is true, because a monthly fee will be required to play SWG. A 10$ monthly fee.


To some, (even many), that is too much to pay, not to mention the 50$ game buying.

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I seriously doubt JKII will die. Heck, JK1 isn't even dead yet. But I agree that JKII will be losing players when SWG comes out. But when they get tired of that JKII will be alive again. I'm beginning to think that some people WANT it dead.


But to keep on topic I'll say that we definitly need more realistic saber combat for sure. ((Modders get to your racers! Set....GO! :D )) As suppose to what StarGuy was saying.


Sorry if this kinda got off topic for a minute, but It makes me so mad when people say JKII is dieing, the key to keep JKII alive is to keep a well rounded selection of games for when you get tired of JKII, please do me a favor and quit saying the game is dead.....ALL OF YOU! :mad:


And what Boinga1 said, your exactly right. :)

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I agree with both your post, the game will slow down for a while until people become more ambitious with SP level making, and someone comes out with an icnredible TC.

Saber combat even in SP can be more spiffy i feel.


As for throw, they should come up with a different way, more Star Wars way of manipulating objects though the force than the force throw, then you should be able to guide the object whereever you want

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well, if they had a good physics system they could go black and white style and let you use a little hand to grab things, pull back push forward and release and watch your object fly

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Obi's right about JKii......it's not gonna die out. Not easily anyways. :D I know I won't be getting SWG........not anytime soon. Just paying more to play something that you have already paid for just doesn't sound good to me. I'm on a tight budget now.....



Originally posted by MysticSpade

plus i'm pretty sure there's not gonna be a JK3


Well, why not? JO was pretty successful IMO. They might as well, it's guaranteed money!! :p

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