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Who can make me happy again?

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Tarzan? Is that you? :confused:




Anyway, I'm sorry for your loss.


I know how it feels like to lose someone you love (yes, pets aswell). I've lost 2 cats over the years, the first was the worst. It was the sweetest cat you could ever have. Whenever you cried, it knew you were hurting and she came to comfort you. That's rare, I think, for an animal to know that crying is the humans way of saying: "I'm really sad now. I need a hug." :(


So anyway, again, I'm sorry for your loss. :(

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I used to have spotted salamanders, i cried when some stupid little girl came and stole them and started giving them to people. (she gave my favorite to S1DC...) i got them back though, was pretty upsetting. those thins were so cool though, and i could hand-feed them. :) looked kinda like little ysalamiris. :D

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dun worry jedi... your parrakeet is going to parrakeet heaven... jan your cats r in cat heaven playing with yarn balls and R15's cat is playing in cat heaven too.


Kjølen i have bad news, your fish went to fishy hell cause they killed the next door neighbours dog... no only joking, they're in fishy heaven :D


Red, that hamster has gone to hamster heaven where it'll have all the feed pellets it wants...



and how do i know all this? well i'm friends with death... u know, the guy with the ravens hanging around him and the sikle... wears a black hooded robe... :D

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the cat wasn't mine, it was my sisters. i was kinda in shock though the whole day, i didn't cry until the next day when i kinda missed the cat. it was cool, and would go running towards the fridge whenever i'd go for ice in the ice maker cause he liked to swat the ice around. :D he'd also hide in cardboard soda cases, and sneak attack the other cats. :) he was only a kitten too, not even a year old, and was from a litter of 5 kittens, 4 of who we gave to the petstore, and we decided to keep him, he'd always tick off his mom, and disobey her, and the mom would freak out when the dog would go near it, and the kitten didn't mind. btw his name was 'Dude'. :D he jumped in front of the car as my dad was pulling in the driveway and the rest of us were inside the house. the cat was still alive, it was paralyzed though, and we took it to the vet, and decided to put it to sleep, altho we could've taken expensive x-rays, the vet said chances of the cat returning to 'normal' were very unlikely.


anyways enough of that story, now onto NEWTS! i used to have these small orange salamanders, known as newts, this was b4 the big spotted salamanders. those things were so awesome. ok *returns to smelling thanksgiving day food*

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I used to have Anoles.(they are little lizards if you didn't know) Well I had to give them away cause my mom didn't like them. So the family we gave them to had a cat.(you can tell where this is going huh?) Some one left their cage open and the cat found them. It was very very ugly.:(

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Originally posted by rskateboy

I used to have Anoles.(they are little lizards if you didn't know) Well I had to give them away cause my mom didn't like them. So the family we gave them to had a cat.(you can tell where this is going huh?) Some one left their cage open and the cat found them. It was very very ugly.:(


i know what that's like....i lived in florida, and we've got like 4 cats...the one would ALWAYS catch them, and mutilate them and leave them on the doorstep, one time it caught a skink, and riped it in half and all that was left was it's waste up. pretty gross, but amusing at the same time. I used to have 2 anoles, but i couldn't find food for them and they ended up rotting in their cage, literally.

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Hey guys, thanks for your replies.:ball:


It sheered me up. And no, I'm not Tarzan. That's my dog. I've got a lot of pets and I've lost a lot this year. But I really enjoy the fact that you all love animals and that you (most of all) have animals.:eek:


And especially for you Lynk Former, Jane is in parrakeet heaven, just like every other animal who died!!

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Originally posted by Lynk Former

dun worry jedi... your parrakeet is going to parrakeet heaven... jan your cats r in cat heaven playing with yarn balls and R15's cat is playing in cat heaven too.


Kjølen i have bad news, your fish went to fishy hell cause they killed the next door neighbours dog... no only joking, they're in fishy heaven :D


Red, that hamster has gone to hamster heaven where it'll have all the feed pellets it wants...



and how do i know all this? well i'm friends with death... u know, the guy with the ravens hanging around him and the sikle... wears a black hooded robe... :D


*Raises an eyebrow* Oh really? And since when did I start dealing in animal deaths? Tsk tsk tsk. ;-)

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it sucks to lose an animal close to you. and the first is always the hardest. my hamsters died while i was vacationing in europe when i was 5, so we got two calico cats that couldnt be nicer to plug the loss. curry and sprite were sisters and they were incredibly cute. then one day sprite got ran over.


since then curry has gotten fat and is very unhealthy. i dont know if that relates to her loss or what but we had to put my cat on a diet. since then i adopted squirrels whos mother had died. we had the cutest little group of 4 squirrels for a few weeks. then we had to release them into the wild when they were big enough. i still miss those little fellas.

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Originally posted by Darth Talliusc

it sucks to lose an animal close to you. and the first is always the hardest. my hamsters died while i was vacationing in europe when i was 5, so we got two calico cats that couldnt be nicer to plug the loss. curry and sprite were sisters and they were incredibly cute. then one day sprite got ran over.


since then curry has gotten fat and is very unhealthy. i dont know if that relates to her loss or what but we had to put my cat on a diet. since then i adopted squirrels whos mother had died. we had the cutest little group of 4 squirrels for a few weeks. then we had to release them into the wild when they were big enough. i still miss those little fellas.


I thank that problem you've got whith your cat I think it's related with the loss of your other cat. I'm sorry that Sprite got ran over and I can understand your pain, also about getting the squirrels back to the wild.:cry8:


Thanks for your reply Darth Talliusc:duel:

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